
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Dato Ayub Khan : Isnt Attacking Churches Part Of ISIS Ideology

This is addressed to Dato Ayub Khan Mydin our Counter Terrorism Chief at Bukit Aman.  Dato Ayub has said that there are ISIS sympathisers everywhere including in the government agencies. 

Beheading people and killing people are at the core of the ISIS ideology. The ISIS ideology also includes blowing up churches, mosques and other places of worship. 

The only way people can sympathise with this type of ideology is if they are the followers of satan (pengikut ajaran syaitan).  In Malaysian parlance they are also 'pengikut ajaran sesat'.

I have long ago said that the extremist ostards are a bigger threat to the security of the nation than the communists.  The communists were banned and criminalised. The ostards are not.  The communists had to operate underground. The ostards operate above ground, in the open.  The society gives them space. They are also arrogant.  That is how ISIS also got started.

The mob action against that church has to be punished.  By any measure it was a criminal offence.  It is a breach of at least two laws (Penal Code and Sedition Act). If this act is not punished it is evidence of no leadership in the country as well as the breakdown of law and order. We are becoming an uncivilsed and NON law abiding nation.  Plus the BN will most certainly lose the elections in 2018.

The political parties in Sarawak (which contributes 31 Parliamentary seats) have also spoken up against this act of lawlessness.   

  • No one should prohibit Christians from putting up cross on church buildings Dr James Masing has said
  • Masing said those who try to stop such practices are going against the country’s supreme law and should face punishment
  • “Putting of a cross on church ..is the practice of Christianity,”
  • "..Those who break the law should have the book thrown at them and not the other way round,” he was quoted 
  • Christians ..were not behaving unlawfully by displaying their religious symbol
  • Selangor church removed its cross following a protest 
  • Baru Bian :“Bullying church into removing it ..act of extremism..”
  • police arrived (and) began to act as intermediaries between protesters 
  • IGP Khalid Abu Bakar cleared the protesters of wrongdoing 
  • he saw no criminal element  in act of forcing church to remove cross 
  • shortly after, Home Minister said protesters will be probed under Sedition Act 
  • those who touch on religion would be probed under law
  • any Umno members found involved will also “have to pay”
- See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/sarawak-minister-federal-constitution-allows-crosses-for-churches#sthash.Ll9MavpU.dpuf

My advice to the church is to lodge Police reports against the extremists. Just stick to the law. I am also happy that two groups have spoken up against this illegal act. The first one is the Muslim Professionals Forum or MPF. Here is part of what they said :
  • Muslim Professionals Forum (MPF)
  • Press Release
  • We refer to the protest ..over the display of a cross on a newly minted church
  • mindless act of hatred and incitement ..has no place in Islam 
  • deserves unreserved condemnation
  • We urge the authorities to take firm action against the said protestors
  • Board of Directors
  • MPF
The second statement comes the MIC Deputy Youth leader. 
  • MIC Youth Slams ‘Cross Protesters’
  • every person has the right to profess and to practice his or her religion
  • said Thinalan T Rajagopalu, MIC Deputy Youth Leader
  • Malaysia consist a society of multi races and yet live peacefully
  • “What had happened ..is deeply saddening,”
  • ”I strongly condemn the act of the protesters ..” stressed Thinalan
  • racial unity should be based upon the spirit of togetherness and tolerance
  • Protest over such issues must be prohibited
  • this protest is seditious and the law is blind.
  • I call upon authorities to take immediate action against those responsible
  • Thinalan T Rajagopalu is a practicing lawyer and the MIC Youth Deputy Chief
Syabas Thinalan T Rajagopalu. At least someone in the MIC has some teloq. 

Strangely there is nary a sound from other folks, especially those who claim to be Muslims, who should be saying something. Jangan duduk diam.  Please speak up now.

Going further up the river,  jangan pula sesiapa pun jadi pengikut ajaran setan. Islam tidak suruh kita memaksa, membuli, membantah, menyerang atau mengambil tindakan ganas terhadap seiapa pun atas sebab kepercayaan. Terutama sekali tempat - tempat ibadat orang lain.  Ini kalau kita ikut ajaran Rasul yang sebenarnya.  Sila lihat ayat Quran yang berikut :

1.  Terjemahan dari  http://www.alquran-melayu.com/22-al-hajj/

Iaitu mereka yang diusir dari kampung halamannya dengan tidak berdasarkan sebarang alasan yang benar, semata-mata kerana mereka berkata: “Tuhan kami ialah Allah”. Dan kalaulah Allah tidak mendorong setengah manusia menentang pencerobohan setengahnya yang lain, nescaya runtuhlah tempat-tempat pertapaan serta gereja-gereja (kaum Nasrani), dan tempat-tempat sembahyang (kaum Yahudi), dan juga masjid-masjid (orang Islam) yang sentiasa disebut nama Allah banyak-banyak padanya dan sesungguhnya Allah akan menolong sesiapa yang menolong ugamaNya (ugama Islam); sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuat, lagi Maha Kuasa.

2. Terjemahan dari http://www.iium.edu.my/deed/quran/malay/

Surah 22:40  Iaitu mereka yang diusir dari kampung halamannya dengan tidak berdasarkan sebarang alasan yang benar, semata-mata kerana mereka berkata: "Tuhan kami ialah Allah".Dan kalaulah Allah tidak mendorong setengah manusia menentang pencerobohan setengahnya yang lain, nescaya runtuhlah tempat-tempat pertapaan serta gereja-gereja (kaum Nasrani), dan tempat-tempat sembahyang (kaum Yahudi), dan juga masjid-masjid (orang Islam) yang sentiasa disebut nama Allah banyak-banyak padanya dan sesungguhnya Allah akan menolong sesiapa yang menolong ugamaNya (ugama Islam); sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuat, lagi Maha Kuasa.

Here is an English translation by Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall :

Surah 22:40  Those who have been driven from their homes unjustly only because they said: Our Lord is Allah - For had it not been for Allah's repelling some men by means of others, cloisters and churches and oratories and mosques, wherein the name of Allah is oft mentioned, would assuredly have been pulled down. Verily Allah helpeth one who helpeth Him. Lo! Allah is Strong, Almighty

Please read the whole ayat or verse and please pay attention to the following parts:

22:40  ' . . . .Dan kalaulah Allah tidak mendorong setengah manusia menentang pencerobohan setengahnya yang lain, nescaya runtuhlah tempat-tempat pertapaan serta gereja-gereja (kaum Nasrani), dan tempat-tempat sembahyang (kaum Yahudi), dan juga masjid-masjid (orang Islam)..'

22:40   '...For had it not been for Allah's repelling some men by means of others, cloisters and churches and oratories and mosques, wherein the name of Allah is oft mentioned, would assuredly have been pulled down...'

Meaning we cannot go around destroying or damaging other peoples tempat-tempat pertapaan serta gereja-gereja dan tempat-tempat sembahyang (kaum Yahudi)

Tak boleh Tuan. Itu kerja syaitan dan iblis. Perbuatan kufur.  If anyone does this or if you close one eye when people do such things, you are just being an agent of the devil. 

The Quran also says 'laa iqraaha fid deen' which means there is no compulsion in religion as well.  Please refer Surah 2:256.

You cannot force people or impose your will on people over YOUR beliefs.

Back to Dato Ayub Khan - this destroying churches, places of worship, chopping off peoples' head is all part of the satanic ISIS ideology.    Their knowledge of the Quran is zero.

(To digress, someone sent me a list of verses from the Quran which they say provide proof that the Quran promotes violence. Wrong. Those verses you quoted refer to war and war only. The Quran tells you to defend yourself. Some of those verses also need to be relooked. You cannot 'chop off their fingertips' in a battle. How does one chop off fingertips? What for? Certainly it does not mean that.)

Dato Ayub Khan, the Quran is the real Islamic teaching. The Quran is the real Islam.  That is why the people who follow the Quran like me can write a Blog like OutSyed The Box. 

And we are NO threat to the security of the nation.   We are not even a threat to the security of our neighbour's cats and  dogs.  (Go and see my file lah.  Mesti ada update gambar baru kan.)

But when you leave the Quran and start following all sorts of  ideas, then you become confused and you become a threat to the security of the nation,  a threat to society and even to the animals.

This is not because of a poor understanding of the Quran. It is because of total ignorance of the Quran.   And hence they will forever be a threat to the security of the nation.

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