
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Musuh dalam selimut (2)

Reading RPK's UMNO: LIVING IN DENIAL I was attracted by the content of the following (extracts):

Rosie sayang, please bring me the Tiger Balm
my back feels a bit prickly


Kadir’s use of Caesar and Rome as his analogy is actually quite ironical. Caesar was assassinated by his friends who were jealous of him. They used saving Rome merely as the excuse to justify their evil deed. So is Kadir saying that those who want Najib out are friends who are jealous of him and that they are using saving Umno as merely the excuse?

Kadir may actually be right. Those so-called friends who surround Najib are doing him more harm than good. With friends like that Najib does not need any enemies.

Najib was in Hawaii to meet President Obama over golf at the height of the floods. As they say in the corporate world, more deals are done on the golf course than in the meeting room. And I am sure it would have taken many months to plan a meeting with a round of golf with someone as important as the US President.

And I am sure if the US President wants to meet the Malaysian Prime Minister over golf it must have been due to a very important matter. The US President is just too important and too busy to spend a day with a foreign leader to discuss trivial matters.

do you have problems from your own Democrats?

So the Malaysian Prime Minister is away to attend an event that was most likely planned long before anyone knew Malaysia was going to see one of its worst floods in decades. But do we not also have a Deputy Prime Minister and a Cabinet plus a bloated staff in Putrajaya?

What were these people doing when the Prime Minister was away to meet the US President? Are you saying that without Najib nothing can happen? Najib is not singlehandedly running Malaysia. There are more than 1.5 million civil servants, many who are in the Cabinet and the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).

It appears like they all left Najib to take the rap. The Umno Secretary-General and the Umno Information Chief both stood aside and allowed Najib to take all the heat.

Mustapa Mohamed, the International Trade and Industry Minister, is also the Kelantan Umno Liaison Committee chairman. What was he doing during the floods? Does he need the Prime Minister to do his job? And the same for the other state Umno Liaison Committee chairmen as well.

Interestingly, while on the subject of Najib meeting US Prsident Obama in Hawaii, ostensibly for golf but more likely for discussions on international and bilateral issues, I recall a former PM who had to use (and pay) an American political lobbyist, Jack Abramoff, to arrange for a meeting in May 2002 with then US President Bush.

let's hold hands a bit longer to make it worth the $1.2 million paid

We were informed that Abramoff was paid a handsome (but to us Malaysian an atrocious) sum of US$1.2 million (that's US dollars and not ringgit) for the effort.

Who actually paid the US$1.2 million is irrelevant at this point, because what I want to point to Pak Kadir Jasin is that we have had Najib meeting Obama in Hawaii without any need for a professional lobbyist, and yet the event as been made to look like an evil unnecessary act by Najib.

While I can understand and indeed expect Pakatan people tohentam Najib for that event, I do wonder at UMNO shooting their very own leader.

It seems the current Gerakan Anti-Najib Mark II by some UMNO fraction is not so much about UMNO retaining power in GE-14 (because what's being done is counter productive to UMNO's political fortune in GE-14) but more about something or someone else's future.

Anyway, I have 2 questions, namely:

(a) Did Pak Jadir in 2002 condemn the atrocious amount of money paid to an American Jewish lobbyist just to arrange a meeting for Dr Mahathir with the then US President?

(b) Is the political future of Muhkriz the real reason why Dr Mahathir, who had earlier 'pushed' Najib into becoming DPM during the AAB regime (presenting AAB with that fait accompli when the then PM was considering Muhyiddin, as RPK wrote in another of his post), has now changed course in wanting to remove Najib from the PM post, as seen from the strident anti Najib criticisms of his henchmen, Pak Kadir and former Min Comm, Zam?

Dad said what's unchanging is change itself
unless of course it's not to his liking


Read also:

Musuh dalam selimut

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