
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 6, 2015

"Kalau kita jujur, kita akan akui pendakwah agama ialah pekerjaan yg paling x berguna dlm pembangunan ekonomi negara. Berniaga nasi lemak seribu kali lebih berguna drpd menjadi penghibur keagamaan."

Image result for Malaysians who were involved with the beheading of a man in a street in Syria

Folks I am reproducing these two comments that I received in my previous post about the Malaysians who were involved with the beheading of a man in a street in Syria. Terima kasih banyak-banyak kepada pengirim komen. Thank you. 

1. Anonymous said...

    Xde kerja, xde duit, xde wawasan hidup punca mereka taksub dgn fantasi perperangan akhir zaman yg ditulis oleh sami-sami agama padang pasir. Saya berusia 27 tahun, sudah bekerja, baru berkahwin langsung x berminat dgn perjuangan keagamaan bangsa arab. Jauh lebih baik saya bersyukur hidup dlm kemakmuran Malaysia walaupun negara ini x sempurna. Kerja dlm bidang yg saya minat, ada kereta, ada isteri, ada tmpt berteduh, ada gajet canggih utk komunikasi dan berhibur, ada ramai kawan2 dan saudara-mara utk bersosial, selalu makan di restoran, boleh shopping, tengok wayang dgn isteri, beriadah dan berjogging, balik kampung, hobi berbasikal, mountain hiking, bela kucing dan berehat di hujung minggu. Banyak belajar agama punca mereka terjebak dgn keganasan dan kekejaman berbanding realiti nikmat hidup di Malaysia. Agama untuk orang yg malas berfikir dan malas berusaha. Byk pendakwah agama ialah golongan yg x bekerja dan tiada kemahiran teknikal utk bekerja menghasilkan idea dan produktiviti. Kalau kita jujur, kita akan akui pendakwah agama ialah pekerjaan yg paling x berguna dlm pembangunan ekonomi negara. Berniaga nasi lemak seribu kali lebih berguna drpd menjadi penghibur keagamaan.
Friday, March 06, 2015 12:44:00 AM

2. Anonymous said...

    1. One of my son's Ustazs in a govt boarding school told him,"if you died as a suicide bomber, you would die as a martyr, and would go straight to heaven...(?!)"

    2. An Ustazah in a Private School told my 9 year olds that "non-believers when they die would go to hell!" not realizing (or not sensitive enough?!) that my son's grandfather, grandmother, uncles and aunties are Christians. Upon returning from school, he looks sad and depressed until after I knew what when through his mind, and had to pacify him that "only God knows who goes where when they die including that idiotic Ustazah!"

    3. Now the Govt is wondering how our children are dying senselessly either due to ignorance or idiosyncrasies or 'mat rempits' or 'drugs', etc.

    4. Sad, and very sad indeed that our future generations are being groomed to become idiots so politicians could remain relevance!!!
Friday, March 06, 2015 8:41:00 AM
My comments : I have none. Both 1 & 2 above speak volumes. Religion in the public arena is becoming a real threat to our national security.

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