
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 21, 2014

WAKE UP, IT'S NOW MH17 NOT 370! Najib & Co sleep on while Malaysia has NIGHTMARES

WAKE UP, IT'S NOW MH17 NOT 370! Najib & Co sleep on while M'sia has NIGHTMARES
The MH17 tragedy must be a final wake up call to all Malaysians – civil servants, private sectors, NGOs, civil society, religious leaders and politicians.
We have not even come out of the MH370 crisis. We have not even ensured that transparent justice is served for the inhuman blasting of the late Altantuya. We have not even resolved and atoned for the sins of granting fly-by-night citizenship to migrants.
We are not learning anything from the pirate attacks on fuel-laden ships off our coastlines. We do not seem to be gaining any relief from Mat Rempits and snatch thieves on motorbikes.
Our highways and town roads are filled with inconsiderate and dangerously threatening road users often harboring as potential road bullies.
The Abu-Sayyaf acts of terrorism and ransom demands and the long-dragging southern Thailand unrest are not waking Malaysians up as yet.
Life here in Malaysia is all about my job, my salary, my profits, my cuts, my palatial dwelling, my cars, my lifestyles.
Soon we will be preparing to mark 57 years since 1957 – our sovereign pride as an independent and self-ruled nation.
But our political landscape is riddled with divisiveness and fueled with battle-plotting race and religious animosity and suspicions.
Amidst all these, this totally unwanted MH17 tragedy sends a spine-chilling message i.e. that Malaysians must wake up.
Grieving MH17 next of kin
A nation over-divided by bad politics
We need to be seen as one nation. We need to feel as one nation. We need to be a one nation in thought, word and deed.
Slogans will not do the magic for as long as power struggles within political party corridors are a top priority. Any amount of plugging on brain drains cannot be the miracle for as long as we continue to believe that affirmative policies are the magic for a future.
Somewhere somehow we seem to be failing in so many ways. The fact that the wage earners are struggling to make ends meet is a clear sign that all the developments and mantras of economic progress are not holding us through in the wake of so many unpredictable unfolding of fragile global scenarios.
Suppose a world war breaks out, how will Malaysians brace themselves? Have we given thought to the food and medical supplies that will certainly be the first to buckle when sporadic flash-wars break out between so many countries across the oceans?
We do not even have escape shelters and underground anti-air raid bunkers to save our little ones and elderly. We do not even have plots of backyard land to ensure daily supply of vegetables in times of war.
How will we even deal with the over four million migrant labor who have zero allegiance to a country that they came to just for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? We refuse to learn anything from our ‘water-village’ monstrocity!
Nothing can go wrong... continue to bring on Perkasa, Isma, Utusan, Umno thugs and so on
Well our setback is our national mindset. We always think nothing can go wrong for us Malaysians. We always think that it cannot be that bad.
But we are bleeding silently without our ability to come to terms with reliable crisis mindset and capability. All we are interested is waging seeming psy-wars on religion and race in our own yard.
All the financial strapping that we comfort ourselves with will not help; all the yarn we spin about having the world’s longest ruling political party cannot pop up as premium in times of serious disasters.
We need a national will. We need a citizenry that unites not through tolerance but by acceptance of our diversities. We need to think as a democratic nation not a feuding, feudalistic political potpourri of parties.
This then must be the current prime minister of Malaysia’s top most priority. We have lost time. We have been warned episode after episode of disasters. The season for preaching is fast approaching an end. It is time to act.
Malaysians must wake up. We need to decide what we want and how we want to be should a world war break up. And that agenda should have begun yesterday. The ball now rests in our very own yards of conscience and clear thinking.
Malaysia the country needs leadership. Malaysians - the people, need to re-discover their soul. - MAILBAG

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