
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A lawyer who put entire PDRM to shame

YOURSAY ‘The Altantuya elephant is so big that it has become the room.’

Altantuya murder - the missing links
Kee Thuan Chye: Lawyer Americk Sidhu is spot-on. He has provided a pretty comprehensive list of people who could really help the investigation and make it complete.
Inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar should be humble enough to take the suggestions and reopen the case.

We need closure, we need to know the truth. What's more, Americk has been following the case closely and should know quite a few things about it. What he is saying here is not mere speculation.

Meanwhile, we need to pressure Khalid to do his job right. If he's not up to it, we must pressure to have him dismissed. We have never had an IGP as incompetent as this one.

And now his credibility is being put to the test over convicted murderer Sirul Azhar Umar's claim that Khalid lied in saying he had sent police officers to see Sirul in Australia when he allegedly didn't.

Did the IGP lie? We need to know the answer to that crucial question. It might just crucify him.

FairMind: It puts Khalid to shame that a lawyer could ask the pertinent questions that the police don't know how to ask, or dare not ask.

Drngsc: It looks like nobody in the government wants to find out why this Mongolian woman was gruesomely murdered. Apparently, everyone in government is keen to cover up this up.

Twitter IGP, please re-open the case. There are too many unanswered questions.

Wg321: Americk, you must ask the Twitter-crazy IGP one more question. About six years ago, the late Karpal Singh assisted Altantuya Shaariibuu's father to lodge a police report that his daughter's immigration records were deleted/erased from the computers of the Immigration Department.

Who gave the order to delete Altantuya's immigration records so that there was no proof that she was in Malaysia? It is a very serious offence. Why was there no investigation?

Odin: As we all can infer with considerable ease, either Khalid's so-called completed investigation has, in actuality, not been completed or it has indeed been completed.

But the Attorney-General’s Chambers and some judges - as well as the lawyers representing the two convicted - have chosen to ignore facts that point to the mastermind behind the dastardly crime and intentionally desisted from pursuing them.

By looking at the events that have transpired and at the persons involved, one can very, very easily deduce who the mastermind is. Or, for that matter, who the two masterminds are.

The French investigation alleges that Malaysian naval defence secrets had been sold to a foreign party for €36 million euro (RM142 million). That is money at the material time. The competency of the French can hardly be doubted.

France is anything but a banana republic or a third world country, for goodness' sake. The act of selling defence secrets of one's country is treachery. That is to say, the person committing it is a traitor.
One doesn't suppose that in Malaysia traitors are made to face a firing squad, but one can confidently believe that they would be hanged from the gallows till they cease breathing.

Treachery and murder equals certain death penalty. This is doubtless a factor contributing to the obsessive attempt at a cover-up.

Real Truth: Americk, there is a saying that one can take the donkey to the water but can't make him drink. Surely the IGP is smart and clever enough to have all the answers to the questions you posed.

Ipohcrite: Since he doesn't seem up to the job, the IGP can appoint Americk as the special investigator with special police powers to conduct the investigation for RM1,000. Just like what Abdul Gani Patail did by hiring lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah (to prosecute Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim’s sodomy case).

Pro Bono: It is trite law that if X had told Sirul to murder the lady, then X is equally guilty of murder as Sirul since X abetted it. See Section 109 of our Penal Code.

Under Section 120B (1), if X had conspired with Sirul to murder the lady, then X is also liable to the same punishment as Sirul (death by hanging).

Malaysia is Doomed!: IGP Khalid, listen up. Please do your job without fear or favour. Please remember that you must stand on the side of truth and justice.

The whole world is watching. Do not defend lies and the indefensible. Altantuya's family deserves closure. Her life was not any cheaper than yours or mine.

6th Generation Immigrant:. Americk is doing a better job than the IGP - he has provided departments, relationships, events, names, times and locations related to the unresolved question on motive - to which the IGP has consistently stated ‘no further action’.

Malaysiawatch: The elephant in the room is so big that it has become the room.

Haveagreatday: I say, Americk, I wonder how many sedition charges twitterer Khalid will throw at you? -Mkini

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