
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, January 3, 2015

DR M & HIS MINIONS JUST DON'T GET IT! It's the 52% Malaysians who decide on Putrajaya not the 47% who voted Umno-BN

“Like the Romans who had to choose between Caesar and Rome, the time has come for Umno and BN to choose between Mohd Najib and Putrajaya.” – Kadir Jasin
Ah yes... 2015 has truly begun. What’s a massive flood, or plane crash, or another Middle East bombing incident, without Umno throwing its hat into the newsflash ring?
To be honest, if it weren’t for the headlines in The Malaysian Insider that carry Kadir Jasin’s blog mutterings, I personally wouldn’t bother to stop by his website to read – too Umno-ey for the likes of me. But it is a well-whispered market chatter that Kadir “speaks” on behalf of, err… a godfather type in Umno… so when Kadir writes, many plainly assume his musings reflect the mind of this godfather (but only Kadir himself can confirm this).
Well, we’ve seen it all before haven’t we… right from the days of Tunku Abdul Rahman, of how Umno types love to bring THE MAN down by using the art of public writing…
Now, Kadir suggests that Umno needs to choose between Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Putrajaya. According to him, “the wave of change will get stronger”.
Isn’t this what makes Umno so “charming” to us Malaysians... no? They wish to implement change, but Kadir’s proposal reminds us of just how much this party’s head remains stuck in the sand.
“Umno and BN to choose between Mohd Najib and Putrajaya”?
Say Kadir, just how do 47% get to choose for 52% of Malaysians? In fact, if we drill down even further, just how do 3 million Umno members get to decide for the remaining 27 million Malaysians – 11% has supreme say over the rest of us 89%? I exclude other BN component parties since we are only too aware of just how “influential” the likes of MCA, MIC, Gerakan etc are when it comes to decision-making.
Kadir Jasin’s proposal reminds me of Ghandi’s reply to the British, when they told him, “Mr Gandhi, without British administration, this country would be reduced to chaos” (does this sound familiar, folks?)
And Gandhi replied, “100,000 Englishmen simply cannot control 350 million Indians.”
We all know what happened to the British afterwards. And Malaysia happens to be probably the only country left in the Commonwealth that retains a legacy of the now defunct British Empire – that of rule and divide.
Kadir, I am pretty sure that we will continue to read of your sound-bytes in the days ahead in 2015. But just so that you (that is, if you ever drop by TMI to skim through comments or responses to your blog articles) are aware, we – the 52% – do not share your idea of change.
Your vision simply advocates replacing kind with kind – just who do you have in mind to replace Najib? The usual suspects – the ones all of us are very well acquainted with? That’s not change; that’s just buying time to try and ensure Umno’s grip remain in perpetuity. This then is not a forward looking vision; this is merely a positioning of the chess pieces, in what everyone knows is a power struggle within Umno.
It’s very plain for all to see – your approach seeks to retain rule and divide; is this what you deem “the wave of change”?
Then you truly do not understand change, sir. And here’s the truth: your vision does not represent the 52% of us who want REAL CHANGE. – TMI

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