
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 12, 2015

Paulsen only criticising Jakim, not insulting Islam

YOURSAY 'He is just expressing concern about the way Jakim is presenting their sermons.

Paulsen's tweet insult to Islam, charges Hadi's son 

Proarte: Paulsen is treading very dangerous ground when he tries to be a spokesperson for Islam. Would he care to elaborate what constitutes Islamic 'extremism' and what does not?

Paulsen, who represents Lawyers for Liberty, must never enter the Islamic terrain because he will be a sitting duck for irrational sniping, characteristic of Islamo-fascists like this PAS Youth leader.

Also by removing his tweet, he is tacitly admitting his 'error' or cowardice and sadly this has affected his credibility and judgment.

Hanyayangbenar: Wrong is wrong. What are Lawyers for Liberty executive director Eric Paulsen's motives trying in trying to link Friday sermons with promoting extremism? Does he have proof in the first place?

If he has, then make a police report. Don't just making stupid assumptions as sermons during Friday prayers are part of the rituals in Islam. He is the one truly extremist.

Baiyuensheng: Go to court and let Paulsen expose the treacherous sermons on Friday. Deputy youth chief Muhammad Khalil Abdul Hadi, a son of PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang, is trying to play nice with Umno Jakim and hopes he can be appointed as a minister.

Please see this article – 'Extremism-in-the-name-of-Islam-and-Malaysian-Muslims’.

The highest Islamic authority in Malaysia, the Department of Islamic Development (Jakim), certainly thinks so, as seen in their disseminated Friday sermon dated August 30, 2013 in which Christians are called ‘musuh Islam’ (Malay: ‘Enemy of Islam’)."

What4: First please investigate the sermons by Jakim. Paulsen is not insulting Islam. He is just worried about the way Jakim is presenting their sermons. So simple, and this Pemuda PAS member cannot understand.

FairMind: Another Charlie Hebdo in the making? Another one hijacking Islam for his own agenda? How many of them are out there in Malaysia? It is no wonder Malaysia is a perfect place for R&R for radicals.

Martha: So sad, every now and then there's this issue of religion. And it looks like it's only a one-way affair. You can dish out whatever you like but unfortunately I can't.

Where is the justice? But what you fail to see is that there is a thing called god's justice and god's intervention. This, my dear friend, is something that you cannot prevent.

But in the process poor innocent lives are lost. What this country needs are good and responsible leaders. Where are they?

Tikusmati: Well if one is so intellectually challenged and brought up not to think for oneself and leave it to others to think for you, then everything will be a challenge and an insult to one’s limited intelligence.

FranklyX'roy: Can we get the international media to pick up these stories. Malaysia is rated a moderate Islamic state; let’s now see how moderate we really are.

Maharaja: Is this another diversionary tactic using religious sentiments to draw away the attention from the home minister and IGP and alleged gambling kingpin Paul Phua?

Anonymous_1372083001: In my humble opinion, the author of this piece is guilty of sensationalising the "news" and some people have risen to the bait instead of engaging in rational discourse.

Remember, Deputy youth chief Muhammad Khalil Abdul Hadi’s demand is conditional, "if..."

Is it too idealistic for Paulsen to give specific examples?

Malaysia ku: What does this say about PAS? They now are in bed with Umno? How can Pakatan ever trust them, especially their snakey imbroglio during the Selangor MB crisis?

HOPE: We all know where the PAS ulama gang stands. No need for debate. -Mkini

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