
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 16, 2015

Harga Gula : Orang Melayu Jadi Miskin Dulu

Folks how would you like to go on an all expenses paid trip to London with Super Dumbo? Others have got all expenses paid trips to the Holy Land. Well I heard about it   

I received two comments so far about sugar prices. 

1.  vy said...    Syed, I also wonder about sugar price. Since there is no more subsidy on sugar, the price of sugar should be floating, right? How come the price is still fixed.   Raw sugar price in international market has dropped about 20 % since last July. Malaysian consumers should benefit from this too.  I suspect that there is a cartel among sugar companies to fix the price. Someone should investigate whether there is a price fixing.

2. sugar price should be very very less..... maybe some info can be compiled to find out retail price of 1 kg sugar now in China, India, Philipines, Thailand, Indonesia, Korea etc.. what i know satellite and internet prices per month in many countries are very low.. harga kereta lebih mahal dari USA.. wat a weird World.... in some petrol station in oklahoma, the retail gasoline price per gallon lower by 20% compared to msian price when i last do calculation...

Thank you folks for the comment above. I did some simple finger work. Here are the world sugar prices for the past few years :

This is in US cents per pound. To convert use 1 kilo = 2.2 pounds (lb). And 1USD = RM3.58

As you can see in the chart above the world market price for sugar has been crashing since 2011 or earlier. 

The current world market price for sugar is about 15 cents (US) per pound or 33 cents (US) per kilo or RM1.18 per kilo.

In Malaysia sugar is selling at RM2.84 per kilo (last price). This is 2.40 times the world market price.  

Tapi gula dah tak ada sabsidi pon. Pasal apa harga gula di Malaysia tinggi sangat macam ini?

Itu pasal lah teh tarik sudah jadi RM1.50 satu gelas. Sebab harga gula kita 2.4 kali ganda harga gula di pasaran dunia. 

Pasai apa lah kita ni selalu kena bayar lebih? Pasai apa lah kita ini selalu kena tipu? (Harga tepung pula macam mana?)  

Siapa pegang AP gula? 

Siapa pegang monopoli gula? 

Ini soalan untuk Bloga UMNO, Perkasa, ISMA dan geng-geng yang sewaktu. Is it a good thing to pay higher prices or lower prices? Oh sorry.  Depa tak pehe speaking. Yang mana lebih baik - bayar harga yang lebih atau bayar harga yang murah untuk barang yang sama?

Kalau satu dunia bayar RM1.18 untuk satu kilo gula, tapi kita pula bayar RM2.84 untuk satu kilo gula, siapa bodoh? 

Pasaran dunia bodoh ke (sebab dia bayar harga murah) atau kita bodoh (sebab kita bayar harga mahal)?

Masih tak faham? Bila minum teh tarik di Masjid India, yang mana lebih baik - bayar RM1.00 untuk satu gelas teh tarik atau bayar RM1.50 untuk satu gelas teh tarik?  Siapa nak jadi bodoh sila angkat tangan.  

I am saying this because in this country there are graduates of the "Proton School of Management" who think that it is a good thing for Malaysians on the peninsula to pay RM150,000 for a Toyota Camry  when the rest of the world pays only RM85,000 - about half the price.  Even in duty free Langkawi the people pay less - about RM105,000. 

We dont want cheap cars. Keep the cheap cars to yourself ok. We want value for our money. We want to pay what everyone else in the world will reasonably pay for the same cars. We want to pay real market prices for cars, products and services.

There are a sufficient number of people in this country (golongan yang tidak suka menggunakan akal dalam semua perkara) who feel that it must be a good thing to pay higher prices to make the AP cronies, the monopoli cronies, the oligopoly cronies and the GLC cronies become richer.  Biarlah Melayu jadi miskin dulu.

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