
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Islam is a way of life, your way – Zaid Ibrahim

Although I wanted to take a rest from talking about the spate of killings done in the name of Islam—and despite receiving heavy bombardment from those arrogant Islamists who have called me kafir (infidel), murtad (apostate) and gila (mad)—I just have one more thing to say on the subject, after which I will move on to a discussion about the proposed Kidex highway.
The reason some Muslims have difficulty adapting to the modern world, believe themselves to be victims of worldwide conspiracy and are severely critical of values and practices of other nations and peoples is simply due to the indoctrination they have received that Islam is “a way of life” as defined by mullahs and fundamentalists.
Of course Islam is a way of life but in Malaysia it appears that individual Muslims are never allowed to think for themselves or find the way of life by themselves. Instead, the way of life must be taught by designated individuals from the religious departments who can speak some Arabic and who dress “appropriately”.
This is total nonsense, though it is also a good business idea.
Today, the “way of life” is dictated to us by preachers making good money selling religious books and recordings of their lectures. The “way of life” is also dictated to us by politicians striving for power and by graduates from the Middle East who have no real jobs other than preaching and selling this “way of life”.
None of them have actually been useful in other human endeavours. They do not excel in science or business; they do little if anything for charity or for victims of natural disasters; and they do not speak up in the defence of justice.
Yet these joker-fundamentalists think that they have the secret formula of this “way of life” and they govern through fear.
From young, Muslims in Malaysia are instilled with fear of every description so much so they are unable to stand and believe in themselves.
They have to get instructions from these mullahs even about the correct way to have sex: they keep asking what is right and prohibited in sex, and all their lives they will always depend on mullahs for everything, which of course suits the mullahs very well.
That’s why when some evil mullahs tell them that killing is justified, they will go out and kill and thus bring their families down with them into ruin and destruction.
In my view, the path away from extremism and towards living the truly Islamic way of life is simple: find that way of life on your own. That’s what Islam asks us to do.
Of course, we have to be guided by the key principles of the religion: humanity, charity, kindness, compassion, honesty (and so forth), which were qualities the Holy Prophet possessed in abundance.
The rejection of false and violent teachings in Islam can only happen when Muslims are willing to take some risks in believing in themselves and for themselves.
There is no need to join the mad crowd of religious businessmen selling extremist ideas. These fellows have brought nothing but misery to the Muslim world. – www.zaid.my
* Datuk Zaid Ibrahim is a lawyer turned politician and a former minister in the Prime Minister's Department in charge of legal affairs and judicial reform.

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