
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Pas & Hudud: But is Malaysia CURSED by God or by the dark deeds of its leaders?

Pas & Hudud: But is M'sia CURSED by God or by the dark deeds of its leaders?
Pas Kelantan has yet again deferred the Hudud bill sitting due to the massive floods inundating the state, much to the annoyance of the Muslim conservatives. To this group, often labelled 'hardliners' by their critics, it is so unnecessary to back off as God’s law is not something that anyone can postpone with impunity. Rain or shine, floods or drought, these hardliners want Pas to go ahead even if they have to do the sitting on the top floor of the building.
According to a confident PAS man, at least 112 MPs are ready to do their religious duty to vote in the bill, thereby saving the nation from 'impending doom.' In light of that, the party has even kept the amendments top secret and highly classified from the prying eyes of the 'liberals' in coalition partners DAP and PKR.
As the hardliners jostle to out-Islam each other, some have warned deferring the controversial bill will only bring on more disasters like the Acheh Tsunami and Philippines typhoons. Already, Terengganu, Pahang, Johore and Perak are in disaster mode. If Hudud is further delayed, the rest of the country would soon be under water. Os so they claim!
Top... er...'human rights' group and Umno sister organization Perkasa has attributed the tornadoes and freak storms that frequented Kedah in the past, to our failure to stem dog patting, gambling dens and beer festivals.
Based on the hardliners' logic, it is imperative that we heed the dire warnings of PAS MP Nik Abduh Nik Aziz without further delay. Nik Abduh has been very vocal on many broad issues like bikini swimsuits and beer festivals besides many other major issues plaguing the country.
His latest statement that; “the flood is a reminder to all Muslims to return to Allah’s ways and stay away from His wrath. It necessitates the perseverance of the Kelantan government to implement hudud laws,” is a timely statement Malaysians can truly do with or without depending on whether they are hardliners or liberals.
The views of the liberals and the moderates are unmistakable and easily available online. Basically, they see Nik Abduh as a mutt-head unqualified to hold public office for displaying such backward thinking. Read Related story: Hannah Yeoh CLOBBERS Nik Aziz's son: 'A note to self-righteous politicians'
So for the rest of this article, lets look at the view from the other side. To the hardliners, Nik Abduh's words are such inspirational statements, exhibiting a rare wave of intellect and compassion and truly becoming of an elected leader.
Hardliners Perspective: No reason to reject the bill
PAS has mandated that Muslim MP’s cannot vote against the bill, so most of the Muslim MP’s are raring to go at it. Actually, there is simply no reason for Umno MP’s to reject the Hudud bill, as there will be clauses to ensure that all punishments like amputation of limbs, whipping or stoning will not be backdated.
Therefore, all sinners; politicians or the common criminal who committed such crimes before the imposition of Hudud may not be subjected to such punishments. To backdate these punishments will mean that all those jailed for such crimes would have to be plucked out of prisons to have their limbs amputated or stoned.
Hardliners Perspective: A paradise on earth
With the imposition of Hudud, the crime rate will be reduced to zero in no time. There will be no more corruption as all Muslim politicians will have to abide by the law right down to a tee. It will mean there would be no more drunkards, rapists, adulterers or highway robbers.
Hudud in Kelantan will pave the way for the rest of the country to embrace the bill one day. It will mean that Malaysia will experience everlasting peace and our nation will go on to be the richest nation on earth some day.
It may be high time for a god-forsaken place like Kelantan to embrace Hudud, as the state will no longer be god-forsaken but be heavenly favoured. A new dawn will come upon the state and the dark shadows will recede. It will be like a paradise on earth and a cradle of Islam.
The revered Ulama Scholars will walk alongside the faithful in humility, peacefulness and tranquillity. It will be totally a crime free society with everyone experiencing a heavenly existence on earth, peppered with waterfalls, dancing fountains and overflowing with milk and honey, as what is now currently happening in countries like Sudan, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Imagine, no one will even dare to look at your girlfriend or your wife, let alone try to commit adultery. Any criminal eyeing to rob you would be easily identified with the absence of their limbs.
With the Kelantan PAS Government improvising on mini-guillotines and an execution squad armed only with stones, they are all set to implement the Hudud bill without further ado.
With the closure of gambling outlets, there will be no more gambling addicts. When every woman is completely covered up, there will be no more gang rapes, paedophilia, and sexual attacks on grandmothers or adulterers. Once Kelantan is alcohol free, there would be no more drunkards or liquor addicts. Without LGBT there will be no more sodomy.
It won’t be long before smoking is also banned, which means no more smoking addicts and drug addicts. When all the entertainment areas like discos and dangduts are banned, there will be no more addicts looking for banned substances like ecstacy, marijuana or glue sniffing.
It will also mean no more sin taxes, to taint the halal coffers of the government making our currency halal to the core.
Even porn will be banned, once they ban the internet. It will mean the exceptionally high users of porn in Kelantan and other east coast states will no longer be part of the statistics, but will become more pious and sexually disciplined
Hardliners Perspective: Women’s divine role as mother’s in a family unit
Later, women maybe deterred from driving, which will effectively reduce traffic by a good 40percent in the country. Imagine the amount of petrol the country will save or the vast reduction in pollution.
If women give up their careers to become full time mothers, Muslim men will have ample jobs awaiting them instead of having to compete with women. Even the Civil Service would cease to be bloated.
Motherly duties like breast feeding the children, and waiting patiently at the door to welcome their poor husbands returning from work would be the ideal family unit as proposed by human rights organizations like the eminent ISMA.
We can always bring in another 10million foreigners like Pakistanis and Bangladeshis to fill in the gap, when Malaysian women who crave to be the perfect housewives forsake their careers for the common good.
There is so much good that Hudud can bring to this god forsaken nation of ours; so why are Malaysians rejecting it outright for no apparent reason? And why is Pas postponing it again, just because of some minor flooding? - MAILBAG

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