
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 8, 2015


‘This is the chance for Najib to put Zahid out of his misery.’
Commentable: The story here appears to suggest that each government ministry and its minister helming it are acting as loose cannons. No one is towing the line and not one giving face to the PM as the leader of the government.
Does PM Najib Razak dare to come out to declare that he too has got no knowledge about the letter to FBI written by Home Minister Zahid Hamidi? If so, Zahid ought to be sacked. If not, then Najib himself is complicit in this.
Ferdtan: What is happening to the government? When there is an accusation made against a cabinet minister over possible abuse of power, his bosses - the PM and his deputy - are strangely quiet.
What type of leadership is the BN government providing? There is not a sound from both of them with regard to this issue.
In any corporation, if the CEO cannot rein in his subordinates, he is a failed leader. Likewise since our PM cannot discipline (or dare to discipline) his subordinate, it only means that we have a lame duck leader.
Companies often fail solely for that reason, why not the country?
Kingfisher: For the overall good of the country, Zahid should consider resigning his position after such an indiscretion in his ministerial responsibility.
As a senior leader in government and his political party, he has an occasion to set a good example for others.
It has been demonstrated time and time again by many upright leaders in countries like Japan, Korea and India that it is proper and dignified to accept responsibility for failing in public office and relinquish one’s position for the good of one’s country.
Anonymous$&@?: One is wondering why a Chinese ‘pendatang’ is being given red-carpet 'protection' and to top it off, the Chinese ‘pendatang’ allegedly runs an international illegal gambling syndicate.
Would you go out of your way to help such a person who has allegedly committed criminal offences in Macau and the United States? Who would do such a thing?
MfM: For once, I'm on police chief's side. A criminal is a criminal. This is the chance for Najib to put Zahid out of his misery. We don't need a tainted home minister.
Dont Just Talk: It does not take any Malaysian with common sense to smell a rat, otherwise why should a home minister take a personal interest in writing a letter to FBI to support a wanted criminal.
To save the country and Umno Baru from further embarrassment, Zahid should offer to step down without being told to do so by the prime minister.
Kim Quek: In lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah’s press conference on Jan 3, he said he learned from “the horse’s mouth... a very senior police official” that the police had erred in telling FBI that Paul Phua was a member of 14K triad.
But Malaysiakini’s police source claimed otherwise in this report. Did Shafee cook up the story?
Louis: The police intelligence must be sleeping. They were not even aware that their boss has denied their alleged claim of Phua's involvement with the triad.
Shafee's must be congratulated for pulling of such a feat. In future, big-time gambling kingpins or criminals, please take note.
This man is no ordinary lawyer. He can get the home minister to write good recommendation, which no other home minister in the world would do.
Fair Play: As the plot thickens and more sordid details are made known, the PM has no choice but to drop the home minister like a hot potato before he gets burned too.
Onyourtoes: How about asking the FBI and Justice Department in the US to begin investigating Phua's lawyers and Malaysia's home minister for trying to subvert and interfere with a criminal investigation there.
Anonymous #05023297: This is a matter of national security and the home minister must be relieved of his duty until the matter is cleared up.
Mr PM, what are you doing? Does Umno politics go no further than king, country and race?
Odin: I suspect Zahid did not inform the police about his intention to write the infamous letter because he and Phua have been involved in – ahem! – national security projects so sensitive that no other parties, not even the oftentimes the mute and dumb prime minister, never mind the police, were privy to them.
'No compromise with Malaysians in 14K triad'
Fair Play: No compromise on 14K triad? But you have already compromised yourself by sending that letter to the FBI. So how are we to believe you?
Oh Ya?: Why Zahid keeps on saying there is no 14K triad in Bolehland without giving supporting evidence?
Is he not trying to reinforce his retracted but disgraceful letter to the FBI, that the PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) is wrong? Please come clean.
Telestai!: Sure Zahid, 14K doesn't exist in Malaysia because your source of information is the Registrar of Societies (ROS). Do you expect them to register their presence with the government?
Versey: Mr Home Minister, please don't obfuscate the simple question from the rakyat:
Why did you write the letter to FBI to defend an alleged criminal who was caught red-handed conducting illegal gambling activities in US? Why?
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