
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 26, 2015

SEX SCANDALS TO BRING DOWN NAJIB? Of 'red herring' Rita Rudaini & other women in the PM's life

SEX SCANDALS TO BRING DOWN NAJIB? Of 'red herring' Rita Rudaini & other women in the PM's life
Do you know that Prince Andrew has been accused of having sex with one Virginia Roberts when she was still under age? She made this claim after it happened fifteen years ago!
In Malaysia we have never heard of such affairs where a woman coming forward to tell her story. But time has changed and maybe we would be able to hear about it soon.
What about Datuk Zainudin Maidin or Zam's recent claim that Rita Rudaini is not involved in a conspiracy to oust Najib? What about her? Why did he suddenly bring her name into the public domain and in connection with the PM's possible ouster? It was hardly necessary and rather loose-lipped for a man of Zam's experience.
Before you guys jump to sex scandal and think back about past rumors of Najib and an actress ( let's just call her ZZ) caught in the act in a Port Dickson hotel, let's weigh the facts.
Only the 'best' ladies for the men in power
Firstly, what have Rita Rudaini and the rest of the top female artists have in common, apart from the fact that they are well-known? They are of course beautiful, attractive and must have attracted the attention of many men, especially those who have high taste and money to spend. Men of high class would not go for the lady cleaners from Indonesia.
Zainudin Maidin
On their part, the female artists have a class of their own and would not simply respond to any Tom, Dick and Harry eitherr. Please, don’t get carried away in thinking that they are involved in any intimate scandals with anybody. Despite some bad news pertaining to their private lives, they have in fact been leading reputable lives and have maintained that status until now except on some awkward occasions.
Rita Rudaini’s first marriage was with Akbar Shaari and her second husband was Mohd Aidil Zafuan. Rita is now divorced. That sounds tantalizing indeed. Unfortunately if there were any gossips of her with any man, you can count Datuk Seri Najib Razak out. Rita’s involvements were only amongst her fellow artists colleagues; working interactions, that’s all. So just don’t have any ideas please.
However there was another woman; a female singer/actress who had been rumoured to have involved in a ‘khalwat’ (close proximity) case with Najib in a hotel in Port Dickson in 1995. This gossip has not been proven to be true until today but since it is very intriguing, it simply refuses to fade away from our memories. Moreover it is on record in cyberspace and IT people will tell you that this will last until the end of time.
Rita Rudaini
It is just like Altantuya, until and unless the murder is completely solved, it won’t be forgotten. People will keep on wondering and asking. The people are not accusing Najib of masterminding the murder but they are wondering if he did?
It is a most intriguing murder and who did it is still hanging in the air even though she was killed 9 years ago! Whatever the truth, Altantuya will remain in the public mind as yet another woman who purportedly had links to Najib.
I am not saying that Najib is a compulsive womanizer; I am only trying to evaluate the present infighting in Umno where Tun Daim Zainudin has been portrayed as having sex scandals with underage girls. And mind you - not one but several virgins!
The late Altantuya - murdered in 2006 by the ex-bodyguards of Najib and his wife Rosmah Mansor
Thus when Zam cynically mentioned that Rita Rudaini is not involved in any conspiracy to oust Najib, he is probably right. Rita Rudiani has got nothing to do with Najib. Some speculate her name cropped up because of the double R - RR - just like the PD girlfriend's initials were ZZ.
Still, there maybe other women who have not and do not want to come forward and for what? Who would believe them anyway?
Of course, there is still a possibility like in the case of Prince Andrew, that if the price is right, some women would come forward. This also depends on how intense and desperate the individuals are in the in-fighting between the anti-Najib and pro-Najib camps.
But in the case of Najib, even his father the late Tun Abdul Razak informed one of the diplomats attending a tea party hosted by him that Najib was a womanizer; “skirt chasing”, said Tun Razak; most probably during his studies in the United Kingdom.
Old habits die hard
Najib, whose own dad called him a 'skirt-chaser' during his student days
Old habits die hard and Najib could have continued with that habit but of course discretely; like anybody else, he won’t do it openly if at all he did. There could be some videos and photos too. Who knows?
Given such a playboy background, the present ‘war’ between the anti-Najib Umno and the pro-Najib Umno is likely to develop into an all-out gutter war, no matter what Zam said. The probability of any sex scandal being exposed and having negative repercussions would be skewed towards Najib, rather than hurt the already elderly and retired Daim.
What about the artist with the ZZ initials purportedly involved in Port Dickson with Najib? Let us not speculate and waste time on it. That can only be confirmed by others and definitely not Najib.
Pssst…why not ask Tan Sri Isa Samad! He is said to possess a photo and showed it to Dr M when the scandal first erupted!- MAILBAG

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