
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Did YOU give the order to kill Altantuya? The killer question Najib fears most from Dr M

Did YOU give the order to kill Altantuya? The killer question Najib fears most from Dr M
What Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad has written and said about Datuk Seri Najib Razak could be summarized as that Najib has been plagued with scandals, failures and wrong doings; Najib is simply hopeless, incompetent and has become a huge liability for Umno.
Actually Dr M is completely right. It is a shame that BN MPs, from both Umno and the other components, are so weak they have refused to insist Najib step down. These guys know their own weaknesses and the only way for them to continue to make money is stand behind Najib and force an aura of 'everything's well'. But they can't do this for too long.
Well Umno media have gushed that BN backbenchers were 'stoutly' behind Najib, what was less reported was the message to Najib. Respond to Dr M's queries and answer the doubts the people have over the Altantuya scandal, the 1MDB debacle or our own supporters will switch sides. Even the flashy lifestyle and government jets, no one can protect you forever, Najib, not even us. We will all be finished if you can't come up with credible explanations!
That's Umno-BN politics for you. The elected reps are not interested with the concerns of the country or the people's future. Not enough money? Borrow lah, plenty of oil mah!
In fact with his extravagant way of life, wasteful spending and the spiraling national debt Najib is a liability to our country. Najib does not care about the poor people at all! If he did, he would never consider splurging so much money on himself and Rosmah when the hundreds of millions could be spent on housing and medical aid for the man on the street.
The KILLER question that Najib doesn't dare to answer
Dr. Mahathir also asked many questions for Najib to reply. Many of Najib's supporters have suggested Dr M is now creating a murder scandal for Najib, 'same same' as the sodomy scandal he fabricated to sack and jail Anwar. So be careful Najib, if Dr M succeeds - you might be Anwar's cell mate in Sungai Buloh!
BUT! And this is a very big BUT - Dr. Mahathir is not the only one who asked these questions. It is the majority of the people who have asked many times and are still asking the same questions.
Why do they keep bringing up 'this old issue', as minister Idris Jusoh facetiously asked this week. Well, it's because Najib cannot satisfy them with his lame answers. How many people believe in his oath-taking in the mosque that he never knew Altantuya. However, everyone wants to know why his aide Musa Safri was not interrogated and no one really believes Razak Baginda was 100% blameless.
So it's the same with Dr Mahathir. Until now, all of the questions that Dr. Mahathir has put forth have not been answered satisfactorily and he too has asked the same questions several times. But the most crucial thing that Dr. Mahathir has asked is pertaining to the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu.
For example, Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor in saying "whatever he has asked, it has been answered" is not true at all because the questions that Dr. Mahathir asked are not answered fully while some have not been answered at all.
Especially the killer question - who gave the order to kill Altantuya?
Allowing sycophants to speak up on his behalf - a sign Najib is not confident of his own innocence?
Dr Mahathir Mohamad, PM Najib and Khairy Jamaluddin
Idris Jusoh, who is by the way the Second Education Minister but seems to have lost his intelligence in this issue, also mentioned that the Altantuya murder case has been closed since the judicial system has made its decision at federal court level. But to any sensible person, the court only answered part of the case and the most crucial question who gave the order to kill has not been answered. Who is Idris Jusoh trying to fool?
Ku Nan also pointed out that Najib has sworn in the name of God to prove his innocence. But, swearing in the name of God, that he did not have anything to do with Altantuya Shaariibuu is not an answer!
But the most obvious thing is that Najib is not confident enough to answer all the questions openly and instead has asked his sycophants to answer on his behalf.
Motive - who had the most to gain from Altantuya's death AND who had the most to lose if Altantuya went public with her story
Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh
To make matters worst and to further erode his own popularity, Najib seems to have given carte blanche in the matter to IGP Khalid Bakar - arguably the worst and least intelligent top cop ever in Malaysian history. Already the IGP has been caught red-handed lying and this has made people believe even more than before Najib might indeed be involved in Altantuya's killing.
After his 'fingerprints' are all over the case. His former bodyguards were the executioners. They were contacted by his confidant Razak Baginda. And it was Najib's aide-de-camp Musa Safri who asked the two commandos Sirul Azhar and Azilah Hadri to connect with Razak Baginda. Even Najib's brother can be traced in the whole murder trail.
It is obvious why Dr M and the Malaysian people would suspect Najib. He had the most to lose - more than Razak Baginda - if Altanutya went public with her story. At stake was the PM's chair - the position that would allow him to exert the highest power and source the greatest wealth for himself and his family.
Only those with ulterior and vested interests such as the Umno-BN MPs could close an eye and say there is no connection to Najib. Am I not right?
So stop wasting time, Umno-BN MPs. No point defending Najib and saying he's great when the polls show he is the most unpopular prime minister EVER in Malaysian history.
If Najib is really sure of his own innocence and his answers, then he should come forward and answer each and every question posed to him openly and not let someone else to concoct the answers for him! Najib cannot keep hiding behind the skirt!
If Najib is really innocent, then he should be brave enough to come forward. In Malay, they say “Berani kerana benar”. There is nothing to be afraid of if one is innocent! - MAILBAG

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