
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 26, 2015

UMNO POWER STRUGGLE: Datum Jelatek & Chinese bloodshed - springboard for May 13-style internal coup?

UMNO POWER STRUGGLE: Datum Jelatek & Chinese bloodshed - springboard for May 13-style internal coup?
A seemingly innocent protest at the Jelatek luxury condominium in Taman Keramat, Selangor, turned rowdy, with protestors breaking into the construction site to halt the project. They also claimed that the area would turn into a "Chinese district" as only the Chinese could afford to purchase units at the luxury condominium.
Nasi lemak and bottled mineral water were distributed before they started their demonstration chanting the Warisan song, or Anak Kecil Main Api – a song lamenting the loss of the land to outsiders, often played during the heavily-criticised Biro Tata Negara programme.
Members of the Selangor chapter of Umno offshoot Perkasa, as well as the Datum Jelatik Action Committee (BBDJ) could be seen among the rowdy crowd, who warned Selangor Menteri Mohamed Azmin Ali to stop the condominium project which would open the floodgates to other races entering the Malay-majority area.
Malay 'gangster groups using the Chinese to extort money?
One instigator even challenged Azmin to come down and meet him, saying that he would throw Azmin into the drain. They also urged the Pakatan Rakyat-led Selangor government to stop trying to challenge the Malays or allow the Malays to be bullied by other races.
Given free rein to inflict the utmost damage
"We do not hate other races, but the Chinese and the Indians should not challenge the Malays," claimed the protestors.
Yet, BBDJ chief warned of possible "bloodshed" if Selangor proceeded with plans to construct the condominiums, saying that the development was a threat to the Malays.
The project's developers, DatumCorp, had previously said 1,097 Bumiputeras had registered for the condominium, which far exceeded the 674 units available, so it is likely, that these hoodlums may have been paid to stir up a little commotion, with the intention to extort the developer of the project which is virtually a Malay owned company.
The presence of Selangor Perkasa at the protests has led to the conclusion that it may be a politically engineered protest. Not only was it strategized to pressure Datum Corp, but also the PKR led Selangor Government; as such protests will never happen in BN ruled states. Obviously these guys were paid to rough things up, when even building a condominium can be considered racist.
More than meets the eye: Violence was organized:
Such shocking, seditious and disgustingly lawless behaviour, while belting out the Biro Tata Negara “Warisan song”, shows a well organized protest strategy to ward off potential non Malay buyers, so that these units can be snapped up for a song.
Genuine grousers or 'political hired hands'
But playing the racial card by singling out the Chinese and the Indians as the main culprits who are bullying the poor helpless Malays with the intention of taking over a 100% Malay area; while warning of bloodshed is simply too much for Malaysians to stomach!
Their dire warnings of bloodshed simply mean that they have every intention to maim and kill, if the Non Malays happens to step into their territory!
And these instigators who happen to be NGO chiefs, know that are protected and that they can get away with it, simply make it more frustrating for Malaysians who has to standby and watch it happen.
Umno rival factions reprising May 13 to grab control of party?
It is quite clear the Datum Jelatek protest was politically engineered and those involved were a bunch of brainless idiots with a classic jungle mentality, who care nothing about behaving like gangsters. They dare to break the law because they know the police and the Umno-BN Government will not dare touch them as long as they are protecting the 3 R’s - race, religion and Ruler.

Umno, Prime Minister Najib Razak's ruling party, certainly might welcome some attention to be deflected from its torrid infighting, where sex videos and all sorts of allegations are being flung by topmost leaders at each other.
Factions aligned to former premier Mahathir Mohamad to unseat Prime Minister Najib Razak have been aggressive and so have the fightbacks from the Najib camp. So some diversion to pull down the Opposition's image might be welcome.
There are even those who accuse Machiavellian hands of using the Datum Jelatek as some sort of springboard for certain Umno factions to reprise a mini May 13 so as to consolidate or grab power in Umno itself. Again the Chinese will be used as pawns but this time around, the Chinese are probably too jaded and too smart to get involved. They will sit aside and watch while the Malays kill themselves and the country.
Odd that the Malays who form the majority population in Malaysia don't realize that if their racism and gangsterism chases away investors and ultimately make Malaysia a failed state, they have the most to lose. Stupid, isn't it.
Why are the police not arresting anyone?
Indeed, the failure of the police to arrest anyone shows that there is more going on than meets the eye. When a non-Malay tweeted about Jakim, there was swift action with 20 policemen arresting one harmless activist. The IGP, Khalid Bakar who keeps insisting he's not an Umno stooge, led the attack against the activist Eric Paulsen. Khalid is strangely silent over Datum Jelatek despite the shocking violence and seditious threats. Has the IGP been given 'certain' instructions?
With such a blatant display of seditious speeches that will threaten the peace and harmony of the nation, none of the perpetrators were apprehended, even when there were photographic evidence. Najib’s administration has a lot to answer to; as to where they have placed their phoney priorities?
Shouldn’t these instigators be charged for vandalism, attempted assault for threatening to throw Azmin into a drain, or slapped with sedition charges for threatening bloodshed and shouting racist expletives?
According to unconfirmed reports PKNS has announced that the land is not Malay Reserve Land and belongs to the state government, and 70 per cent of the housing units will be sold to the Malays while the rest will be sold to other races,"
If the developer had the blessing and approval of the respective Authorities; who are these people to object in such an unlawful manner? Have we ever seen the Chinese or Indians protesting about mosques or suraus being built in Non Malay dominant areas? So much for our image of Malaysia as 'truly Asia'! Sheeeshh!
Putrajaya must acknowledged that their policies have failed
Such protests reflect the failure of the NEP and other Malay-centred policies implemented by the BN-UMNO government to improve the lot of the Malays even after many decades of rule. The chief underlying problem is the redistribution of wealth in our multicultural nation which is marred by protective income and trade capitalism.
Najib and his deputy Muhyiddin Yassin
These are the by-products of race based parties and policies which are dearly held by Umno, Mca and Mic. It is time for us to stop labelling each other by race, and for the Government to treat everyone of us fair and square. The government should instead give priority to the needy, not the Bumi or their crony!
Now we have Muslims from Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Middle East and the Philippines being prematurely absorbed as citizens, and they are all Bumiputras at the expense of our Chinese and Indian brothers, so who is actually losing the cake?
Stop blaming the Non Malays
The Chinese and Indians are too busy trying to make something of their lives to even bother challenging any one or any race. Blaming them for the shortcomings, failure and misery of the Malays is totally senseless.
Shouldn’t we target Putrajaya and UMNO, or ourselves instead and ask why the Chinese are ahead of us, instead of envying and hating their successes? Why not withdraw all AP permits, monopolies and cronies to allow the Rakyat a bigger slice of the pie, so that we can enjoy a better life as all services and products would be cheaper by at least 40%?
Putrajaya built by Mahathir but now ruled by Najib whom he has crticized as weak
It wouldn’t be surprising if the ethnic Chinese really do have the money to buy the condos, but in reality most Chinese, Malays, Indians, Sikhs and other Malaysian communities cannot afford to buy them. But somehow, they don’t run amok or tear down other people's property just because they cannot afford to buy the condominiums.
Any potential Chinese investors looking on to buy these condos would now step back in cool, calculative demeanour, preferring to let Umno and their cronies slug it out among themselves, and pick up their own shit. After all, they are simply spoilt for choice when it comes to KL’s lukewarm property market.
But, if foreign Chinese investors like the Chinese, Taiwanese, Singaporeans, Hongkies and Thais are frightened off by these dumb and silly protests, it would be at our nation’s own funeral and expense and we would be the biggest losers. When are the government and these sick NGOs going to get that into their thick stubborn heads?
Such protests will turn Taman Keramat into a Property Risk Zone
Investors find it rather baffling that its residents would think one condo project would transform the Malay-majority area into a "Chinese district".
Potential investors will shun Taman Keramat, if they think that the residential area is full of racists as their neighbours. They wouldn't want to invest in that area, if they have the slightest inkling of racial tension or restricted territory. The property values would tumble over with all these KuKluxKlan's around.
Already, this incident has cost the developers a big loss in potential buyers. Too bad for PKNS; as this incident will indefinitely frighten of any potential buyers, especially the Chinese and the Indians, who thinks that residing in a Malay majority area may become an issue.
Anyone in their right minds, can deduce that a multi-racial composition of residents in any neighbourhood would increase the value of their properties, and residents would be reaping more from their properties sale if the Chinese were around.
Anyway, since we are on this subject, does anyone know what happened to the 1 million affordable houses that Najib promised to all of us during the last general election?
Will Umno ever stop hoodwinking the Malays
If anything this incident has taught us; it is the fact that the NEP with all its special privileges accorded to the Malays, have not improved the buying ability of the Malays. The Bumiputras belief in the “from cradle to grave” policy has failed to improve their lot and they are not becoming any richer.
Umno assembly, where attacks against the Chinese made up the bulk of the agenda
The Malays cannot expect the government to subsidize every single thing in life. It is the Government handouts, that has destroyed the true 'entrepreneur' spirit of the Malays and they have become complacent and through favouritism... lost the competitive edge.
If the Umno government is truly sincere to help the Malays to own homes, they have to build affordable homes costing not more than RM250,000.
Today, the government is encouraging Chinese investments into this country, to the extent of introducing free visas for Chinese tourists, so it will be incredibly stupid of NGOs like Perkasa to rock the boat and instigate the Chinese. - MAILBAG

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