
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Zahid the new police target?

TMI - Zahid tarnished our reputation, cops say over letter on gambling kingpin

bloody police, wish I was still in Defence

Disbelief has turned to anger among members of the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) who feel the force's reputation has been tarnished by Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi with his letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) vouching for a Malaysian gambling kingpin charged with illegal betting in the US.

Police are upset that Zahid's letter contradicted intelligence work on Paul Phua Wei Seng, whom police have found to be involved in triad activity, and who is now facing illegal sports betting charges in Las Vegas, Nevada, after being arrested during the FIFA World Cup 2014.

Zahid had also failed to follow procedure in issuing the letter to the FBI unilaterally, as well as not checking facts on Phua before sending it, they said.

A senior police officer told The Malaysian Insider that as the home minister, Zahid should have sought legal advice before penning the letter.

Before we start to syiok sendiri-ishly wank ourselves (wakakaka) regarding this bloody damning revelation about Zahid, we need to note the revelation has been by an un-named police officer. I prefer to see the IGP or a named senior police officer put his dhoby mark on the above statement ..... so that Zahid can't squirm out of it.

And I'll come to the significance of an un-named police source shortly, wakakaka. 

name him correctly and win a date with Dyana Sofya [to be confirmed, with Shahrizat Ah Goo (wakakaka) in lieu if Dyana has a prior engagement] plus a candlelight dinner for two (sorry, no champagne)


just to motivate you into participating in my above competition
(note in lieu condition above)


But mind you, regarding the allegation about a 14K connection with Phua Wei Seng, TMI reported that the IGP ... Khalid had appeared to be defending police findings concerning Phua.

While he said that the 14K triad did not exist in Malaysia, he told news portal Malaysiakini that "there are Malaysians abroad who are known to be members of the triad."

"How people wish to interpret this statement (above) is up to them,” Khalid had said, according to Malaysiakini.

Aiyah, still not enough to say, "Aha! Gotcha" to Zahid, wakakaka.

But given such a damning revelation about Zahid, no doubt by an un-named police source, wouldn't it be proper parliamentary procedure for Zahid to stand aside until the allegations can be ascertained one way or the other?

Will Najib take action against someone, one apparently from his 'camp'? 

We now return to the un-named police source, wakakaka.

Being a conspiracy theorist wakakaka, when I read about a police reporting adversely against an UMNO minister, let lone the Home Minister by an un-named police source (wakakaka again) I always suspect (remember I am a conspiracy theorist, wakakaka) it's more about the current internal 'war' within UMNO, where the real target of one side of the 'war' (wakakaka) is Najib but in this case the shooting starts off at his henchman Zahid.

Okay, Ibu Rosmah can take a break ... but only for a while, wakakaka.

This is not to say Zahid didn't jump up in full broad sight on the shooting range, asking for it, wakakaka.

My advice to a besieged Najib: Ah Jib Gor, now's the time to kill two birds with one stone - put Zahid aside, ascertain the allegations, then ask him to reign (wakakaka) or send him as Ambassador to Java (wakakaka again) ...

Pak Zahid-o

... and appoint mummy's sweet boy Muhkriz (via the Senate backdoor) as Home Minister or alternatively Defence Minister (shuffle the ministers around).

Okay Ah Jib Gor, no nid to kaamsia me, just send me a cheque, wakakaka.

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