
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 6, 2014

What the DPM said – OMG!

1. As reported in Utusan Melayu today, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said "the race riots that had erupted on May 13, 1969 can be repeated if the breakup of the citizens cannot be contained while the Constitution continues to be questioned".
Which part of the Constitution is being questioned? It is a crime to question entrenched provisions of the Constitution.
However, the correct implementation of certain provisions of the Constitution can, I believe, be questioned, according to Article 10(4) of the Constitution.
For example, Malays, Chinese and Indians form the population of both Malaysia and one of its former states, the Republic of Singapore.
Singapore was given the red card by Malaysia in 1965 and had to make its own way. With a sixth of Malaysia's human resources and 1/500 of its land, and no oil, gas and other natural resources, World Bank Figures show that Singapore's GDP has kept pace with Malaysia for the last 20 years, overtook Malaysia's for three years 1998-2000 and in 2013 was 95.4% of Malaysia's. Baby David became economically as strong as giant Goliath.
Should not one question why? Is talk of race riots the chief response to poor performance?
2. "The Deputy Prime Minister said the current dispute has become a habit when one criticizes the other races and the act is contrary to the customs, culture and morality of the people of this country."
Which specific criticism is he referring to, and by whom, that has become a habit?
Is he referring to those calling the Malaysian Chinese "penceroboh" or trespassers, calling Malaysian Indians and Malaysian Chinese "pendatangs"  or immigrants, when many have been here for over 100 years and longer even than some who call themselves bumiputras?
What customs, culture and morality is it that approves physically intruding into the midst of a wedding ceremony and interrogating the bride, demanding to see her identity papers and then taking her away, resplendent in all her bridal finery, for further interrogation?
What customs, culture and morality are those that deem it 'normal" to barge into the prayers for the recently departed, load the corpse onto a waiting truck and disappear, only to reappear two days later after a Court has, at the application of the deceased family, granted an order that the removal of the body was improper and it should be returned immediately?
What culture, customs and morality are those that sanction the confiscation from the Bible Society of Malaysia's (BSM) premises of 321 new Bibles written in the National Language (which language policy has been made a crime to criticise) or in the language of the Iban minority of East Malaysia, and those Bibles are still missing after the Attorney-General's direction that no law was broken by the BSM?
And what culture, customs and morality gives certain institutions such hubris that they insist on keeping the Bibles or calling for their destruction and defy the A-G's direction on the matter, because they claim to be responsible only to God?
3. "He said people need to censor any news or rumours heard on the Internet because not all submitted is true and even the government cannot control the whole."
Thank God this government cannot control the whole internet!
Who kept the Search and Rescue for MH370 continuing for eight long days in the sea off Vietnam when military radar had detected the aircraft (sans transponders) making a turn-back and flying back through Malaysian airspace early on March 8?
This made China and Vietnam angry and began to create a worldwide disbelief in news put out by the Malaysian government.
Who or what failed to make the RMAF scramble jets which is military Standard Operating Procedure when the unidentified plane re-entered and passed through Malaysian airspace on March 8?
Why did Minister of Defence Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein make a facetious reply to the Australian interviewer that no jets were scrambled "because then we would have to shoot down the plane"?
Had the Malaysian fighters been sent up, the location of MH370 would have been known, bringing closure for the families and saving hundreds of millions of USD.
Till today, the location is unknown and the search continues. Yet, there is not an iota of culpability admitted by the air force or the Ministry of Defence, who seem protected by a large, invisible umbrella. Instead, new radar equipment and systems is being talked about while the non-activation of the old equipment is a non-event.
4. Malaysians of all races want peace and, with few exceptions, other than the determined troublemakers, can get on with each other. Look at the Malays, Indians and Chinese peacefully lining up in the morning to buy their "fix" of nasi lemak from the Malay lady by the roadside or at the market. We have had almost 200 years to learn to get along and we do get along.
The creators of 60-year-old communalistic parties, who cannot see any other way of doing business, are the ones at their wit's end. They have succeeded in bringing progress of a sort, but in doing so, have become failures because they are unable to evolve themselves.
What will happen to them? If their only solution is to talk darkly of riots, and foment frictions through proxies, this means they really have become useless. Better to put themselves out of misery.
With 47% of the votes at GE13, they should have only 104 MP's and not 134 as at present.
Essentially, we have a lame-duck administration until the people's choice does get reflected in the number of MPs. Let us hope that will materialize at GE14, on or before May 2018.                     
In the meantime, please take a good, hard look at the Man in the Mirror and let us not hear of riots or rumours of riots.

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