
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 9, 2015

The dilemma Zahid created for Umno: Can they afford NOT to sack him?

The dilemma Zahid created for Umno: Can they afford NOT to sack him?
Now that the secret letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is exposed, Home Minister, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has only one option: to resign from his cabinet position.
If he continues to cling to his position, it will be at the expense of his party and the Prime Minister who appointed him as a cabinet minister.
It is interesting that even former prime minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad remain very silent about Zahid’s letter in defence of a suspected gambling kingpin.
The letter that he sent to the FBI is tantamount to political interference by an external party into the investigation conducted by the federal agency of another sovereign nation, something which even the Royal Malaysian Police or the Malaysian Government would never ever welcome.
It is clearly an abuse of the powers vested on him, as the Malaysian Minister of Home Affairs. Zahid’s letter which was written without even referring to the RMP, leaving the Inspector General of Police red-faced when queried by the press, also shows the sheer abuse of his power as a cabinet minister.
It also suggests that, if the police case involving Paul Phua were a local case, he may have the tendency to order the police to stop all investigations, an offence which sent former prime minister, Anwar Ibrahim to jail for six years.
One commentator had put it succinctly: “Isn’t this an abuse of power by Zahid? Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim was sentenced to six years in prison for abuse of power. Will the same fate befall the home minister?”
Irony of Ironies
As Zahid’s letter was sent without the knowledge of the cabinet, and it has certainly marred the country’s reputation, his efforts to influence the justice system in the United States is therefore inexcusable.
Zahid, despite being born a first generation Malaysian to a Javanese couple migrants from Indonesia, is often seen as someone championing the Malay cause. This has helped him to rise through the political ranks in Umno, notwithstanding that it has destroyed the fabrics of our multiracial society.
His ultra-Malay inclinations have often distanced the non-Malays from him, and the party that he represents. When the nation was rocked by the frequent shootings that happened nearly every day within a period of two weeks, Zahid was in the thicks of controversy.
During that brief stint, of course, Zahid was defending the Internal Security Act, the Emergency Ordinance, and the Restricted Residence Act, which he claimed were put in place for the sake of national security.
Zahid’s defence for Phua, saying that Phua was assisting some National Security projects, therefore, raises further questions about what such projects a suspected triad member could be involved in.
Zahid was also the minister who banned the Voluntary Patrol Unit (PPS), the equivalent of Rukun Tetangga and PDRM’s Community Policing, in Penang. He has also threatened to revoke the citizenship of people who were opposed to Putrajaya.
Deeper and deeper into murky water
Currently, Zahid is also hit by another scandal which involved the monopoly of MyEG, the sole online provider for the renewal of the Temporary Work Permits of Foreign Workers.
The irony is that Zahid is now caught in a bigger controversy involving a non-Malay – and, what’s worse, a suspected triad member -- that will shatter every hope of him becoming the next prime minister of Malaysia.
Either way, Zahid is seen as betraying the trust of his supporters who see his letter of support for Paul Phua, and even to the non-Malays who are wary of him, the notion of him writing to clear Phua’s name, despite the police’s note confirming that he was a 14K triad member, already sounds fishy.
Can still be next PM?
Should Umno continue to support Zahid as the next prime minister, it would cast doubts on Umno’s own reputation. After all, any actions by an Umno leader will either bring a good name or tarnish his organisation’s good reputation.
Each action or lack of action by an Umno leader will further erode the people’s confidence in Umno as a governing political party.
Even Najib Abdul Razak’s reputation as the prime minister who appointed Zahid to his ministerial position, would not be spared if he chooses to keep Zahid as a cabinet minister.
Even former President of MCA, Dr Chua Soi Lek decided to resign from all positions, to avoid a major public relations disaster for the Chinese-based political party.
By distancing himself from Zahid, but still keeping him as a cabinet minister, would certainly not help Najib’s own popularity. Neither would it help him in garnering grass root support especially at a time when his own leadership is being challenged by the Mahathir faction within Umno.
As one reader put it in the form of a question, “Now, what would Najib do in the face of such a recalcitrant minister with a big ego? Najib's fate is sealed if he doesn't get rid of this ‘gangster’ in his cabinet. The daggers are unsheathed.”
In the light of what Sophie Lemiere recently highlighted about the underworld gangs in Malaysia and their involvement in Malaysian politics, Zahid had called Tiga Line members as ‘benevolent gangsters’ and his friends, despite the group being blacklisted by the police as one of 49 secret societies in the country. Zahid, however, later denied having any link with Tiga Line, but called his fellow cabinet minister a “biggest Tiga Line gangster".
Najib would have access to both Zahid and Shahidan’s police record, but his inaction, will reflect badly on the premier’s own leadership.
But, it all adds us. The ‘not-so-good’ news about Zahid has truly backfired on his cold-hearted ambitions to be the Prime Minister now, especially with him writing to defend Phua. Even the IGP is claiming ignorance of the letter written by his minister. This does not help to clarify the controversies the ordinary man in the street see in their politicians.
Public Confidence
Public confidence is important for the political survival any politician or organisation, be it the police, Umno or even Pakatan Rakyat.
However, before an investigation is kickstarted on Zahid, the tongues are already wagging. One commentator, for example, said: “Any investigation into Zahid will be a meaningless exercise. Should he be found to have committed criminal actions, there will be either no action taken against him or, if he were charged, judges partial to making decisions in favour of the denizens of the cabinet would be appointed to hear his case.”
This is why, for whatever the reason is, Zahid will have to go. He can be kicked out by his own party president, or if Zahid had any sense of integrity to stand by his actions, it would only be logical for him to bow out gracefully.
The question is will he do it for the sake of Umno’s own survival and the country’s reputation? - MAILBAG

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