
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 12, 2015

MALAYSIA AT HIGH RISK: Zahid still hoping to become PM despite being VULNERABLE to blackmail by underworld

M'SIA AT HIGH RISK: Zahid still hoping to become PM despite being VULNERABLE to blackmail by underworld
Will Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi find a scapegoat? That question has been asked before.
But will he voluntarily resign after the letter to FBI incident? Everybody knows the answer; NO, not in a million years; he will not resign voluntarily. After all, he won the most votes for the three Umno vice president posts; he is nearing the top. But will he reach the pinnacle? That is another story.
Still, at this moment Zahid is not aiming for the top because; he simply has to stay in power as long as he could for reasons explained later. But of course if he could be the prime minister, it would be a bonus for him and a major disaster for the country.
Zahid’s rise in Umno is not through his own merits, it is through being opportunistic. He maintained his relevance not through his brain but through his loud mouth; blaring utter nonsense to the ears of people who got brains but great inspirations for the numbskulls, which unfortunately are in the majority!
Zahid attained his current position through so many stepping stones which he eventually discarded; thus he has very few friends but many angry and revengeful enemies.
He ought to be grateful to MARA who gave him a job and salary back in 1980s. He owed it to the famous tuition centre -Yayasan Anda, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, ABIM as stepping stones to make him somebody from an unknown.
He owed it to Tuan Haji Mohamad Khairi Yahya who brought him into Umno in Bagan Datoh, Perak. At this stage of his political life, he was able to associate himself with the various top Umno leaders during the Mahathir-Musa era and also the starting point of becoming prominent.
Zahid at one stage in his life joined the private and GLC corporate worlds but it was when appointed as chairman of the Bank Simpanan Nasional that he created his group of paid loyal supporters to boost his political career, sort of having his own grass root supporters.
After claiming himself as Anwar’s man, he managed to rise further and became the Political Secretary for Najib who was the Defence Minister. This was the occasion that he used to enable him to get a foothold in the cabinet later; he knew Najib then and of course Rosmah!
Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
When he was arrested under ISA as he sided with Anwar in supporting ‘reformasi’ (where Anwar was sacked from the DPM post and Umno), with the help from Mokhzani Mahathir, he was given a new lease of political life in Umno by no other than Dr. M himself! Unfortunately Zahid has been ungrateful to Dr. Mahathir and his family.
When Tun Abdullah Badawi was the PM, Zahid managed to convince Pak Lah that his (Zahid) father has long been associated with Abdullah’s granddad, Abdullah Fahim; Zahid was appointed a deputy minister. Zahid did nothing to help Pak Lah when Mahathir replaced Pak Lah with Najib. After all with Najib as PM it is better for Zahid!
Later, when Zahid became the Defence Minister, he was more closely associated with Rosmah. Some observers mentioned that many lucrative deals were made between the two from the contracts of the Defence Ministry.
See, Zahid has so much to lose if he resigns! He has to stay in power because without it, his enemies will not wait a second to pounce on him. Thus without real friends, it is not surprising that Zahid has to resort to the help of the underworld! And since his has numbskulls among the party grassroots to support him, Zahid is also not worried as long as he is left to be himself; keep on blaring!
Will Ahmad Zahid Hamidi be forced resign?
Well resignation is a loaded question but not that tough to answer. Many would say NO but let us see the possible scenarios.
At present when Datuk Seri Najib Razak is at his lowest ebb due to the various factors already detailed in the cyber world, Najib has prepared for the worse. The attacks on Najib are so intense yet he has been able to stay put because he has managed to organized his team of ‘one for all and all for one’.
To be in this group one has to be everything nasty. You must also be thick-skinned and self-centred and give your unwavering support to the one in power! Do whatever is necessary to show your support, close both eyes for any wrong-doing, kiss every part of the anatomy of the one in power or simply be quiet as a mouse.
And this is what Zahid has been assiduously doing, thus he will not be forced to resign! After all, pssst, who is really the one in power? That too is another story.
Birds of a feather
See, this group of people is ‘the birds of the same feathers’; they are legalized crooks.
Just look at how they have spent our money at their whims and fancies without considering the repercussions! Look at how they use government assets for their personal use. Look at how they managed or rather mismanaged the recent flooding which is akin to a tsunami! Look at what they have done nothing substantial to improve Cameron Highlands. Look how is their lackadaisical attitude towards our economy, the falling of the Ringgit, the ever bulging National Debt, the lack of funds and the 1MDB debacle. The NFC RM250 million give away has not even been resolved until now! Not to mention the Altantuya-Scorpene submarines scandal, don’t ever forget that!
Zahid has done it before; being bad. He was involved in the Kretam Holdings - Yayasan Gerak Bakti debacle, and should be charged with CBT but was saved by Mahathir with the help from Najib. Zahid has also been accused by one Amir Bazli Abdullah of punching him on the face on 16th January 2006 at Country Heights Recreational Club in Kajang and damaging his nose bone and his eye. Presently Zahid has been said to have the monopoly over MyEG involving billions of ringgit.
Thus it is not surprising that Zahid was brash enough to show support for a known gambling kingpin! See, when everyone in the group has his or her own wrong-doing, nobody will question what the rest are doing!
M'sia at high-risk: All top Umno leaders vulnerable to blackmail by gangsters including Najib & Rosmah
Since this group of people has low moral values, they have records and the PDRM has all the details. When Dr. Mahathir was in power he made use of this information to his advantage. Similarly Zahid has PDRM under him and he could use this as leverage in all his dealings.
But the most frightening thing about this is that if the underworld has already bought Zahid or even worse if they have the proof of his bad dealings, then Zahid could be blackmailed.
Once blackmailed, this will inevitably drag Rosmah and eventually Najib into the quagmire in a chain reaction. Thus Zahid has to be spared and kept within the group to ensure the unity of the group; not to open the Pandora box so to say. Just look at how Shahrizat and her husband have been spared!
Therefore the underworld will not be disturbed. See, they are all cohorts! Thus the status quo will have to be maintained for their benefits. In the end, the whole country will be at the mercy of the underworld kingpin, unless PDRM refuse to take orders from any of the politicians.
But is the sanctity of PDRM intact? - MAILBAG

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