
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, January 24, 2015

SHOULD DR M TALK TO SIRUL: Altantuya secrets can be used to blackmail Najib, compromise Malaysia

SHOULD DR M TALK TO SIRUL: Altantuya secrets can be used to blackmail Najib, compromise M'sia
Have you seen the Final Destination movies? In the end everybody must die. Fortunately for Sirul Azhar Umar, he knows that he would be dead if he returns to Malaysia. Those behind the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu want him to die with the knowledge of the murder, by hook or by crook. Sirul can only try to postpone his demise.
But the Australian authorities could already have the confession by Sirul and that could be used by Australia as leverage in dealing with Malaysia. Fortunately with the exception of the spat between former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Mr Paul Keating calling him a “recalcitrant”, Australia has been on friendly terms with Malaysia. Australia has helped in the SAR of MH370 more than necessary.
If Australia used the information given by Sirul against Malaysia, it would look like a “blackmailer” and it would be bad for international politics. But who would guarantee that the information would never leak out and go viral on the internet?
There is not only one Edward Snowden mind you. What about Sirul’s son? He is already at the brink of blowing the whistle. He just needed to be provoked a little bit more!
“In all honesty, I am a son of Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar. To those who don’t know about his case, don’t just say what you like. Watch your mouth. If I talk to the press, Malaysia will fall. The PM will also fall," FMT had reported Sirul sons as saying on his Facbook page Shuk SZ.
Altantuya Shaariibuu, a Mongolian model, was killed in Malaysia by two of Prime Najib Razak's ex-bodyguards - Azilah Hadri and Sirul Azhar. Najib has denied ever knowing Altantuya but is still unable to shake off talk that he is involved in her grisly killing.
The murder plan had gone wrong from the start. It was an ad hoc plan, discussed through within minutes and executed a.s.a.p., thus it did not cover every aspect.
It was never and could not be a perfect crime because the perpetrators are not professional criminals and despite a close knit group of people, it is still too many.
Those involved will have to face the repercussions. It is only a matter of time before the whole thing will blow up. By the way, if Dr Mahathir is really serious to replace Najib, he should seek the help of Sirul and Azilah. See, the threat to the perpetrators could also be from Malaysia and not Australia.
But will Dr Mahathir do it when the time comes? – MAILBAG

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