
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 16, 2015

Perkasa now has planning dept in Putrajaya

YOURSAY ‘Where the temple face should be none of Perkasa's business.’

Perkasa wants Hindu temple to face Banting

David Dass: Why must the presence of a church or temple be offensive to Muslims? Buddhists, Hindus, Christians and other religions exist in Malaysia.

Malaysians are not all Muslims and non-Muslims have as much right to be here as Muslims. And likewise the presence of mosques should not be offensive to people of other faiths. That is what mutual respect should mean.

We are a multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-religious country and the sooner that everyone accepts that, the better for all of us. It is hard to believe that this kind of thinking can exist in Malaysia.

What do the people of Sabah and Sarawak think of us? Are we surprised at the large number of young people who are leaving the country? Can we blame them when there are groups like this? Is this not extremism?

Gerard Lourdesamy: No wonder Muslims are being labelled as "extremists" by most of the world. Is Perkasa now the Planning Department that their approval must be obtained before temples and churches can be built?

The location of this temple is very far away from the numerous mosques in Putrajaya and there are 1,500 Hindus to cater for.

I live in Setia Alam where 85 percent of the residents are Chinese, are they then entitled to tell the Muslims living there who are a clear minority to build their mosques facing Shah Alam instead since the Muslims are the majority there?

Statements like this confirm that Perkasa has a monopoly of idiots and imbeciles.

Malaccan: Where exactly would be a non-Muslim area where a temple or church could be constructed especially when it is official government policy to integrate the races in every area and location?

For Perkasa to question the location or even the entrance of a temple may be deeded to question that religion and arguably insult that religion, rendering them as anti-constitution and seditious.

This is the same argument that Perkasa and its extremist brood-mates claim each time a non-Muslim mention anything remotely related to Islam or Muslims.

With this logic, Perkasa should be deemed an organisation subversive to the unity and harmony of the nation, and its leaders should be charged for sedition and subsequently carted off to a location where they will not likely come into contact with other human beings.
All these said tongue-in-cheek of course, but with the principles fully intact. Perkasa is a boil on the nation's backside and is an affront to all religions, including their own.

Asitis: It is as if Perkasa Youth chief Irwan Fahmi Ideris thinks that the Muslims in Putrajaya walk around with a blindfold and could walk straight into the temple thinking that it is a mosque.

Which direction the temple chooses to locate its entrance is none of your business. If you truly respect the right of other people to profess their religion, as you keep claiming that you do (which you obviously don't), then stop uttering such provocative statements.

You think only you, Perkasa Malays, have religious sensitivity? If you really care about this country, stop testing the patience of the Malaysian society. It will not end well for the country.

FellowMalaysian: This is the type of scurrilous, offensive, contemptuous and incendiary remark that Perkasa thrives in.

Under the double standard protection of the IGP (inspector-general of police) and the AG (attorney-general), they are emboldened that their punitive actions are carried out to inflict ridicule and insult.   
LEF: I think this is a diversionary tactic used by Umno to draw our attention away from matters of national importance. Every time there is slow news day, Perkasa will issue statements that make you angry and respond accordingly.

Actually, Perkasa has no business controlling where any house of worship should be located. They just want to give Muslims a bad name by exhibiting religious intolerance.

Wira: These are the same bullies demanding that others respect their religion. Many areas in urban Penang have few Malays and yet the non-Muslims have never questioned why Muslim places of worship are located in their areas causing traffic jams?

Can these bigots please don't do to others what they do not want others to do unto them?

Cantabrigian: Perkasa, don't be overzealous in exercising your faith, otherwise you might end up insulting others without you realising, something that Prophet Muhammad would have despised.

Your journey to Kingdom of Heaven should not be paved with hatred and animosity, but with tolerance and compassion. Respect their religion and they will respect yours.

Whatshappenning: Perkasa, don't you have work to do? You are so free in checking on other races and religions. And now you are checking on where their temples should face, north, south, east or west.

Why don't you do some charity work, help the single mothers and their children, the flood victims, and check all the roads, they are full of potholes.
Do something and say something that benefits all.  Each time you open your mouth you create issues and uneasiness to all the people.

Thinkingmachine: Hindu temples have been built all over Southeast Asia from time immemorial and their main door will always face east so that the sun rays enter the innermost sanctum of the temple.

Maybe Great Chief Irwan Fahmi Ideris can make the sunrise according to his whims and fancy. -Mkini

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