
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Who was on board VIP jet for epic journey?

YOURSAY ‘Explain who was using the VIP jet and why the PM was not using it.’

VIP jet lands in Bangkok after trip around the world

Fairnsquare: We must not presume that the government VIP jet was used by the PM Najib Razak's wife Rosmah Mansor and family. If it was then this must be explained to the rakyat since the plane belongs to the government and is maintained by the rakyat's tax money.

It must be remembered that the rakyat voted this government into power, and it is therefore accountable to them.

While we cannot require the PM's wife to be by his side during his visit to the flood zone, she is responsible for the negative political impact on our PM, who has enemies within the party, the has-beens (Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Zainuddin Maidin, A Kadir Jasin, etc) and sadly within his own family.

The opposition is not a threat. We need to wait to see if the PM finds the need to explain to the rakyat. After all, he is the PM. The last time I checked, misuse of public assets for personal pleasure is corruption.

Durio Zibethinus: The PMO (Prime Minister’s Office) must come clean and just say who was using the plane and why the PM was not using it.

Louis: This is news - Najib has to tell his family that the suffering of the flood victims is greater. What is he comparing with?

Suffering of flood victims greater than suffering of your family seeing you cut short your holidays? Does Najib need to justify his early return?

This is the trouble of people who are so detached from ordinary people. Anyone who had gone through hardship will automatically empathise with the victims without being told.

That aside, so at long last, the plane is back, and keeping the jet flying incurs lots of money, which could otherwise buy a lot of much needed essentials for the victims.

Foodforthought: Obviously our education has failed many an ignoramus here.

The 'PM' is a civil servant, as per the meaning of the word, voted by some rakyat to serve the rakyat. He is not there to be ‘bodeked’, as these ignoramuses have been mislead.

Likewise government assets are the rakyat's assets, from taxpayers’ money and are to be used to serve the rakyat; not for globetrotting.

In a parliamentary system there are the opposition; they are not the government of the day but are there to query any wrongdoings, such as the abuse of rakyat's plane.

Chipmunk: You think Najib is going to give two hoots about what the jet was used for? As long as his wife needs the aircraft, it is at his discretion.

He knows he has got limited time as PM so the best thing to do is to make full use of all the resources at his pleasure.

Game Changer: It doesn't matter Rosmah is on the plane or not, the fact that the plane has been used around the world, don't you think we the rakyat should know who was on board and why was it used that way?

After all, it is taxpayers' money they are using to fly this plane.

Hearty Malaysian: It is cheaper for taxpayers if the minister fly business class. PM can fly first class minus FLOM (First Lady of Malaysia) for official duties than having five official planes for a small country.

The royal families are rich enough to have their own private jets anyway, and perhaps they are kind enough to pay their bills for private trips instead of using taxpayers’ money.

Pahatian: As if those people are so dumb that they do not know that flights can be tracked. They thought others do not know their whereabouts or they couldn't care a hoot about what people say or think.

Tomorrow may be we will see their faces in the flooded areas showing concern and giving out essential supplies.

Antidiots: Never mind the fuel incurred for this epic 41,000km journey, what about the personnel on the plane?

A journey of this proportion require a minimum of four pilots on board, stewards/stewardess to serve whoever is inside, food and drinks and oh, this journey also racks up the flying hours resulting in earlier maintenance. What else did I miss?

Oh Ya?: This is called ‘flying diplomacy’. So long the ruling elite are in power they can do anything they like and they don't have any intention whatsoever to explain to the people.

That's why they are so scared of losing power and have to use any means, including inciting racial and religion hatred, just to hang on to power.

Caripasal: It is time for Pakatan Rakyat lodge a police report to determine the identity of the person/s using this jet. Someone could be abusing power in using the jet. If true, this is amounting to corruption.

It is impossible for that particular person to use it for official visits as the jet stopped at so many different destinations.

One just does not make official visits to so many countries at one particular time. It’s time to stop all these nonsense. -Mkini

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