
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Did The French Terrorists Visit Malaysia Or Not?

Radicalised: Hayat Boumeddiene (left) pictured with her husband Amedy Coulibaly (right) who is one of the three terrorists who brought France to a halt in 48 hours of bloodshed

Media reports from France say that the terrorist couple Amedy Coulibaly and his wife Hayat Boumidienne had visited Malaysia "for a holiday" in 2010.

I assume that judicial documents means official documents arising out of investigations by the police and other state authorities in France. They say they found pictures and films of the couple in Malaysia.

A photograph of the couple at the KLCC for example or walking along Jalan Bukit Bintang would be evidence enough that they were in Malaysia. A video would be even more compelling.

Yesterday the IGP Tan Sri Khalid said that the French couple had not visited Malaysia. He said there were no Immigration records of the two ever coming to Malaysia. This is from The Star :

Actually this is quite worrrying. During the MH370 tragedy we found out that two Iranians had boarded the MH370 using fake passports.

It is well known that Malaysia is a transit point and even a recruitment center for international terrorists. 

Some of the 9-11 terrorists had passed through Malaysia and even planned part of the attack in Malaysia. The infamous 'shoebomber' had also visited Malaysia. Abu Bakar Bashir the godfather of the Indonesian Jemaah Islamiyah terrorists was a PR here. The list goes on and on.  Now the ISIS is recruiting jihadis from Malaysia. 51 have been arrested so far by our counter terrorism unit (congratulations boys - tahniah besar). 

So how do we know that Amedy Coulibaly abd Hayat Boumidienne did not enter Malaysia using false passports?

And if those pictures and films mentioned by those French judicial documents are correct, it means this couple did enter Malaysia. And they must have entered using fake passports.

Which means that they did not come here just for a holiday. The girl also lost her job (as a cashier) and the guy was not exactly holding a 9-5 job with a high salary. 

So how could they afford to travel to Malaysia? Air Asia does not fly to France.

How did they get the money to buy Kalashnikov AK47s, Tokarev pistols and an M82 rocket launcher with a rocket already loaded inside? These things cost a lot of money.

Maybe they came to Malaysia to meet other terrorist operatives to plan their money supplies, arms networks as well as recruitment networks? Who knows? Malaysia is indeed a "rest area" for all sorts of terrorists.

Even the jihadi 'shoe bomber' Richard Reid had links to Malaysia. Dont believe me? Read this.These are Court proceedings from New York
"A former al-Qa’ida whistleblower, a UK national, told a United States court last week that four to five Malaysian men had been planning to hijack a plane and had obtained a bomb hidden in a shoe to blow open the cockpit door.

The video link evidence from the man, Saajid Badat, was revealed in the trial in New York of Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, Osama bin Laden’s son-in-law.

Badat, who failed to follow through a plot to use shoe bombs to blow up European flights, told the court: “I gave one of my shoes to the Malaysians. I think it was to access the cockpit.”

Badat had also made a similar claim in court in 2012. 

Badat, a British-born Muslim from Gloucester, said that he had been instructed to make shoe bombs at the terrorist training camp by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the principal architect of 9/11. Badat said that he had met the Malaysia jihadists in Afghanistan, disclosing to the court that one of them was a pilot, and he had given them a shoe bomb to use to take control of an aircraft.

Badat has spent five years of a 13-year jail term for conspiring with “shoe bomber” Richard Reid to blow up a transatlantic plane. But Badat has turned star witness and previously testified in the trial of Adis Medunjanin, an American convicted of conspiring to blow up New York subways.

So janganlah hairan sangat if the French couple had come to Malaysia on false passports to meet with their terrorist networks.

Now here is something else:

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 10 — IGP Khalid today said civil liberties lawyer Eric Paulsen and Kampar MP Ko Chung Sen will both be investigated for sedition.

In a post on Twitter today, Khalid posted a picture of Paulsen with a text insert that read, “Jakim is promoting extremism every Friday. Govt needs to address that if serious about extremism in Malaysia.”

Jakim is the Malay acronym for the Malaysian Islamic Development Department.

The image was branded with the word “Biadap” (rude) in bold, red letters.

This was followed by another image of Ko with a text bubble saying: “Abolish the Islamic civilisation subject. This is our right. I pay taxes”.

“It is appropriate that we investigate such statements under the Sedition Act. @PDRMsia will investigate under the Sedition Act,” Khalid wrote on his personal Twitter account today.

I think this is the wrong direction for the Police. It was just a tweet with about 17 words. Not a 1500 word political thesis.

For example JAKIM awarded a Maal Hijrah Award to Yusuf Qardawi. At the time Qardawi was given the award, he was already clearly identified with the Ikhwan Muslimin movement - which has been classified a terrorist organisation by many countries.

Qaradawi has been banned from entering the United States since 1999 and the United Kingdom since 2008.  Part of the reason was that (in 2001) he issued a fatwa legitimizing suicide bombings to justify terrorist attacks.  In 2003, Qaradawi authorized the use of women in suicide attacks in another fatwa. 

Then most recently in December 2014 Interpol has issued a warrant of arrest for Qardawi. Granted the warrant of arrest was requested by Egypt. However Interpol took one year to investigate the request before issuing the warrant of arrest. 

Interpol is not some village outfit.  

'A “red alert” has been issued by Interpol, the international police agency, for the arrest of Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi. The alert was sent out at the request of the Egyptian judiciary who has brought charges against the 88-year old imam for “agreement, incitement and assistance to commit intentional murder, helping the prisoners to escape, arson, vandalism and theft.”

Interpol said it is planning to issue red alerts to its 190 member states for 41 other Muslim Brotherhood associates.

Chief of the Egyptian Police Interpol Gamal Abdel Bary said that issuing arrest warrants for Brotherhood fugitives is an “important change in the international community’s view of the banned group members.”

In mid-November, the United Arab Emirates joined Egypt and Saudi Arabia in banning the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group. The UAE banned 81 other organizations as terror groups as well, including many Brotherhood affiliates, including the American-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Muslim American Society (MAS).'

Our Police is a member of Interpol. Shouldn't we launch an investigation why this man has been so glorified by a gomen department here in Malaysia? Obviously Qardawi has influenced people within the gomen machinery.  He issued two fatwas on suicide bombing in 2001 and 2003 (to include women).

And what is the result of fatwas like these on jihadis all over the world? Well read this: 

"Boko Haram uses young girl as suicide bomber in Nigeria attack

A 10-year-old female suicide bomber detonated a explosive-laden vest and blew herself up on a college campus in the city of Kano on Wednesday. At least six people died and another six were seriously wounded in the blast, according to police.

This latest attack by suspected members of the radical Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram is the fourth one perpetrated by a young child in Kano in the last five days. Last week , another 10-year-old female wearing a bomb-vest was apprehended and the attack was thwarted by local police in Katsina, Nigeria

Jadi soalannya begini : Shouldn't we give an award to Boko Haram for following Yusuf Qardawi's female suicide bomber fatwa?

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