
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, April 5, 2015

DR M IS RIGHT: Malaysians especially the Cabinet must reject a PM tainted by MURDER

DR M IS RIGHT: M'sians especially the Cabinet must reject a PM tainted by MURDER
Whichever way we look at it or from whatever vantage, there is one singular truth about the Altantuya murder-mystery. Malaysia’s redemption in the eyes of the world community rests in the what and how and who of this gruesome murder story.
The GST is not the pivotal straw that will break the camel’s back; the 1MDB will soon fade like our BMF scandal; the Hudud issue will find its own level; the re-jailing of Anwar Ibrahim will quietly take its own course over time.
But the relentless blobbing up of the Altanuya case clearly exposes that this is the one singular truth that will ultimately save or break forever the reputation of this nation.
The reputation of the police force
IGP khalid and PM Najib
The IGP has warned that anyone who questions the verdict of the Federal Court runs afoul of contempt of court. But the lawful reminders do not seem to silence the concern of the case in the public domain.
Tun Dr. Mahathir has now added to the burning issue re-emphasising the categorical need to establish the who and the why's of the killing.
Dismissing the case with a label of ‘work of rogue cops’, or stating that its is a 'straight forward' case merely destroys the respect and honor of the entire police force.
The reputation of Malaysia’s judiciary
The very fact that the people keep asking and discussing the ‘motive’ for the manner in which a lonesome, fragile female was killed and evidence destroyed lethally, inevitably casts a heavy shroud on the dignity, honor and independence of our judicial system.
Shutting up people with threats of ‘contempt of court’ is not going to put back the icing on the cake for the judiciary.
The sanctity of government
Dr M and Ibrahim Ali
Tun Dr Mahathir is right. The opposition MPs who have been raising the case every now and then are right. The public are right as much as foreign dignitaries including John Mallot who relentlessly register their concerns in the media.
The Altantuya murder implicates the government of Malaysia as much as we would like to fight it with a political rightness by denying and rebutting this truth.
We can scream our lungs dry with “foreign agents are trying to destroy us”; but the harsh reality is that this is a murder case that has fingerprints all over the place involving high security defence procurements of a nation.
Why Najib?
PM Najib
What makes the whole saga murkier, sinking deeper in the mud of tarnished national reputation is that fact that Najib is the prime minister of the country while another who has been relieved of any blame and gets to enjoy his kickbacks happens to be a close associate of Najib.
The fact that no ordinary cops did the blasting of the victim but those who were the bodyguards of Najib, raises many eyebrows propped with speculation.
And the many unanswered questions related to the murder of a foreign national in a manner that even war crimes are put to shame puts this nation in disrepute given Najib’s inability to direct and resolve the case in way that leaves no more room for unanswered questions.
Just swearing on holy books or giving curt "utter rubbish" reactions is totally unaccepted by the public going by the comments by netizens.
As a leader of their nation people want the prime minsiter to leave no stone unturned.
People convictions: if Altantuya's cousin did not escape, M'sian authorities would have completely covered up the murder
People want to know why this and that.
They are asking how come high security ammunition was taken out of the vault and no one knows how, why and who authorized it.
They are groping in the dark desperately wanting to know why on earth the immigration department went the distance to erase all entry and egress records of Altantuya.
They are gasping; suppose the lone angler did not innocently report the blast he heard in the dead of night in a nearby forest, the world would still not know a single truth.
They are speechless; what if the cousin of Altantuya did not get to escape to a neighboring country to alert – then no one in the world will know a thing.
As the case ran its life through the courts, people learnt about Deepak the carpet man; PI Bala and family stowing away in a far away land; this and that. Now they are even more puzzled trying to fit the missing puzzles.
Malaysians owe the country their national duty
Yes. This is no ordinary murder. Yes it has far reaching implications. Yes, no amount of threats can keep it frozen and buried for all eternity.
Loyal citizens must and will ensure that their country’s reputation and sovereignty is not tarnished by a murder story.
People will keep talking and demanding for answers till the reputation of the nation is redeemed. That is not treachery against a nation. It is not seditious to keep asking. It is national duty. - MAILBAG

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