
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Will Dr Mahathir Ask Najib To Resign?

Folks, first of all I stopped the blog poll 'Will you vote for Najib and the BN' yesterday, after three days. 

From experience the "trend" for these polls is established within the first few hours. 

For three days the vote was consistently 88% NOT IN FAVOUR of Najib versus only 12% for Najib.

Please do not ignore this poll.  


Because the readers of my blog represent a huge and very broad cross section of Malaysians,  from all walks of life (my sincere thanks to all of you) - young people, older people, men, women, UMNO members, DAP members, BN people, Opposition people, just ordinary people, academicians, professional classes, Wanita UMNO people, VIPs and VVIPs as well.  The majority I think are Malay and Muslim.  So please do not ignore my poll that says 88% reject Najib.

I know my Blog readers because I have "bumped" into them plus people who email me and talk to me and the many people I have met face to face through my Blog. I have attended dinners / gatherings where  the people who came (Indian folks) were my Blog readers. Thank you.

I have come to know Armed Forces "generals" through my Blog. One of them says, "I have been reading your Blog for so long, I know exactly what is inside your head". 

Well I am happy to hear that General sir.  That means you dont have to X ray me or do an MRI scan to know where I am coming from.  Let it be an open book.

The majority of my readers can accept what I say - we want a modern, progressive country, full of modern, progressive people who respect each other and strive to make their own lives and our country better and better.  

But the most important thing is (I think) they all agree with my ideas about "how" we are going to achieve this. I dont have to repeat it here. If you have been reading my Blog, you know what I mean.

Ok that was a sidetrack - to reinforce the results of my Blog Poll whereby 88% of respondents rejected Najib Razak as Prime Minister.

Isnt it strange how coincidences sometimes happen at the same time?  Are they still coincidences?

Yesterday I received this sms :  'i think its 2 late 2 save pm najib. i got d feeling tun m will openly suggest his resignation soon'.

Well its an sms. Lets read the obvious. 

1. Dr Mahathir will soon make a public announcement asking Najib to resign.

Or another way to read it is :

2. Dr Mahathir will anounce his own resignation (aka indignation?) with Najib. But he has already done so when he said he was withdrawing his support for Najib.

Then today a commenter (thank you) sent me this clip from Tun Dr Mahathir's latest blog post. You can click on the link :


15. Pemimpin tidak boleh membelakangkan dasar perjuangan UMNO. Apabila Presiden UMNO yang pertama, Dato Onn Jaafar dianggap membelakangkan dasar perjuangan UMNO,parti tidak teragak-agak menolak pendiriannya. Dan Dato Onn pula menyedari akan amalan demokrasi, menganggap penolakan pendiriannya sebagai “undi tidak percaya” dengan senang hati melepaskan jawatannya.

16. Perkara yang sama berlaku kepada YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, walaupun tidak ada undi tidak percaya. Tunku berundur.
17. Inilah kelebihan sistem demokrasi. Di sesetengah negara percubaan dibuat untuk mengekalkan jawatan kerapkali melalui keganasan. Tetapi dalam demokrasi yang matang,peralihan kepimpinan licin tanpa merosakkan negara.

Well Tun Dr Mahathir has graciously not mentioned the fact that another party president (and Prime Minister) Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was kicked out of office. ('gracious' because of Badawi's present cicumstances).

When Dr Mahathir said he was withdrawing his support for Najib, it was the "first shot across the bow".  In naval parlance there is rarely a "second shot across the bow".

So is Dr Mahathir going to publicly tell Najib to resign?  Lets wait and see.

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