
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Answer To ISIS Invasion Threat – The Great Wall Of Saudi

Part of the reasons why Barack Obama got himself the job as the first black President of the United States was because the Americans were sick and tired of Bush’s arrogance, incompetency and aggressiveness that got the country into economic turmoil and wars all over the world. Democrats seized the chance by presenting Obama as an alternative to Republicans – the first American Muslim president in Barack Hussein Obama.
Barack Hussein Obama
It was hoped that with Obama being a Muslim apologist, which he has done a good job being one so far, the world would be a better place. Well, at least they hoped the war between America and terrorists (specifically from the Middle East) would cool down and less blood would be spilled. Obama was supposed to be the marketing agent to tour all Islamic countries throwing the magic word – “Assalamualaikum“.

Obama was fashioned as if he is Justin Bieber, surrounded and cheered by teenagers. Did it work? Unfortunately, some of these Bieber’s fans, being the Islamic radicals do not think Justine Obama worth to be idolised. On the contrast, they took it that with Obama sucking to their toes, it would be the bestopportunity to up the ante. The results – the rise of Islamic State empire or IS, ISIS, ISIL or whatever you like to call them.
Barack Obama Golfing Ignoring Terrorists Beheading
Not only the IS had an easy job bulldozing their self-proclaimed territories spanning Iraq and Syria while the indecisive Obama busy golfing, the terrorists also found it crazily easy targeting the western interests – from Canada, Australia and France – and soon Britain and the rest of the European countries. Heck, Obama was so weak that even Moscow launched their Crimea annexation operation without much resistance.

Now, the next trillion dollar question: will IS decide to invade and capture the rich Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? Despite what many think highly of American military prowess, they’re as good as the commander in chief, who happens to be a lame duck golfer Obama. It’s a public knowledge that the U.S. soldiers are highly demotivated at the present. Can the ultra rich sheikhs of Saudi Arabia depend their lives and wealth on the hand of Obama administration?
King Saudi Arabia
Obviously, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia does not think so. Taking a page from the once great empire of China that built their Great Wall as early as 7th century BC, the Saudis are now building a similar defence structure – a 600-mile-long (965-kilometer) “Great Wall”. If the Great Wall of China could defend the northern borders of China from barbarians invasion, the Great Wall of Saudi (hopefully) could defend the northern borders of Saudi Arabia from ISIL barbarians invasion.
Saudi Arabia Soldier Watching Fence Border
With much of the area on the Iraqi side is now controlled by ISIL, and the eagerness of the terror group to capture the “Two Holy Mosques” of Mecca and Medina, it doesn’t need a Saudi genius to reinforce a fencing proposal first hatched in 2006. Taking the hint from a raiding party from Islamic State of Iraq last week, where two Saudi guards and General Oudah al-Belawi were killed, Riyadh also sent an extra 30,000 troops to the area.

Apparently, the defensive mechanism consists of five layers of fencing with watch towers, night-vision cameras and radar cameras. The supposedly highly-fortified fence reportedly have 32 rapid response centres, 3 rapid intervention squads, 38 back and front gates, 78 monitoring towers, 10 monitoring and surveillance vehicles, 1,450,000 metres of fiber optics networks and 50 radars.
Saudi Arabia building Great War - Map
Stretching from Hafar al-Batin, near the Iraq-Kuwait border, to the northeast town of Turaif, the building work began in September last year. When the initial version of the defence project was made public in 2006, it was estimated the cost of the high-tech fence to be around US$700 million. But it was then at the drawing board with many sketchy assumptions. The actual cost could easily be in the region of billions of dollars.
Saudi Arabia building Great War - Conceptual Diagram
While the construction cost is a one off thing, the operational cost and military hardware and software purchases could be gigantic. What this means is huge military contracts for the Americans. But money is something that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has a lot. Still, considering the Mongols could conquer China and a single traitor general gladly opened gates for the rise of Manchu dynasty, can the Great Wall of Saudi saves the kingdom? -financetwitter

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