
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 6, 2015

Sympathy & support for Anwar grows as Najib disgraces himself, M'sia with 1MDB, Felda fiascos

Sympathy & support for Anwar grows as Najib disgraces himself, M'sia with 1MDB, Felda fiascos
Just when the powers-that-be thought that they have managed to counter the threat opposition coalition leader Anwar Ibrahim posed to them by sentencing him to jail, they have been proven effectively wrong by a ploy that has backfired on them terribly.
The Barisan Nasional (BN) government is now in a quandary as sympathy and support for the charismatic Anwar swells up all over the country. The reasons for this are wide and varied and Anwar’s star is now on ascendancy as a true-blue hero of Malaysia.
If Najib Tun Razak’s popularity is on the wane, the rise to stardom of Anwar has caught many political pundits by surprise and they believe the reason for this is because more and more Malaysians believe Anwar is the victim of a political conspiracy since the time of the Mahathir regime.
The sodomy “sandiwara” (play or show) is really a shadow play in the background of Malaysian politics that was first produced by Mahathir Mohammad to counter the growing influence of Anwar to topple him as head of the government of Malaysia.
But over the years since then Anwar’s popularity has grown from strength-to-strength as Malaysians sympathize with him for being a victim of a plot to stifle his bid to form the government-of-the-day at Putrajaya.
The changing scenario
Anwar Ibrahim
While Mahathir set in motion the sodomy plot to condemn Anwar’s political career, Najib became a copycat and emulated the feat of Mahathir with Sodomy 2. But a growing many of Najib’s critics contend that Sodomy 2 was overkill.
In the process of trying to kill off Anwar’s chances of forming the next government with Pakatan Rakyat (PR), Najib has become a spent force and is now under tremendous pressure for his poor performance as prime minister.
While Najib tries to blame the spate of problems and crises that are mounting in this country on Anwar and PR, Malaysians are not buying the bull and have come out in strong support of Anwar whom they see as innocent and a victim of trumped up charges preferred against him.
Most Malaysians see the Najib Administration as inept and rife with corruption and a failure in leading the nation forward. But support for the astute Anwar and PR has increased tremendously as they are seen as being able to form a more viable government for the country.
Unfolding the future
The incarceration of Anwar Ibrahim at the Sungai Buloh prison marks a dark episode in the history of Malaysian politics since Merdeka was wrought from the British colonialists in 1957 and never before in this country has a leader like Anwar been cherished and revered like Tunku Abdul Rahman.
If the Tunku was Malaysia’s greatest ever prime minister and the victim of an evil plot that ousted him, Anwar similarly, is seen as being severely persecuted and oppressed as he leads PR in formidable fashion and to the liking of right-thinking Malaysians.
The ability and prowess of Anwar’s leadership capabilities as opposed to the poor and inferior quality of leadership demonstrated by Najib is a study in contrast and by right it is Anwar who should be at the helm of government since PR won the popular vote in the last general election.
The fact that this is not so has caused sympathy to grow for Anwar and many Malaysians commiserate with him as UMNO and BN use every available avenue to nullify his right to lead the country and by also failing to play by the rules of the game.
Malaysians are sad and angry with BN for hitting below the belt and not conforming to fair play in the political arena of the country, they are disappointed for witnessing the openly dirty tactics adopted by the use of government machinery, especially the judiciary, to rein in Anwar and hence PR.
A protracted crisis
BN must not for a moment think that they can now rest on their laurels with Anwar languishing in prison. This is a folly of the government as Malaysians are ready to rise up in arms against the Najib Administration for their poor and weak governance of the country.
The jailing of Anwar is the worst possible scenario as he is seen as the right person and candidate to lead Malaysia out of a wide range of ills plaguing the country. This translates into reality the fact that it perpetuates a protracted crisis.
Malaysia as a nation is set never to be the same again as the groundswell of sympathy and support for Anwar begins to mushroom as more and more of the evil and corrupt ways of the BN government are revealed through social media.
Malaysians should be on guard to protect and be responsible and care for their beloved nation by watching for all the signs and indications in the political arena and go by truth and facts to make the timely and bold decision to put to finality the days of BN’s governance of Malaysia. - MAILBAG

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