
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

WILL NAJIB STRIKE A DEAL WITH 'DARK HORSE' ANWAR: Why some people cannot be PM in Umno?

WILL NAJIB STRIKE A DEAL WITH 'DARK HORSE' ANWAR: Why some people cannot be PM in Umno?
In a democracy, it is a convention that the head of the political party is elected as the prime minister simply because, that in itself means that the person has the support of the majority. You need the support to stay in power. There is no point in getting the post only to be ousted immediately after that! Tun Abdullah Badawi's case was a clear example.
It is therefore only natural that to be a leader of a political party one has to have the support of the majority. In other words, anyone who aspires to be the prime minister must first have the support of the people. He or she cannot go it alone simply because there has to be votes.
One cannot be appointed like a CEO too.Even if the person has everything it takes to be the best leader for the country, he or she must have the votes. It is not like appointing a CEO of a huge conglomerate; you just need the relevant track record and credentials. The mistake that Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad made, for reasons of his own, was appointing his replacement like a CEO, and he still wants to continue repeating the mistakes.
In Umno, this tradition of creating supports at various levels to be voted to some important position and rise in the hierarchy has been established. Without supporters you are a nobody. Coming from a powerful or famous family will an advantage to grease the way and add weight to you reputation.
Besides that an Umno person must also have the mentor who will groom and build up the skill and reputation. This is the established tradition which in fact is good for the future prime minister to know the ins and outs of government; the person could just fit in and continue with the job.
Muhyiddin or Ku Li to replace Najib
Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, seen as a nice man but not up to mark as PM. Pak Lah's son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin has more fire in his belly but carries too much baggage and cannot shed his image of being a blow-with-the-wind politician who can turn 'ultra Malay'  when it suits him.
At present only Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah are the top Umno leaders who fit fifty percent of the description; they do not have enough nationwide supporters.
Khairy Jamaludin does not have the quantum of supporters needed and whatever he has now are not true supporters who really admire his capabilities. They are more like 'rented' supporters. Khairy too is relatively inexperienced.
Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir is another young leader but without the potential. He should be disqualified because his father helped to put him in his current position as the Kedah chief minister. Without Dr. Mahathir, Mukhriz is a nobody. Mukhriz does not even have many supporters in Kedah but it is Dr. Mahathir who still has many.
Elitist club with backroom deals: The talented not given opportunities
Datuk Nur Jazlan Muhamad is the odd man out. He has no nationwide support. He built up his reputation on his own merit and it is mostly people outside Umno who have given him the space to be known and respected, similarly with Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah who has not aligned himself to any particular Umno senior leader.
Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi had the potential but he misbehaved a lot and with that reputation, even the rest of the Umno leaders would not be comfortable with him as the Umno president. Many have already distanced themselves from Zahid.
Nur Jazlan, fast-rising, capable but 'stopped' from going up
'Dull as dishwater' Muhyiddin still lacks supporters despite trying his 'Malay first' best
So it is either Muhyiddin or Ku Li who could replace Najib. Still by convention, Muhyiddin should be the choice, after all, when Tun Abdullah Badawi was ousted; there was a lapse in Umno making the announcement between Najib and Muhyiddin. A deal must have been made to let Najib to take over. Maybe he is the agreed choice after Najib.
However the rest of the Umno people must be convinced to support Muhyiddin because he does not have the established nationwide supporters. Every Umno leader must urge their supporters to support Muhyiddin, and then only he can be the Umno president. Thus with this kind of scenario, Muhyiddin is too precarious to hold the top position.
Zahid Hamid, losing popularity inside Umno, already unpopular outside Umno; Hisham (left in white shirt), who is Najib's cousin, is not considered 'ripe' yet or in other words his time has not yet come
Will Najib strike a deal with 'dark horse' Anwar?
Despite being in more or less in better position than Muhyiddin since Ku Li is more intelligent and had the gutts to challenge Dr. Mahathir, Ku Li needs to be propped up like Muhyiddin too.
But will Mahathir really let his old challenger replace Najib because that would enable Ku Li to say,” I should be the prime minister as I told you so”.
Finally, there is Najib himself. Unlike Pak Lah who does not have a mind of his own, Najib is still in power and he knows how to use it. Najib can still say ‘no’ to Dr. Mahathir and there is nothing much Dr Mahathir and his gang can do.
Anwar and Ku Li, two former finance ministers who fell out with Dr M
For example, Najib can even make Dr M break into cold sweat by threatening to team up with Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim. Already the MACC, which by the way is under the PM's Department, has said they will investigate Dr M's trusted right hand man Daim Zainuddin for alleged corruption. Coincidentally or not, Anwar has already volunteered to provide 'evidence'.
Even Zam, the former Information minister, whom Mahathir helped and groomed into his Cabinet, has waved the white flag and said he would not indulge in anymore 'political' writings against Najib. Such is the might of being in power and knowing how to use the police, the AG and the MACC.
SuperNajib but not invincible: Twin dangers lurk
So what can Mahathir do to 'finish off' Najib?
Muhyiddin Yassin, lacking in calibre & charisma, has tried unsuccessfully to rise on race-championing
Those who support Najib are now crowing after Zam's 'retirement' but pride comes before a fall. Najib need not be toppled by Mahathir alone. 1MDB is Najib's greatest risk and it doesn't look like he can contain it. The 1MDB financial scandal, which has seen BILLIONS mysteriously disappearing from the nation's coffers, is likely to swallow up Najib, his unpopular wife Rosmah Mansor, and their Machiavellian advisers et al. Hook line and sinker.
Umno members and other Malays may find they have no choice to but to get rid of Najib, with or without Dr M. After all Dr M himself is no 'innocent' and has just as much to answer for as Najib in terms of alleged corruption and abuse of power.
Lastly, there is this Altantuya ticking time bomb.
If Dr Mahathir gets angry enough, he might get the help of Sirul and Azilah, the “kryptonite crystals” that would defeat SuperNajib. These two guys are Najib's ex-bodyguards and if any one of them told the truth about which of his aides had 'paid' them to kill the lovely Mongolian woman, his goose may be cooked! Even before 1MDB explodes! - MAILBAG

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