
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Would Mah be picked to head an Islamic board?

YOURSAY 'It’s Hindu Endowment Board and not Indian Endowment Board.'

Gerakan raps 'un-Malaysian' Ramasamy

Malaccan: Is Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang suddenly interested in being Malaysian now because his party president is given the position to oversee the Hindu Endowment Board (HEB)?

I agree that race shouldn't be a factor but in this case it is religion, not race. The HEB handles issues that are related to adherents of Hinduism. Is Mah a Hindu? If he is, say so, and everyone will support him to take up that post.

It is Tan Keng Liang who is not showing a Malaysian spirit by trying to cloud the issue that his president is not suitable for the position, not because of his race but because Mah is presumed not a Hindu.

Is there really a necessity for a minister to hold that post? If it is, then isn't there a Hindu minister available? If it is not necessary for a minister, then appoint a Hindu from outside the cabinet.

Mah's appointment is either a vote of no confidence on the capability of Hindu ministers or deputy ministers, or the PM realises and accepts that none of them are neither respected enough nor accepted by our Hindu citizens.

CQ Muar: Tan, Penang DCM P Ramasamy's statement did not touch on race; he merely implied there are capable and competent Indians available - why should a newly-minted Chinese minister be tasked to handle it instead (it’s a blatant insult).

Anonymous #38598833: The issue here is the Hindu Endowment Board and not Indian Endowment Board. It is related to religion, therefore it is only appropriate for a Hindu to take charge.

Banzai: The Hindu Endowment Board is a Hindu matter and it is a shame that a non-Hindu is appointed to look into their affairs.

Shame on you, MIC. It shows that you have failed the Indians vis-à-vis the Hindus. What would Gerakan minister Mah Siew Keong know about Hindu religion?

Appum: All elected lawmakers should look after all regardless of race. But when it comes to religion, what for example would a Muslim know about Zen Buddhism?

MacMac: Would Gerakan/MCA allow an Indian to be in charge of Chinese temples? Answer this first before you say it is un-Malaysian.

Retnam: Why does Mah have to appoint Ivanpal S Grewal and Manimaran Muthu as secretaries for this purpose? Is this not being racist?

Why not appoint Ching King Kong and Hasbulah Hibulahudin as the secretaries to handle the Hindu's affairs?

RZC: Tan is a supreme idiot. 'Indian' and 'Hindu' are as different as 'Chinese' and 'Buddhist' Maybe an Indian should be in charge of Buddhist affairs?

This is so stupid because one does not need a parliamentarian to look after these affairs. It should fall within the state.

Nay: If Tan is right, then why not appoint Mah to look after Islamic boards, such as Jais or Mais? Multiracial, my foot. First at least appoint a non-Malay as a GLC (government-linked company) head.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Would an Islamic organisation tolerate a Hindu, Buddhists, or heaven forbid, a Christian to be in charge of its affairs? This argument cuts two ways, buddy.

Malaysia Maju: Indeed, can Mah look after Islamic departments? Or can Ramasamy look after Chinese temple matters? The PM has created a ministerial post with no job to do, so he is just allocating whatever petty jobs that come along. Wake up, Gerakan.

Louis: Tan said the concept of race is no longer applicable as a Malaysian is expected to take care of every other Malaysian, regardless of race or religious community.

Tan, you spoke like a statesman, but it rings pretty hollow in Umno's context. If truly what you said is applied, why can't the minister of defence, finance, home affairs or education be given to MCA or Gerakan MPs?

Does it mean Gerakan and MCA ministers are so stupid that they are not capable of helming these portfolios? You are talking nonsense. Mah's post is just a post created to appease people like you who are scrounging for crumbs left over by Umno.

RKR: Tan, can you tell “concept of race is no longer applicable” to Perkasa, Isma, Zulkifli Noordin or even the Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and the inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar?

You are so obedient like a dog towards them, but you bark at Ramasamy.

Anonymous_1Ingrate: Gerakan, you talk illogically and don't make any sense. You try to get a Chinese to look after Malay/Muslim interests.

Gerakan has got no guts to dare suggest this to Umno. You are all there in the cabinet at their pleasure and generosity. You take whatever post Umno dishes out to you.

Sleepy: It is an insult if the president of a party is given such a portfolio. This means the party and its members are also viewed as insignificant. -Mkini

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