
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Ahmad Shabery Cheek - A Star Being Born?

This is the THIRD time in as many weeks that the Minister of Communications & Multimedia Dato Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek is saying the right things.  

During the floods, Shabery Cheek's hometown of  Kemaman (Kemamang) in Terengganu was touted as being the "gold standard" in flood relief operations. You can read Joceline Tan's write up here.  It was due to the precise planning by one of Shabery's henchmen and Shabery himself of course.

From The Star - Top notch: Kemaman was so well prepared that the flood management team managed to build three basic helicopter landing pads in strategic areas.Ahmad Shabery (forefront) is shown here in Seberang Tayor helping to unload provisions from an army helicopter.

Today Shabery Cheek has commented rationally and intelligently about the teenage girls at that K Pop concert.  I think we should congratulate Ahmad Shabery Cheek for his level headedness. Here is the story from The Star again :

  • KUALA LUMPUR: Those involved in the K-pop fiasco last weekend should be given counselling and advice as what had happened on stage was spontaneous, says Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek.
  • The Communications and Multimedia Minister said incidents involving audience often happen out of spontaneity and difficult to manage.
  • "That is the best option," he told reporters
  • Ahmad Shabery said a punitive measure was not necessary for every unfavourable incident.
  • "I believe in Islam, being a preacher is better than being 'qadi' (a judge) or a punisher in everything," he added.
Syabas Dato Seri.  Its about time that a Cabinet Minister spoke up positively about this matter.  

Also where is the proof against those girls? One retard  said 'Video itu besi'. He was referring to a sex video starring one of his party colleagues. 

Another retard wanted his homosexual case tried in the Syariah Court because he believes that you must bring four male witnesses of good character (ie Muslim males who have not missed three consecutive 'sembahyang Jumaat' or Friday prayers in a row) to bear witness that he was involved in homosexuality.  

If no "four male witnesses of good character" then of course no case.

Borrowing their logic, in this K-Pop case shouldnt there also be four male witnesses of good character, (ie Muslim males who have not missed three consecutive 'sembahyang Jumaat' or Friday prayers in a row) to justify the accusation against these young kids? 

(But if they were males of good character what were they doing at a K Pop concert?) 

Surah 24:4  "And those who launch a charge against chaste women (muhsanaati), and produce not four witnesses (to support their allegations) - flog them with eighty stripes; and reject their evidence ever after: for such men are wicked transgressors"

In Malay :  "Dan orang-orang yang melemparkan tuduhan kepada perempuan yang terpelihara kehormatannya (muhsanaati), kemudian mereka tidak membawakan empat orang saksi, maka sebatlah mereka delapan puluh kali sebat; dan janganlah kamu menerima persaksian mereka itu selama-lamanya; kerana mereka adalah orang-orang yang fasik"

This verse in the Quran is specific to women. Muhsanaati (rooted in the word 'hasana' - hasan)  means good.  So if you launch an accusation against women who are good or chaste or of good character and do not bring FOUR witnesses to prove your allegations, then the accusers must be whipped 80 times. 

Ini bukan saya cakap ok. Ini Al Quran yang cakap.  Unless of course you say 'Video itu bukan besi'. 

Anyway congratulations to Ahmad Shabery Cheek. Thats the point I am trying to make.

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