
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 12, 2015


Sunday, 11th January 2015, is a milestone in human history. Before this we lived in boundaries and we tried our best to not cross these boundaries. And Muslims in particular would get upset if anyone crossed these boundaries and said or did what Muslims perceived as an insult to their religion.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
The march in Paris by an estimated 1.5 million people yesterday, many world leaders amongst them, is an event that Malays need to really sit up and take note of. That march is a clear and strong message that there are no longer any sacred cows.
France was where the separation of church and state first emerged 200 years ago. Before that education was in the hands of the church. Napoleon Bonaparte abolished church schools and replaced them with public secular schools. Soon the power of the church over the thinking of the people was eradicated and people became more secularised.
And no longer was education the exclusive domain of the sons of the elite. Education was open to all and sundry, even to girls, and within one generation Europeans rejected the feudal system and replaced the great empires with smaller republics.
The mental revolution that started in Paris 200 years ago peaked yesterday when 1.5 million people marched in favour of the abolishing of blasphemy. Yes, blasphemy, a creation of the Abrahamic faiths where making fun of or mocking religion or all things connected to religion is a crime.
Blasphemy no longer exists. There is no longer any crime called blasphemy. You are now at liberty to make fun of or to mock religion or anything connected to religion, the Prophets and the Holy Books included.
And the Malays in Malaysia must learn to accept this New World Order. We can now make fun of Muslims, Islam, the Qur’an, the Hadith and Prophet Muhammad. We can also make fun of all the other Prophets of Islam, many who are Prophets of the Jews and Christians as well. We can also defile the Holy Books of the Jews and Christians.
Sunday, 11th January 2015, is a milestone in human history. Before this we lived in boundaries and we tried our best to not cross these boundaries. And Muslims in particular would get upset if anyone crossed these boundaries and said or did what Muslims perceived as an insult to their religion.
We now live in a borderless world, what we call a global community. And that one last border has now also been brought down, like the Berlin Wall, to make the world truly borderless. There are no longer any borders and boundaries to what we can say and do, how sensitive and indecent we may have imagined them to be prior to yesterday.
Blasphemy is now dead and the Malays have to wake up to this fact. The Malays have to accept the fact that anyone can now make fun of or mock Muslims, Islam, the Qur’an, the Hadith and Prophet Muhammad. The Malays have to become more mature and modern and accept this New World Order. If not the Malays would be seen as old fashioned and outdated and people who are living in the past.
APTOPIX France Attacks Rally
Paris March2

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