
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 16, 2015

I Say Kanda - 1MDB Explanation “Is Not Something I Can Accept” Says Dr M – Sarawak Report EXCLUSIVE

In an exclusive personal interview granted yesterday to Sarawak Report, former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad has made clear that he is not satisfied with latest 1MDB
  •  claim that US$2.32 billion (RM8.24 billon) ..has now been “fully redeemed”
  • The explanation does not enlighten us on anything”
  • “I want to know which bank it’s kept in now.  
  • I don’t know where the money is – that is part of transparency.” 
  • Dr Mahathir ..has been the most powerful and vocal critic of the fund 
  • public concerns about management of One Malaysia Development Fund. 
  • demanding explanation why billions invested in little known PetroSaudi 
  • then parked in a mysterious investment fund, in Cayman Islands. 
  • he is by no means satisfied the money has been fully repaid. 
  • “I question the explanation, it’s not something I can accept.  It is very shallow…. 
  • I question the creation of 1MDB and how it is managed. 
They [the managers] came to see me, but they couldn’t explain 
  1. how the money was raised and 
  2. why the power plants were bought at such high prices and 
  • the commission that was paid to Goldman Sachs”
  • refusal to be convinced presents a major challenge to Najib 
  • Can they present concrete evidence that missing millions been returned? 
  • Dr Mahathir is believed to have inside information
  • refusing to let the matter drop 
  • “I don’t think that it serves any purpose.  That’s my difference with the government.  I don’t think that it is necessary for us to have a fund like this.  We are doing well enough without a fund… 
  1. they got the money to lend to the Saudis 
  2. and they they put it in hedge funds. 
  • government should not be gambling money in hedge funds”, Mahathir said
  • lack of transparency allowed such scandals to develop
  • he is not in the mood for accepting assurances 
  • without proper evidence being provided.
My comments : In effect Dr Mahathir is telling the new CEO Kanda (whose background has to be closely scrutinised) that he is bullshitting.

We also want to know the terms of Mr Kanda's appointment. What is his package? Is he a full fledged 1MDB employee or is he on some sort of secondment from Abu Dhabi? 

Another former Finance Minister raised a pertinent point (just yesterday). Malaysia's foreign currency reserves are now about RM405.5 billion or something. Now if 1MDB's RM8.2 billion has come back (in US Dollars), our Foreign Currency Reserves should go up by that amount. Tapi reserves tak naik pun. Tak ada beza pun.  So where is that RM8.2 billion? Is it real? 

Folks, lately the PM looks more haggard and worried.  I really dont know if the PM knows what he is doing everyday when he goes to office. 

Perhaps that is why he travels a lot achieving absolutely nothing for the country. Soon he will be MIA from the country for about EIGHT days minimum. He is attending the World Economic forum in Davos. Earth shaking economic ideas will be presented over the three days. Then the PM is spending an even longer time in London - on a semi holiday. He wants to meet Malaysian students in London.

What is so special about Malaysian students in London? Are there something like two or three million Malaysian students in London? Can they change the  destiny of UMNO or the BN in the next General Elections?

Will the PM be meeting one million Malaysian students in Wembley Stadium? Or will he be meeting 50 or 100 students at some dinner in Malaysia Hall or in some swanky hotel? FOUR days in London doing just that? Buang masa beb. Takut nak masuk office. I think it is just another time wasting junket by the PM. 

The talk is today he was supposed to visit some particular masjid.   Tapi program tak jadi or something. Instead the PM decided to ride on the LRT. 

Here are two pictures. As you can see the PM looks totally out of place. Like a fish out of water. He also looks haggard and puffy faced.

My sincere prayers for the PM's good health. Having been there, I wish the PM the best health.  Above all else good health is a premium.  

I cant help feeling sympathy for the PM with all these things happening around him. He is a totally nice guy.

But the country is at stake. We really need to move forward. Not only do we have to cut the grass we also have to cut the crap. We have to get rid of the vultures and the wolves too. If the PM  feels that he cant manage the job then he should seriously consider retiring.  Don beat yourself up. And dont sacrifice the future of the country.  

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