
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, December 22, 2014

Anwar Ibrahim heads list of Malaysia's top 10 human rights ABUSERS???

Anwar Ibrahim heads list of Malaysia's top 10 human rights ABUSERS???
While the benign, democratic, liberal BN government has been trying its best to protect our freedoms, there are many selfish politicians out there who abuse those very freedoms in their attempt to take over Putrajaya and install a fascist regime.
God help us if they succeed. No longer will we have freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of conscience and all the other freedoms that we have been enjoying since our country achieved independence. Our judiciary will no longer be free, the Attorney-General will dance to every tune they play and the police department, instead of being the independent, professional and effective crime fighting force that it is now, will be spying on the opposition BN politicians.
Here is a rogue’s gallery of the top ten would-be dictators.
PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim
anwar-ibrahimAnwar is the most dangerous man in the country. He is every democratic government’s nightmare. He is a CIA and Mossad agent and the most lecherous man alive. As if all that is not despicable enough, he is a Christian sympathizer and he reads the Bible.
He is also probably the richest man in the country, and he made his billions through corruption, of course. Every time he schedules a ceramah or rally, his agents fan out across the country paying tons of money for people to turn up. Luckily, Malaysians like you and me are a smart lot because of the excellent education that the government has provided us. We take the money and go to his functions by the thousands. But no matter how loudly we try to boo him off the stage, he is so thick skinned that he just goes on speaking.
All the problems that the country faces can be traced to Anwar. One wonders why the government never charges him with any crime.
DAP leader Lim Kit Siang
Kit-Siang1Lim is a schizophrenic who likes to accuse others of being like him. He is a running dog who likes to pee on flagpoles.
He is also a doomsday soothsayer who is forever warning everyone who cares to listen that the sky will fall and Malaysia will be doomed if BN continues to rule. He will oppose everything that BN proposes for the sake of opposing.
He has this silly notion that we are secular nation, even though we are clearly not, as we have so many religions.
He really thinks that we should call ourselves Malaysians, instead of Malay, Chinese or Indian. He actually thinks that the Chinamen and Kelings ought to have the same rights as the supreme race.
He is a constant pain in the neck, frightening the public with his wild imagination and accusing the government of making time bombs when the country is so peaceful and every citizen is so financially secure.
PAS Deputy President Mohamad Sabu
Mohamad SabuMat Sabu is a communist as well as a secret admirer of Ayatollah Khomeini and a Syiah activist. He denies that he is the biggest hindrance to Malay unity, but who is he trying to fool? The fact that he believes in a welfare state proves that he wants equality for all, not just the Malays. How sick can one get?
Worst of all, he thinks he’s more handsome than Ibrahim Ali.
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng
Lim_Guan_Eng3This pervert thinks he is a knight in shining armour who saves damsels in distress. Gerakan thinks he will run Penang to the ground if he continues to rule the island any longer. And if you can’t believe Gerakan, who can you believe? After all, it’s a party of intellectuals, economists and technocrats that has never experienced any internal turmoil.
Penang is known to be the worst managed state in the federation with a high deficit and an intolerable human rights situation with daily demonstrations, racial instability, runaway property prices, prime land being sold at ridiculously low prices, minority Mamaks losing their economic competitiveness and Chin Peng posters at Gurney Drive.
The Penang CAT administration is also a total failure. It cannot even manage car parks.
DAP MP Tony Pua
Tony Pua_1This guy seems to have a lot of time on his hands, poking his nose around and illegally digging into other people’s closets looking for skeletons. Now he is hounding our poor, hardworking Prime Minister, trying to make a big deal out of 1MDB. Why make such a big fuss over a debt of a mere RM42 billion?
When the Prime Minister is not in the country, Pua the troublemaker will try to pick fights with Deputy Finance Minister Ahmad Maslan. He thinks he can mess with the highly intelligent and forthright Ahmad, who has all the facts with him to beat Pua at his own game.
PAS MP Khalid Samad
Khalid SamadKhalid is another great threat to the human rights of liberal and humanist groups like Umno, Perkasa and ISMA. He visits diabolical places like churches and supports fascist celebrations like Oktoberfest and Halloween.
He should try to project a more moderate image like the current PAS Youth leader, who has become the overnight hero for all right-thinking Malaysians.
PKR MP Nurul Izzah Anwar
Nurul Izzah AnwarThis pretty face has got nothing in her head except to sow chaos. In 2008, she won the Lembah Pantai seat through sheer trickery, getting thousands of Bangladeshis to vote for her. In 2013, she did the same, only this time she used Nepalis instead of Bangladeshis.
She spells trouble for Malay unity and threatens our peace by playing the guitar.
She has even called the human rights movement Perkasa a fascist monster and dared the Perkasa chief, the eminent Malay hero Ibrahim Ali, to an open debate, only to be rebuffed for being insolent.
It boggles the mind why some people actually think that she could the brightest hope for Malaysia’s future and that she is Prime Minister material. Luckily, the nation still has exemplary leaders like Mukhriz Mahathir and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who will continue to be the people’s choice for PM one day.
PKR MP Rafizi Ramli
rafizi-ramliThis bright eyed and sweet smiling chap thinks he is a whistleblower extraordinaire. He seems to get a thrill out of lying about so-called Umno scandals and government misdeeds, but is strangely silent on the rampant corruption and shameful scandals in Pakatan Rakyat.
His jealousy knows no bounds. He always finds something to attack – government grant scandal, MOSTI, 1MDB, NFC, indelible ink, LRT and many others, deliberately disturbing people trying to make an honest living. Many people hope that he will choke on his whistle one day.
PKR MP Tian Chua
Tian ChuaIf Tian Chua is not biting his own fingernails, he will be biting people’s ears. He likes to join demonstrations to make a fool of himself, mocking the government’s policies or insulting the intelligence of the police. He has been arrested and charged numerous times, but the charges never stick because the government is a stickler for human rights.
DAP debutante Dyana Sofia Mohd Daud
dyana sofyaSeriously, what is a sweet young thing like Dyana trying to prove by cavorting with DAP, when she could be a member of Puteri Umno, discussing “masak-masak” or helping to initiate a cyber war to counter the advances of the Red Bean Army?
Too young and too ambitious, running around in skimpy swimsuits, she attempted to contest the Teluk Intan seat only to be soundly defeated by a Gerakan giant, the charming Mah.
It is regrettable that her decision to stick with DAP has caused many misguided Malay youths to think that it is perfectly okay for them to join that communist party instead of sticking with the ever popular, clean, and incorruptible Umno. - FMT


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