
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 9, 2015

HAS HISHAM'S TIME COME? Will Najib sack Zahid to save himself?

HAS HISHAM'S TIME COME? Will Najib sack Zahid to save himself?
‘A best opportunity for Najib to put favoured cousin in pole position.’
Zahid 'broke convention', police report to be filed
Ferdtan: We hope the police is brave enough to investigate this scandal without fear and favour. Perhaps this is too much to ask from our institutions. Needless to say, we know how the case will end.
Anyway with this explosive saga of two high-profile personalities, lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah can kiss goodbye to his ambition to be the next AG (attorney-general).
However, it is difficult to remove or impede the political ascent of the home minister as he is popular with Umno members who had elected him vice-president with the highest votes in the last party election.
Moreover the president of the party, PM Najib Razak, is not known to have political will or courage to stir the already troubled water in Umno as his own position is under threat.
Actually this is the best opportunity for Najib to put his favoured cousin, Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, in pole position for the deputy PM when he retires, as Zahid is currently the sole strong contender.
Come on Najib, opportunity like this does not come twice.
Bluemountains: Isn’t this an abuse of power by Zahid? Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim was sentenced to six years in prison for abuse of power. Will the same fate befall the home minister?
Odin: It is clearer than daylight that Zahid issued the letter in his own capacity, as neither the Umno Baru-serving police nor the kitchen cabinet in Putrajaya was aware of it.
As for inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar's confirmation that Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli's report would be acted on, it merely means that the report will be read and then filed away.
Any investigation into Zahid will be a meaningless exercise. Were he found to have committed criminal actions, either no action would subsequently be taken against him or, if he were charged, judges partial to making decisions in favour of the denizens of the cabinet already mentioned would be appointed to hear his case.
Malaysia Ku: This is insubordination of the worst kind. Or did Zahid think that since his boss is a no-show PM, he can usurp the throne?
Now, what would Najib do in the face of such a recalcitrant minister with a big ego? Najib's fate is sealed if he doesn't get rid of this ‘gangster’ in his cabinet. The daggers are unsheathed.
Storm: Zahid has to address these questions. He cannot keep silent.
What are the issues of national security that Phua is doing for Malaysia? Also, did the PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) make a mistake?
Pemerhati: IGP Khalid said, “We investigate all reports, regardless of whom these are lodged against.”
That statement may or may not be true. But from what happened at the Altantuya Shaariibuu trial, it became crystal clear that the police went all out to protect the person who had the strong motive to murder Altantuya.
It is thus reasonable to conclude that the police will protect some people even if their investigations reveal that they are guilty.
Negarawan: The state of the country has come to the point where the prime minister has totally no control, not because of his lack of leadership, but the total absence of it.
The question is, can the people of Malaysia continue to tolerate this until the next GE? How much more can the rakyat put up with?
Abasir: What Malaysians are witnessing is the systemic breakdown of law and order, the crumbling of convention, the blatant abuse and misuse of public assets, the ravenous looting of the Treasury and the unleashing of institutionalised bigotry.
Kit P: There is no standard character reference involved here. This was a criminal case involving Phua.
Zahid's letter amounted to an attempt to influence a judicial case, is highly irregular, and I would say highly suspicious.
What exactly is Zahid's connection with Phua? This must be investigated and exposed.
Monty: No matter how Zahid and others try to explain the reasons for this letter and considering his previous racist comments against Chinese Malaysians, one would have to be pretty dense if they actually believe that this home minister was actually helping out a fellow Malaysian.
How I wish it was really the case.
Kee Thuan Chye: Go, Rafizi, go! Put the police to the test. Let's go after that arrogant minister and put him in his place.
This will eventually not amount to anything, going by past experience, but it still needs to be done.
We have to keep tilting at windmills. At the very least, it shows the younger generation that we must always point out wrongdoing.
Anonymous #33227154: Will this scandal end up like all the rest of the scandals in Malaysia?
No charges, no conviction, forgotten and the culprits got off scot-free as usual? - M'kini

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