
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 19, 2015

NEW PM FOR BELEAGUERED MALAYSIA? 5 on top hot list - who will Dr M pick to replace Najib?

NEW PM FOR BELEAGUERED M'SIA? 5 on top hot list - who will Dr M pick to replace Najib?
The writing is on the wall. The putsch has begun, and the New Year seems to be the perfect time to edge out Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. It looks like an all out war is breaking out in UMNO, and if Dr Mahathir can prevail against ex-PM Abdullah Badawi, some people think it will be chicken feed for him to take on scandal tainted Najib.
The Scorpene submarine commissions, the infamous Altantuya murder linked to Najib’s ex body guards, his doubtful connection with Saiful who sued Opposition Anwar Ibrahim for Sodomy and lately the monster entity, 1MDB are among the list of scandals that Najib has been unable to shake off.
The putsch is gaining momentum
And lately he is getting so much flak, that it would be imprudent for anyone to write it off as mere coincidences. There must be a concerted effort to make Najib look bad in the eyes of the nation when even his ‘golf diplomacy’ is frowned upon. It was made worse with the release of details; of the missing Perdana1 jetliner that was found traversing around the globe making stops at all the world’s top shopping destinations carrying unidentified passengers.
With that much flak, it is a wonder that the first couple could still put on a straight face, elegantly silent throughout while pretending total ignorance at the growing murmuring around them.
Meanwhile, the Malaysian public has never forgiven him for running the country into the ground; the national debt at an all time high, shrinking Ringgit, standard of living skyrocketing, runaway inflation, religious extremism and racial tension coming to a boil, just to name a few.
.....and the noose is tightening!
Actually, very few people believe that he is still in charge and are resigned to the fact that he may only be a puppet Premier, with an anonymous pulling the strings.
Now, the pressure is on for him to vacate the Finance Minister post, the sooner the better before the nation’s economy crashes and rudely told to spend more time in the country instead of jetting about like a retired globe-trotter.
Daim Zainuddin also seems to be in the limelight lately, even appearing on multiple TV channels with veteran journalist Kadir Jassin making insidious statements and speaking in riddles, warning that any attempts to discredit Daim would backfire on Najib himself.
But how exactly would Daim’s role come into this equation is still anybody’s guess, but if the attack continues, it will be a matter of time, before all the worms start crawling out of the Umno woodwork.
Even ex Minister Zainuddin Maiden seems to be on overtime lately, with his cat and mouse statements attacking and retreating with his brand of satirical statements.
And the fact that Dr Mahathir, is compelled to use Sarawak Report as a platform from which to voice his grouses has left many dumbfounded, and which likens him to be sleeping with the enemy.
So, it isn’t surprising that an Umno Divisional leader went on to make a damning police report calling for the investigation of Najib and 1MDB, while an unknown Umno Youth Leader from out of the blue, has called on the Prime Minister to resign, if he truly loves the country. There is no doubt that time is running out fast for Najib and his cohorts.
But if najib goes....., who will replace him?
1. Defence Minister Hishamuddin Hussein seem to be the natural and logical choice, trained and groomed from a tender age to ascend the future throne; but will he turn out to be a carbon copy of Najib?
Many people fail to see the leadership spark in him, while his past monotonous statements lacks the voice of leadership. Keeping much to himself, he only voices out when he is called to make a statement. It is hard to see him as Prime Minister material, but who knows? He may end up as the convenient choice to fill in the position to replace Najib.
2. Home Minister Zahid Hamidi-has the potential, but he harbours too many skeletons in the closet. Past scandals and controversies continue to stick on to him like a leech. He has made more enemies than friends in and outside of the Umno circle, even though he won the popularity vote as Vice President.
Given all the controversies lately, it is hard to discount that there are concerted efforts by his enemies to dislodge him permanently. All the latest attacks on him cannot be written off as mere coincidence either, because if it is; then he must have been very sloppy and he needs to start watching his back.
He also made a grave mistake of being too anti Chinese and anti-non-malays, by his high-handed actions and loud-mouthed statements that gave him away. With that kind of attitude, how could anyone trust him to lead and unite the nation?
3. Khairy Jamaluddin certainly has all the traits, the vibes and the reputation to take on the premiership but is too young although he is probably gunning for No. 2 or No. 3 slot for now. He has endeared himself to the nation’s Youth in many ways and there are many who look up to him for leadership.
However, his blow-with-the-wind hard-calls of support for the Sedition Act and the Bumiputra Affirmative Polices and his tweets branding the Charlie Hebdo,”Je Suis Charlie” march as nauseating, has raised eyebrows.
Some has interpreted his hardcall actions as a signal to Dr Mahathir that he may be willing to play ball. But can Dr Mahathir place his trust on KJ to keep his word if he gets the coveted post, when Badawi and Najib have failed dismally to keep theirs?
4. Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah: Could it finally be his turn to head this nation? Would he agree to play second fiddle or allow an independent administrative body tasked to run the nation? Remember that he once rejected the PM role due to this anomaly that led Najib to become the next Prime Minister!
Most people, would think that Ku Li is past his prime but does age really matters? It may after all, be a transitory role until ‘the chosen one’ is ready to claim his ‘non-arguable birthright’, which of course would be none other than Mukhriz Mahathir.
5. The dark horse and many privately rate the best choice is Nur Jazlan, the Public Accounts Commitee Chairman (PAC). Nur Jazlan could very well be the rookie wildcard for the coveted job of Prime Minister. Stemming from a good background and with a fairly clean record, compared to Khairy(KJ) who by the way has been accused of being Malaysia’s youngest billionaire, Nur Jazlan would better fit the bill as a scandal-free Prime Minister.
He also seems to be saying the right things at the right time and he has not made many enemies. In fact, he could be another clean slated Ahmad Badawi but much more active. Nur Jazlan could gain acceptance among the non-Malays unlike Zahid, Khairy and Hisham - all three of whom have destroyed the trust and confidence of the minorities when they were busy chasing for Malay favor and irretrievably hurt the hearts and feelings of the non-Malays with their racist rhetoric and sloganeering. Who would trust these three now, they could change platform in the blink of an eye!
But will Dr Mahathir give the much-steadier Nur Jazlan a chance especially after his fall out with Nur Jazlan's dad ex Information Minister Tan Sri Mohammad Rahmat.
Nur Jazlan comes across as a young intellectual, upcoming, moderate and clean politician, who wouldn’t mince his words to address the issues that plague the nation. He would go in sync with the calls of the Eminent 25 or (G25) for a return to the moderate path if given the thumbs-up.
However, given his youth and outspokenness, would he be deemed too independent for Dr Mahathir’s liking and coterie? So, whoever gets to helm the top post would first have to meet Mahathir’s tough criteria and his grand designs for the nation’s future as well as his blessings.
But, if I were to choose, I would pick, and I believe that I speak the same for the 53percent of the nation’s voters: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for Prime Minister. It would be a great loss to the nation, if Anwar’s vast talent and skills cannot be tapped to turn this nation around and steer it forward to a bright and prosperous future. - MAILBAG

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