
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

WHAT SAYS ISMA, PERKASA? KL courts ban 'PURDAH' or veiling of face for security reasons

WHAT SAYS ISMA, PERKASA? KL courts ban 'PURDAH' or veiling of face for security reasons
KUALA LUMPUR - The Kuala Lumpur court has banned the purdah, or veils worn by Muslim women that leave only the eyes exposed, for safety reasons, citing a previous bomb threat at the Putrajaya courts.
Mohd Hirman Ab Raub, senior assistant registrar at the Kuala Lumpur court’s administration and enforcement division, said the purdah ban was to ensure that everyone could be identified clearly.
“This is for safety purposes so that we know who enters the court,” Mohd Hirman told Malay Mail Online when met at the court complex here yesterday.
However, he also said the ban had been enforced for the past three to four years, even before a bomb threat was made at the Palace of Justice in Putrajaya ― the complex that also houses the Federal Court and Court of Appeal ― one and a half years ago.
He added that the bomb threat at the Putrajaya courts turned out to be a hoax.
Bomb threats were also made at the Malaysian Bar’s extraordinary general meeting on the Sedition Act 1948 last September and at the Shah Alam court complex in 2013. Both turned out to be false.
Mohd Hirman said today that the Kuala Lumpur court has yet to receive complaints on women wearing the purdah during open court sessions.
The court official also said signboards were erected throughout the court complex early last year to remind the public of the purdah ban and other long-standing prohibitions in open court like skirt lengths above the knee, sleeveless tops and slippers.
“We wanted to avoid incidents of the judge calling out members of the public. It happens all the time when people dress indecently, such as women wearing sleeveless tops or skirts that are too short or tight,” said Mohd Hirman.
The signboards, which are placed outside the court complex and inside the building on almost every floor, also list bans on weapons, safety helmets and loudhailers in the courtroom during public court sessions. The ban further includes cameras and recording devices, eating and drinking, smoking, making noise, and leaving one’s mobile phone on.
The Kuala Lumpur court also requires witnesses and the public to dress decently in open court, while lawyers and prosecutors are mandated to follow their dress codes.
Children below 12 years old are not allowed to enter open court without permission either, while those who enter the courtroom are required to bow their heads upon entry and exit and to sit without crossing one’s legs during public court sessions. - Malay Mail

1 comment:

  1. Salam


    Mereka yang berkenaan

    "Nama-nama perawi Syiah dalam Sahih al-Bukhari dan Sahih Muslim"

    "Nama-nama perawi Syiah dalam Sahih al-Bukhari dan Sahih Muslim".

    1. Jika Syiah itu sesat atau terkeluar dari agama Islam pada 5.5.1996, apakah kedudukan Sahih al-Bukhari dan Sahih Muslim itu perlu dinilai kembali kerana sebahagian perawinya adalah Syiah?

    2. Apakah al-Bukhari dan Muslim juga difatwakan sesat atau tidak boleh dipercayai lagi atau terkeluar dari agama Islam kerana mereka menerima para perawi Syiah?

    3. Para mufti dan para penguasa Malaysia telah mewartakan Syiah sebagai sesat pada 5.5.1996.Ini bererti mereka telah menyesatkan sebahagian perawi Hadis Sahih al-Bukhari dan Sahih Muslim!

    4. Kenapakah mereka mengatasi peranan Allah SWT dalam menentukan definisi seorang Muslim? Adakah mereka lebih pandai daripada Allah SWT?

    5. Kenapakah mereka mengatasi peranan Nabi SAW dalam menentukan definisi seorang Muslim? Adakah mereka lebih pandai daripada Nabi Muhammad SAW?

    6. Tidakkah Islam itu rahmatan lil Alamin?

    7.Tidakkah mereka dipengaruhi oleh fahaman Wahabi Takfiri kerana Wahabi mengkafirkan semua orang Islam selain daripada penganut Wahabi. Sedangkan ketua mazhab Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah al-Asyairah, Abu al-Hasan al-Asy'ari berkata: "Kami tidak mengkafirkan seorang pun di kalangan ahli Qiblat" (al-Ibanah, hlm. 10).

    8. Justeru, fatwa dan enakmen pengharaman Syiah pada 5.5.1996, hendaklah dibatalkan kerana ia berasaskan mazhab Ahli Sunah Wal Jamaah dari segi akidah, syariah dan akhlak(e-fatwa), bukan berasaskan al-Qur'an dan Sunnah Nabi SAW.

    9. Para mufti dan para penguasa Malaysia telah mengeluarkan al-Qur'an dan Sunnah Nabi SAW sebagai asas agama Islam mulai 5.5.1996 bagi tujuan mengharamkan Syiah dan menukarkannya dengan mazhab Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah (sila lihat, SURAT PM di laman.: almawaddah. info).

    10. Ia memberi implikasi bahawa mereka telah memertabatkan mazhab Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah lebih tinggi daripada al-Qur'an dan Sunnah Nabi SAW itu sendiri.

    11.Justeru, Malaysia bukanlah sebuah negara Islam dari segi undang-undang kerana para mufti dan para penguasa Malaysia tidak mewartakan al-Qur'an dan Sunnah Nabi SAW sebagai asas agama Islam mulai 5.5.1996. Sementara Perlembagaan adalah undang-undang tertinggi Negara Malaysia, bukan al-Qur'an dan Sunnah Nabi SAW.



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