
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Put speculations to rest, where was Rosmah?

YOURSAY ‘It is best for Najib to own up and declare the real mis-users of the jet.’

PM's jet comes home after round-the-world trip

Wg321: All the Umno cybertroopers missed the point. The taxpayers, including me, are not concerned about PM Najib Razak’s darling (Rosmah Mansor) on her allegedly Christmas shopping spree.

I am angry about Najib wasting our money. Our economy is in a very bad shape. Our cost of living, especially food, rental and housing, is skyrocketing. A fresh UiTM (Universiti Teknologi Mara) graduate with a guaranteed government job may not even be able to survive.

For example, in the 1970s, a two-storey house in Petaling Jaya cost RM27,000, a new 1100cc car cost RM7, 000. Today it costs RM500,000 and RM40,000 respectively.

A plate of nasi campur with three dishes cost RM1.20 in PJ then. Today it cost a minimum of RM6.00. On top of that, now we have GST (Goods and Services Tax) and highway tolls.

At the end of the month, there is nothing left even for their aged parents. Our national debt is ballooning. There is a brain as well as capital drain. Yet Najib’s darling apparently still goes on a private shopping spree using government assets.

So Umno cyberlocust, please spare a thought for the suffering rakyat like me.

Mushiro: In this world of social media and Internet, it is tough to lie as all lies will eventually be exposed. It is best for Najib to just own up and declare the real mis-users of the jet.

It cannot be a coincidence that Rosmah was not in Malaysia when the jet was away all these time.
Whysoserious: Please stop talking about jet. Najib has already given his best to help the flood victims. Pakatan Rakyat is trying to condemn Najib by manipulating this ridiculous issue and stop Malaysians from talking about the PM’s kindness.

Abu_Maryam: It is clear that Najib had planned to go for a family holiday (as Pakatan people say leaders are entitled to their holidays), but he was the only leader who was willing to abandon his family and his holiday and come back to be on the ground for four days straight in four different states.

Chris Wong: Feudalism runs deep. If the rakyat do not question how public money is being spent on jetting our public officials all over the world, we let feudalism continue to run wild in our government.

Questions everything, and remove those who waste our money. Fellow Malaysians, do you have the will to see this through?

Thana55: If the flight route was above board, it just requires the PMO (Prime Minister’s Office) to make a statement to put all speculations to rest.

Why keep quiet? One other point, the Indianapolis stopover for maintenance was not plausible as it is the time when everyone is on holiday.

Anonymous_1419577444: After Indianapolis, the jet flew back to Los Angeles. Why did it then turn around and stopped for a few hours in New York, London, Dubai before going to Bangkok?

Would it not be cheaper and much shorter to fly from LA to Bangkok via the Pacific Ocean?

Ex-minister accuses PM's Office of lying about jet

Gordon Gecko: In the 70s TV series Fantasy Island, Tattoo shouts, "The plane, the plane" as it approaches to land on Fantasy Island.

On it are mysterious guests who paid a fortune to have their fantasy fullfilled on the island. Here in Malaysia, the rakyat and the opposition shout "The plane, the plane" as it arrived home.

On it were also mysterious guests. But the difference is the "guest" or “guests” had already fullfilled their fantasy - golfing, shopping and holidaying in Hawaii, NY, London, Dubai and Bangkok... but at the taxpayers's expense.

Anonymous_3e86: To end all the speculations and accusations, Najib has to confirm the whereabouts of Rosmah during the period when the aircraft was in United States until the time it ended up in Bangkok.

Why can't he do that? The PMO just can't say that the plane wasn't used by Najib's family members. Just reveal where Rosmah was all this while.

If she has flown back on commercial flight, then state the airline and dates. Can't do that, right?

Louis: Is Najib dumb? Indeed, why can't he simply tell from his own mouth where his sweet wife was? Why can't he tell the world that his petite did not travel on the plane to Bangkok?

Najib, it is time for you to stop travelling. Spend more time at home to run the country, not globe-trotting.

888: Indonesia’s Jokowi aka Joko Widodo, a president of a very much larger country, travels by commercial aircraft and pays from own pocket.

The Singapore PM only travels by commercial flight, whether on private or official business. Many other Western countries government heads also travel by commercial flights. -Mkini

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