
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 20, 2014


Okay, so Malays think that MAS is cursed because it serves liquor on its flights. What then is the reason why those people who are prostrating with their heads to the ground in front of the Ka’ba trampled to death? Is it because the Ka’ba is cursed? Maybe that is why the rebels in Syria and Iraq said that once they take over Mekah they are going to demolish the Ka’ba, because it is cursed.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
The wife of a DAP Penang State Assemblyman insinuated that the reason MAS has seen two plane tragedies within the space of a few months is because Malaysia is a rotten country. If Malaysia is such a rotten country why is she still living in Malaysia? If I thought that Malaysia was a rotten country I would leave the country — not that I actually did leave the country because I think that Malaysia is a rotten country.
I am saying this not because this person is Chinese. If this person were Malay I would still say the same thing. I would say fuck you Melayu! If you think that Malaysia is a fucking rotten country and that is why we have been cursed with two plane tragedies then leave the bloody country. Go and live somewhere else, Melayu bodoh!
DAP is the same political party that one of its leaders said if they had been in charge of searching for the missing MH370 they would have found the plane within 24 hours. More than a dozen countries with far better experience and far better technology could not find the missing plane but DAP can find it within 24 hours.
What fucking crap!
Then some Malays said that the reason this happened is because MAS serves liquor on board its flights. Many airlines from other Muslim countries also serve liquor on their flights. And, of course, airlines from non-Muslim countries also do the same. Why has God singled out just MAS to punish for serving liquor on its flights? Why did God not similarly punish any of the other airlines, especially those from other Muslim countries, for the sin of serving liquor on its flights?
Is Malaysia so special? Is Malaysia being especially chosen by God to punish for serving liquor on its flights? Why is this punishment reserved only for Malaysia while all other countries are exempted from this punishment?
This reminds me of the Asian Tsunami of ten years ago where many countries around the Indian Ocean suffered a huge death toll. Some Malays said that Aceh was being punished because they refuse to implement Islamic laws, a.k.a. Hudud. Now, of course, they have since done so. So I suppose we can expect Aceh to be free of calamities, catastrophes and disasters until the end of time.
Aceh is now probably the best place in the world to live because it is going to be like Shangri-La. I bet you won’t even suffer from cancer if you live in Aceh since that country is no longer cursed but is blessed because it has now implemented God’s law.
These Malays even circulated post-Tsunami photographs of the area showing it is totally flattened except for just one mosque that still remained standing. Everything other than this one mosque was totally destroyed. This, they said, is proof that this is God’s punishment. Hence God destroyed everything except for His ‘house’, the mosque.
The fact that the mosque was built of thick concrete while all the other ramshackle buildings around that mosque were built from timber and plywood never crossed these people’s minds. God destroyed everything except for the mosque not because the mosque was sturdier but because God would certainly spare His own ‘house’.
I wonder why the more than 2,000 Israeli rockets that were shot into Gaza since last week also hit some mosques and many people praying to God in those mosques were killed. Did God not want to spare the Gaza mosques like he did the one in Aceh? Or is it because God controlled the Tsunami since it was an ‘act of God’ while because the 2,000 Israeli rockets were an act of man and not an act of God then God has no control over what those rockets hit?
Then there are Umno Malays who say that Malaysia is cursed with the loss of two planes in just a few months because the country is cursed. And the country is cursed because we have Najib Tun Razak as our Prime Minister.
Are these Umno Malays saying that if Anwar Ibrahim instead of Najib were the Prime Minister then the MH370 and MH17 tragedies would not have happened? Or are they saying that Malaysia would still be cursed unless Muhyiddin Yassin takes over as Prime Minister.
Israel has a Prime Minister whose name sounds like an Internet search engine. And they have never lost any planes. And he is a Jew. Is Israel, therefore, blessed since they have not lost any planes? It appears like many countries with Muslims as their leaders are cursed if we go by the turmoil and huge loss of life in these countries.
Maybe this is the problem. Maybe if we appoint a Jew instead of a Muslim as Malaysia’s leader then we would no longer be cursed. Do you think we should consider having a Jew as Malaysia’s Prime Minister and wash away what some Chinese said is the country’s seweh (bad karma)?
Yes, Hindus and even some Buddhists believe in karma. And they have posted comments in Malaysia Today to remind me that karma does exist and that Malaysia does not have good karma. Sri Lanka is a country populated by Hindus and Buddhists. But they still kill each other by the thousands. So where is this Hindu and Buddhist karma you are talking about? How come Sri Lanka also has bad karma in spite of the Hindus and Buddhists who are peaceful and non-violent and do not kill any living things, not even animals, like the Muslims do?
Yes, we must be good Muslims. We must not anger God. God loves people who are good. Then Muslims go to Mekah and get trampled to death right in front of ‘God’s House’, the Ka’ba, as they pray to God.
That’s right. Muslims go to visit God’s House. They prostrate on the ground with their heads planted on the marble floor. They pray to God and ask for forgiveness. And God answers their prayers by allowing hundreds of people to trample their bodies into pulp.
Okay, so Malays think that MAS is cursed because it serves liquor on its flights. What then is the reason why those people who are prostrating with their heads to the ground in front of the Ka’ba trampled to death? Is it because the Ka’ba is cursed? Maybe that is why the rebels in Syria and Iraq said that once they take over Mekah they are going to demolish the Ka’ba, because it is cursed.
I think if they have nothing worthwhile to say these people should just shut the fuck up — those Malays who say that Malaysia is cursed, those Chinese who say that Malaysia is seweh, and those Indians who say that Malaysia has bad karma.
And what are the Christians now going to say? All these bad things happening to Malaysia is because we refuse to allow Christians to use the word Allah? Maybe we should allow the Christians to use Allah lest more MAS planes fall out of the sky.
Kepala otak lah!

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