
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 21, 2014

Tragedy to Unite Us?

We are all in pain, in sorrow and also growing in anger at the senseless killing of innocent lives... And this is not only about MH17 but also in the Middle East, in Gaza, in Syria, in Iraq, in Afghanistan.

But the death of those on board MH17 is the one that affects us in Malaysia as we have not come to grip with the still mysterious loss of MH370 and the recent kidnappings in Sabah.

Many are using the MH17 tragedy to call for unity, to heal the rift that seems to be tearing apart our community, our social fabric and our nation.

It's ironical we are using tragedies and sports too as a needed spark to douse the many fires that have been set by arsonists, the racist and extreme right as well as religious bigots. And we know if there's a fire, you get cops, the medical team and also the fire personnel at the scene.

There are some who even try and use the threat of tragedy to gain victory over others bring up the ghost of May 13...call it reminder or whatever it is still some veil threat nonetheless. 

However, the sad thing about the racial and religious fires smouldering in BolehLand are choking the society worse than the haze that inflict us. At least the haze does clear but in BolehLand there seem a permanent rancid smell of toxic fumes emitting from the mouths and actions of right wing politicians, NGOs and overzealous religious bodies behaving very Godlike these days...and we hope not taking inspiration from the ISIS fellows that a leader of the ruling party want its members to emulate!!!

At a fire scene you often have the police personnel lending a hand to control the crowd to enable those who should be fighting the fire to do their job. In Bolelahd, the security apparatus are seen to be siding with the 'arsonists' allowing them to scorch our beloved land with their double standard enforcement of the law!!!

Why do we rely on tragedies to unite us but give a free hand to the 'arsonists' to continue to burn away civility, tolerance and unity that many subscribe to?

Should we not stop and send the buk to destroy those who want to tear us apart?

So while politicians and NGOs ask us to rally to be united in this tragedy, why not they examine their actions and stop tearing our communities, society and nation apart?

And not all those who died are Malaysians...Which is really cruel to involve people of other countries to die so that we can be united when we ourselves are buking our own backyard huh?

So pray we do not look for future tragedies to unite us while we ourselves are being at war with each other to inflict as much tragedy on this or that race, or this or that religion or this or that language and all those senseless possibilities to divide us just and show our greed to cling on to or get power.

Let us not look beyond our borders or to sea or to the sky for bodies to rain down so that we can be awaken to the own warzone we ouirselves are making in our own backyard can?

We need to stop creating our own tragedy that seem to occur each day.... Let's hope as we unite behind our leaders to seek justice for the MH17 tragedy, the same leaders would also rule justly to prevent further tragedies in BolehLand being created by politicians, zealots, far right and far left NGOs, even the civil service and the security apparatus.  

Let us never forget we are the ones to be blamed if we continue to allow politicians and opportunists to stir up fires to want tragedy to befall us - so that we can stay united huh? -YAHMEH!!!

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