
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, January 18, 2015

ALTANTUYA MURDER & THE NAJIB LINK: The whole world smells a COVER UP including Australia

ALTANTUYA MURDER & THE NAJIB LINK: The whole world smells a COVER UP including Australia
Going by the public’s expressed chatter and overflow of social media comments, it certainly appears that the Altantuya murder mystery is still not resolved beyond reasonable doubt despite the lengthy years and even after the final court verdict to send the two highly trained UTK policemen bodyguards of the elite to the gallows.
Instead, what we are witnessing and much to our national embarrassment is that the gruesome murder of the Mongolian citizen is apparently torpedoing the credibility of the judiciary and police image into the social mediascape for a verdict.
The hooding of the two trained bodyguards who are now on death row has not helped the suspicion in the social sphere. The post-court verdict release of the photos of the two charged guilty has instead fueled suspicion and speculation to higher notches.
And the credibility issue of the judiciary and police is taking a further bashing from amongst netizens when it is now revealed that one of the charged murderers not only did not appear in court but is said to have fled to Australia even though he was serving bail.
The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib and his spouse Datin Seri Dr. Rosmah Mansor must save this nation of the serious embarrassment that now even seems to have catapulted to cast a shadow threatening the credibility of our impeccable courts and respected police force.
Why the prime minister and his spouse?
Simply because we cannot go on and on ignoring the netizens concerns that are flooding the new media scape and given their arguments and suspicions raised over the way the murder case was managed, dealt with and the new developments surrounding the crime.
Given Najib’s leadership capability and Rosmah’s unwavering fidelity to raise a whole new generation of world class citizens, there can be no better person or persons who can step forward to help Malaysians to ensure that credibility is returned to our national honor
At some point too even the entire political band wagon of supporters must come to realize that silence is not the panacea. We need to deal with this haunting murder in a manner that returns to this nation the accolades that were the shining armor of our judiciary and the police.
Once we have the truth – the whole truth and nothing but the truth out in the open, we can be rest assured that all the false messengers and speculators will be coffined up for good, allowing the judiciary and the police to redeem their glory and move on.
And the cornerstone of that truth is:
For the court it has to be able to establish the motive of this most embarrassing and dastardly crime and not sweep in under the carpet of justice.
And for the police to provide acceptable justifications as to why the two implicated and now charged murderers were hooded up all through the case whereas only now file photos of them are being released; and to answer without any shades of grey, how one of the murderers – despite being on bail, could end up in a country that does not allow extradition for those facing a death sentence.
Hence only our dear prime minister can summon and ensure that all corners to the letter are covered by all relevant quarters who are charged with flying our national flag high to redeem our national credibility; and Rosmah who has always stood by her husband, ensure she speaks to Najib on our concerned behalf.
This seems then to be the only avenue to resolve a horrible murder as all our other leaders and followers choose to either shy away, pretend not to know or remain tight lipped in addressing the overflow of netizens’ concerns that main stream media will continue to avoid with long pole. - MAILBAG

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