
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 11, 2014

Who is actually threatening the Malays and Islam?

Racist and extremist groups, most of them believed linked to Umno, the dominant party of the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN), have been continuously claiming that the Malay community and Islam are under threat. They use this to constantly urge Malay Muslims nationwide to come forward in order to “defend” their special rights at all costs.

The question here is, who is actually threatening the Malays and Islam in particular? As we all know, the Malay Muslim community forms the majority in Malaysia. Islam has been enshrined in our Federal Constitution as the official religion in the federation and nobody can dispute this.

Furthermore, it is also very clear that Umno has been ruling our nation uninterrupted since our nation achieved its independence in 1957. Under Umno’s governance, the New Economic Policy (NEP) was introduced and a number of Malay and Bumiputera first policies were implemented to guide and develop the community to be on par with the development and socio-economy of our nation.

Even when the NEP expired formally in the 90s, Umno leaders insisted on continuing with the policy, claiming that the equities of the Malay community have yet to achieve the targeted 30 per cent. So, Umno, its leaders and their cronies continue to enjoy the fruits of NEP until today.

Many facts are already here right in front of us. The Malay Muslim majority, apart from being dominant in the government politically, also controls the civil service, government-linked-companies (GLCs), military and security agencies, powerful banks, independent power producers and many industrialised sectors.

Apart from controlling the establishment, the Malay Muslim majority also dominates the opposition front Pakatan Rakyat, which currently rivals the ruling BN government in the parliament and state legislative assemblies. This community proves to be the most powerful in our nation.

In the day-to-day affairs at Putrajaya, Umno has been the most powerful decision maker. All its BN coalition partners accept and support all Umno policies laid down for the nation.

Racist and extremist groups like Perkasa, Isma, Jati, Muafakat and PPIM have been claiming continuously that the Malays and Islam are under threat and that the community has been constantly under attack by someone out there. From whom, how and why? These are the questions that they have yet to answer until today.

If the Malay Muslim group forms the majority in the country and the most powerful and dominant political party in the government is also from this community, how come the Malays and Islam are still under threat? From whom and where did all these so-called threats originate?

Why are all those racist and extremist groups bent on blaming others for their insecurity to the extent of threatening to behead people? Don’t they realise that Umno has been in power for decades and the ruling party has been so powerful all the time?

These racist and religious bigots could claim whatever they want, but only the most ignorant would believe them. The level-headed people would never take their words seriously because they know these racists and extremists are mere troublemakers with no real direction and concern for the country.

Far from protecting the Malays and Islam, these rabble-rousers in Perkasa, Isma, Jati and Muafakat are actually doing a disservice to their community because they don’t stand to reason and are thus insulting the good Malays in the majority.

The insults, threats and hatred that all these racists and extremists spew are not archetypes of the good Allah-fearing men at all. All of us have many Muslim friends of Malay, Indian and Pakistani descent and we never have any problem with that.

One thing for sure is that the Malays and Islam are very much secure in this nation and those from Perkasa, Isma, Jati and Muafakat were continuously unleashed for the sole purpose of keeping everyone fighting, so that worries, tensions and disunity continue.

The idea is to make everyone forget the real problems facing our nation -- corruption, power abuse and mismanagement that are fast draining our coffers.

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