
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Najib has no choice but to sack letter writer Zahid

YOURSAY ‘Finally Zahid is checkmated by no less than his mates.’

Zahid’s letter not worth the paper it is written on
Headhunter: It's not about whether Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s letter carries weight or not. We know the Americans don't give two hoots for third world ministers like him.

It's more about a minister abusing his position trying to influence, with dubious information, a foreign country not to prosecute his friend, a well-known underworld kingpin.

From this incident, we can see clearly that had Phua been caught in Malaysia, he would have been let off easily because he had friends in high places.

This is the sickness our country and Malaysians have to endure all the time. For bringing disrepute to his position, the home minister should be sacked.

Anonymous #12566075: Former United States ambassador to Malaysia John Mallot, the writer of the above article, has asked: Why did Zahid write the letter?

It appears that Zahid is under obligation to do so when approached by alleged kingpin Paul Phua or his lawyers to support his defence. Our prime minister has said it before: I help you, you help me.

Odin: Why did Zahid write the letter? Let's do a little arithmetic. Alleged kingpin Paul Phua owns a US$48 million jet. That would be around RM170 million.

If you can afford to buy such a jet, to employ a crew to operate it, and to maintain it, you obviously must have a lot more than RM170 million.

We shall assume that you would spend 20 percent of what you have to buy the jet. That means you have at least RM850 million. But the casino has extended credit to the tune of US$90 million (RM350 million) to Phua.

The casino would unlikely have extended credit to that amount if Phua was worth only RM850 million. We shall be conservative and put his worth at RM1,000 million.

If he is convicted, he may have to spend a decade or so in jail. If he has RM1,000 million, would he not be prepared to cough up, say, RM10 million to go free right now?

What is RM10 million when you have RM1,000 million? Indeed, what is RM50 million even?

Anonymous #59082512: One more mystery remains to be solved. What's the national security project Phua was involved with?

An accused 14K triad member is linked up with Malaysia national security project and this is straight from the horse’s mouth - the home minister.

Wandering Star: It is not the question of the letter Zahid wrote to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This piece of paper exposed his dishonourable intention to help an undesirable mate.

If we drew our conclusion on this famous saying, ‘Birds of a feather, flock together’, nothing can erase the public perception of a gangster in disguise.

But do not expect an investigation to follow on this Umno untouchable character. This is not a serious matter as far as the Umno government is concerned.

Hmmmmmmmm: With such strong connections in Malaysia, I wonder why Phua did not set up his operations here.

I'm sure he could have asked the government to set up the Internet connections with taxpayers’ funds and maybe even get police protection for his activities.

Hank Marvin: Now let us see what happens to Zahid who has been left hanging to dry by the Malaysian police and later Najib government.

Disgusted: Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak seems to be awfully quiet in this matter when one of his favourites has been implicated in giving a letter of recommendation to a well-known gambling and underworld kingpin with or without the knowledge of him or any cabinet members. Perhaps he has his own problem of his gallivanting wife and the official jet to deal with.

Was the letter written by Zahid given in his official capacity or clandestinely, thinking he can get away with it as no one will know about it.

This country is screaming for some moral leadership instead all we get is unprecedented greed and public impotence with those in power getting away with murder (literally).

The sheer contempt with which the person in deep s**t can brush off such incidents as “fitnah” (slander), even though with massive pile of incriminating is telling on the state of affairs of this country.

This clearly shows the magnitude of sleaze and corruption that prevails in the corridors of power.

Cmfoo: It’s time for loud mouth Zahid be relieved of his minister duties.

We cannot continue to have Malaysia's reputation in the international arena further tarnished, if not already so, by having a minister who clearly demonstrated culpability in his actions supporting an underworld figure and/or gambling kingpin wanted in Macau, arrested in the act in Las Vegas casino and now facing trial in US.

Fair Play: Just too bad. This is the price you pay when you put someone as the home minister solely on the basis of his brawn and not his brain.

Finally Zahid is checkmated by no less than his mates. I will not be surprised if there is a cabinet reshuffle.

Tok Karut: Every minister is running his own show because the prime minister is really not in charge and has no idea how to be in charge of the ship. I wonder what kind of calamity is required for a change of premiership?

It might go down in history of Umno Baru that no one is left in charge 57 years after the Alliance. The rot will continue unabated and we can only despair.

Vijay47: Should fortune indeed smile upon us, 2015 may be the long awaited turning point when the raiders of the lost ark are cast away into dungeons and dragons, when the empire strikes back and Malaysia, hopefully, is back to the future. Please see that you have not left anything behind. -Mkini

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