
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 26, 2015

Tee accuses non-Muslims of ingratitude

He urges them to value the Malays' tolerant attitude.
ridhuan tee300PETALING JAYA: Controversial preacher Ridhuan Tee has accused non-Muslims of ingratitude for the tolerance shown to them by the Malay and Muslim majority.
In part of a long diatribe against the “ultra kiasu” – his code phrase for critics of Malay and Muslim prerogatives – he says in his Sinar Harian column that no minority groups in other parts of the world enjoy as much tolerance as Malaysia’s minorities.
Using Thailand as an example, he says no one in that country dares denounce Buddhism, the Thai King or the ethnic majority. He notes that Christmas is a working day in Thailand, and yet no one has accused the Thais of extremism.
He says he’s puzzled that the ultra kiasu would interpret the Federal Court “Allah” ruling as meaning that it signaled the oppression of religious minorities.
“Where else in the world do we find small minorities with so many rights, with so many houses of worship, including the biggest and the tallest? Please value this tolerance, this good heartedness of the Malays.”
He professes anger over the non-Muslims’ alleged boldness in questioning the rights of Muslims, the Malays and the royal families and he denounces the “liberal Malays” who support them.
“Why don’t follow the practice of countries like Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Britain and others around the world? David Cameron has clearly declared that Britain is Christian country. The Muslims there have kept quiet about it; they haven’t said much. That is tolerance.”
He says the ultra kiasu have become so used to the tolerance shown by Muslims that they would quibble over minor issues like the operation in Kota Baru to enforce the dress code requiring women to cover their hair.
“The ultra kiasu allege that Chinese businesses would be affected. The question is how many Chinese are there in Kelantan? And how will the businesses be affected? The part of the body requiring covering is only the head. There’s no tying of hands and feet. Cleanliness is assured. At least no hair will drop into the food being served.”

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