
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 16, 2015

Jawi, stop molesting Malay girls

The most repressed people in Malaysia are Malay women.
malay girls2Islam may preach equality between the sexes, but Islam as practised in Malaysia means that the edicts of the Malay men hold sway. There is no Ketuanan Melayu in Malaysia. What exists is far worse, and that is Ketuanan Lelaki Melayu.
Anyone who thinks that the Malays in Malaysia are better off should ask any Malay woman if this is true. Malay women represent the most repressed section of Malaysian society. They are controlled, spied upon, manipulated, criticised and victimised. Their behaviour is under intense scrutiny. Their beauty has to be hidden away, and their intellect suppressed. Their usefulness is devalued when men take multiple and younger wives.
Malaysia’s religious men aspire to become politicians, and its politicians pretend to be religious men. Together, they have made many attempts to drag Malay women backwards rather than let them progress. Malay women are considered inferior and are encouraged to take a subservient role in the name of religion. Women are encouraged to give up careers, to take care of their families. The fact that some Malay women are encouraging this stay-at-home trend is disturbing, but the knowledge that fewer Malay women have voiced their criticism is more alarming.
So why did our fathers and grandfathers adopt the white man’s doctrine and send their daughters to school? It was because these forward thinking men wanted their daughters to have an education, to be morally and financially independent. Education has freed many Malay women from moral enslavement, but envy has caused many of today’s Malay men to feel threatened.
The latest onslaught against Malay women came when the Federal Territories Islamic Affairs Department (Jawi) announced that it would seek arrest warrants for the Muslim girls who were seen on stage at a K-Pop concert in Kuala Lumpur.
The YouTube clip of the K-Pop group, titled “Malay girls molested on stage by Kpop B1A4”, is a deliberate attempt to portray the girls in a negative light.
The hugging scenes, which also included a band member giving his fan a friendly peck on the forehead, do not amount to molestation. We have seen more intimate scenes, when a larger than life Malaysian “celebrity” gave her moral support to Lee Chong Wei, Malaysia’ leading badminton champion, by hugging him in public. Why has no-one censured Lee for molesting the Malay celebrity? Why has she not been arrested for moral turpitude?
Jawi director Paimuzi Yahya warned the girls at the K-Pop concert that they had a week to give themselves up, to receive their punishment. He said that the girls would be investigated under Section 29 of the Syariah Criminal Offences (Federal Territories) Act, for public indecency. Criminal intimidation is another of Jawi’s hallmarks.
The action by Jawi has a much deeper motive than just wanting to punish tudung-clad girls. Jawi wants to control women’s behaviour. The unwritten rule is that the tudung defines one’s behaviour.
If the girls had not worn the tudung, would they have been as severely reprimanded? Possibly not. This debacle shows that the tudung restricts the wearer’s behaviour and compels her to conform to subscribed modes of behaviour.
Jawi’s knee jerk reaction is proof that it is afraid of Malay women showing independent behaviour. It is afraid that the actions of the three girls may empower other Malay women. Its mission is to undermine Malay women and make them even more repressed.
It is obvious that Jawi is deliberately targeting Malay women. Why did the authorities publicly humiliate Kartika Dewi Sukarno over half a pint of beer? They would have succeeded, if not for national and international criticism. After the Kartika incident, three Malay girls were whipped for having sex outside of marriage, but we know very little of the four men with whom they had sex.
At a Miss Malaysia World 2013 beauty pageant, four Muslim finalists – Sara Amelia Bernard, Wafa Johanna de Korte, Miera Sheikh and Kathrina Ridzuan – were publicly humiliated. Why? These were highly intelligent and pretty girls.
Days after this beauty contest, dog lover Maznah Mohd Yusof faced the ire of Jawi. Initially, few people bothered with this dog lover, because they assumed, from her facial features, that she was Chinese.
All these victims were threatened with fines and jail. They had to endure insults and threats on social media sites.
The sudden increase in sanctimonious people in Malaysia has nothing to do with religion. If it were about religion, these same people would have condemned the racist bigots who defile their own religion with acts of corruption, incest and murder. The underlying reason for the attacks against Malay women is lust for power.
Women have always been instrumental in leading change, and that is why Malay men exact the most severe punishment and humiliation on Malay women who have free spirits and minds of their own. Jawi is keen to punish the tudung clad girls to make an example of their non-conformity.
Mariam Mokhtar is an FMT columnist

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