
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Are our MPs for real?

It's as if they don't understand the principle of separation of powers and the role of the legislature.
parlimen malaysia
By TK Chua
Because of politics, this country has become stupid and depraved. Just look around us, everything has gone upside down. Everything is interpreted defiantly and without principles and logic.
Because of politics, some members of Parliament are now asking the people not to ask too many questions on unanswered and troubling issues. It is bad enough the MPs themselves are not playing their role to ask questions, but it is immoral of them to ask others to shut up too.
What kind of MPs do we have really? Do they not understand the principle of separation of powers and the role of the legislature? If MPs were to support the executive branch blindly and without reservation, why do we need to have elected MPs and the institution of Parliament in the first place? Just disband it and elect the executive branch directly. It saves time and money.
What kind of MPs do we have when, instead of jealously protecting the power and the independence of the Parliament, they are competing to surrender away the very power they are entrusted with, i.e. overseeing the performance of the government and checking against its abuse and the shortcomings. Look, the executive branch needs no protection from the MPs. The MPs need to protect the sacred role of the Parliament.
What kind of MPs do we have when they are blind to the overwhelming evidence on the secular nature and the Westminster model of our constitution? So why are they interpreting it stupidly based on one or two provisions taken totally out of context of its spirit and the intent of our founding fathers? Are our MPs for real?
What kind of MPs do we have when they can’t even jealously guard the fundamental liberties of citizens? So in the name of national security, they surrender the power of the legislature and the judiciary to the executive branch. When can the MPs ever understand power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely? When can the MPs understand they are in fact giving more and more power to the already very powerful executive branch?
What kind of MPs do we have when most of them are playing politics full time but have never scrutinised government policies and programmes critically and ferociously? They will pretend to ask one or two non-controversial questions to justify their miserable existence. They will begin any debate with their typical “saya sokong” on whatever crap that is put on the table. Are our MPs that pathetic?
Have we ever heard of one instance when a supply bill or a supplementary supply bill was delayed or rejected by the House, despite our lackadaisical financial performance over many years? Have we ever seen one instance when the MPs put down their feet and withheld the money because they were not satisfied with the way money was allocated and spent?
If everything is good, why are we getting so many malfeasance reports each year from the Audit Department? If the Audit Department can find so many faults, why can’t the MPs find even more faults to prevent them from happening in the first place?
Please MPs, should we the people continue addressing you fellows as honourable?
TK Chua is an FMT reader.

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