
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

More Golfing & Shopping In Bangkok. Habis E Coli Kena Kat Mana?

Blogger Apanama highlighted this yesterday. According to the Bangkok Post, Najib's Bangkok trip was a private visit - bukan lawatan rasmi

He played golf and went shopping with the Mrs. So the Mrs was already in Bangkok. 

You can read the Bangkok Post report here : 

Shopping, played golf and stayed overnite at the Shangri La Hotel.

I like the way the Bangkok Post accuses Najib of bullshitting :  

"The M'sian PM 'HAD TO TWEET' that he had lunch with Gen Prayut to thank Thailand for donating 500 tonnes of rice bla bla. This is seen as trying to avoid criticism about his trip. Thailand did not disclose news about his visit for etiquette reasons as he went to holiday here"

This means that Najib's tweet about him meeting Gen Prayut was poor etiquette.  If it was a "private visit" you dont tweet about it lah. The Thais cannot say anything in reply. 

Well the Bangkok Post certainly writes much better English than the village idiots who work for our PMO.

But here is the e coli question - Bila dia pi main golf dan shopping di Bangkok, Najib dah kena e coli ke belum? 

How can you play golf and go shopping in Bangkok with an e coli infection? What if the PM suddenly tercirit on the golf course or in the shopping mall? That would be embarrassing.

Because THE WHOLE WORLD was told of his e coli infection AFTER he came back from Bangkok.  

So where did he get the ecoli infection? He must have been sucking on a turd or something at the Shangri La?  Bukan masa main air banjir.

Or was there really any e coli infection at all?

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