
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, April 10, 2015

Datuk Ayub Khan : 'It just wont work..'

My comments : So says Dato Ayub Khan Mydin chief of Counter Terrorism at Bukit Aman. 

Sorry lah bro but this method will just not work. Which "hadith" you want to counter? With what? Another "hadith"?

The religious people are ALL cut from the same cloth. Look at those jihadi ostard wal retard from Kedah who went and died for nothing in Syria. They are also supporters of Pas. You mean Pas has been teaching them a completely different set of "hadith"? Please get your facts straight.

As the years pass, these retards are going to become even more violent and nut case crazy all over the world. Why? Because they simply cannot adjust to the modern world. They are failures. Economically, socially, culturally, mentally, psychologically they are just retarded. 

They believe in a FALSE system. Their beliefs are based on FALSEHOODS. When your whole life, everything you are told is based on FALSEHOODS then you will become a retard. Mental retard, economic retard, social retard, cultural retard and just plain vanilla retard.

They cannot function in this modern world.  And to make it worse they absolutely believe that they are on the right path. That is the final nail in their coffin. 

And contrary to what they tell you, they do not follow the Quran at all. These people are ignorant of the message in the Quran.  The Quran has descriptions for this unfortunate condition:

43:36  Anyone who disregards the message of the Most Gracious, we appoint a satan to be his constant companion.

For a certainty there is a satan sitting on their shoulders. That is why they are such disasters.

So there is no way you are going to 'counter' their arguments. You cannot beat an idiot through debate. They will defeat you with experience.

And their problems will NEVER get solved. They will continue to be losers in the real world.  They will fester in their frustrations. And they will lash out at the world with more anger and more violence. 

Sounds like a hopeless situation. How do they sustain themselves? Correction. How have they sustained themselves all these centuries?

They do not allow free speech - especially when it comes to "religion".  Any views that they dont agree with are met with head chopping, suicide bombs, imprisonment, arrest, persecution and prosecution (through the powers of the state).

They have wrapped violent cocoons around themselves which they call sectarianism. Do you need to study the history of these sects to know they are violent? Dont waste your time. Just eatch TV or read the news.  They either use street violence, mob violence, militancy, terror, the powers of the state etc to go after anyone who is different from their "sect".  

The idea is simple - suppress, oppress, kill, torture, imprison any opposing views that are different from their own.

When they control the state or have political power, they criminalise anyone who does not agree with their sect.  Our country is not free from this type of behaviour either.

So the solution to their violence is simple - most certainly in this country. Do not allow them the power or the opportunity to take any violent actions (mob violence, street violence, state sanctioned police action, violence sanctioned by legislative action  or tindakan undang2) against anyone who they do not agree with.

Do not give them the power to criminalise the opposing or the different point of view.

Just open your eyes and observe. 

Where do different religious sects kill each other? In Islamic countries. Why? Because one dominant sect does not tolerate another sect.

Where do different religious sects co-exist peacefully with each other? In Western countries. Why? Because it is a crime in those countries to act violently against anyone over religious differences. 

So Shias and Sunnis live peacefully side by side in London, Toronto, New York, Melbourne, Rome etc.

Wahhabis, Salafis, Tareqats, Sufis, Ahlul Sunnah wal Hadith etc coexist peacefully in London, Toronto, New York, Melbourne, Rome etc. 

You absolutely cannot prosecute or persecute, lawfully or unlawfully, legally or illegally any person just because he or she does not share your views on religion. 

Over there it is the other way around - if you persecute or prosecute anyone based on religion, then it is YOU who will be thrown in jail. 

As a result they also keep religion out of the public sphere. Their governments do not get involved in religion at all. 

This is as per the teachings of the Quran.

2:256  There shall be no compulsion in the deen (laa iqraaha fid deen) the right way is now distinct from the wrong way. Anyone who denounces the devil and believes in Allah has grasped the strongest bond; one that never breaks. Allah is Hearer, Omniscient.

There is no compulsion in the deen. So when you impute compulsion in the deen, you are breaking Allah's commands. You are ANNOUNCING the arrival of the devil. Eventually you become the devil. 

Here is my favorite :

4:137 Surely, those who believe (iman), then disbelieve (kafir), then believe (iman), then disbelieve (kafir), then plunge deeper into disbelief (kafir), Allah will not forgive them, nor will He guide them in any way.

Wow !! Please read this again carefully. Those who believe, dibelieve, believe, disbelieve then continue in disbelief. That is jumping in and out of iman like pop corn.

Yet there is no mention of punishment here on earth for such people. 

Allah will not forgive them nor show them the way. That is all.  

This is the Quran. Are you better than the Quran? Are you greater than the Quran? Are you cleverer than the Quran? 

This is why all the different religious sects can coexist peacefully in London, Toronto, New York, Melbourne, Rome etc. Because over there they make it a crime if you persecute or prosecute anyone because of their religious beliefs.

This is why all the different religious sects cannot coexist peacefully in all the so called Islamic countries. Because over there they do persecute or prosecute their people over religious beliefs. They go against the teachings of the Quran.

So the best method, at zero cost, guaranteed to be successful way to get rid of religious violence and religious militancy in Malaysia is to  make it a crime to persecute or prosecute anyone over their religious beliefs.  

This will be a first for an Islamic country. Let Malaysia show the way.   

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