
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 12, 2015

Fa Abdul’s Open Letter to Prime Minister Najib: 20 Questions

Rosmah-Mansor-Perdana-MenteriDear PM,
It was a pleasant surprise to read about your planned defamation suit against Nga Kor Ming, the head of Perak DAP, for making baseless allegations of your beloved wife. I have always believed that a good husband shall always protect and care for his wife and family. You have proven to be a loving husband to Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor. Alhamdulillah.
It is my wish that you could also show similar love and care towards us, your people. Numerous times you have spoken of your role as the protector of the people but sadly we have yet to see the proof of your words.
While interviewed on a televised talk show last Thursday night, you made a clear statement once again that your loyalty is towards the people and your party and that therefore you felt justified in not being answerable to anyone but the people and your party.
Thus, as one of your humble people, Datuk Seri, I would like to seek some clarifications. My questions below are not meant as a provocation. I only seek the truth, Yang Berhormat.
I hope you would take your time to answer these questions and not regard them as rubbish in their coming from a nobody. I may be a nobody to you, Datuk Seri, but I am also one of the people to whom you pledged your loyalty.
These are my 20 questions.
1. Were you given the list of questions prior to your interview on TV3 last Thursday? Did you go through the text to filter its content, enabling you to respond accordingly?
2. Why were the guests to your daughter’s wedding asked not to snap any pictures or share them on social media?
3. Why is it of great importance for you to purchase your 7th private jet now, given that 1MDB hasn’t even been liquidated yet?
4. Why was Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor seen chairing many Cabinet meetings as alleged in Nga Kor Ming’s circulating pictures?
5. Why do you think Sirul and Azilah killed Altantuya Shariibu?
6. Do you think it fair and just to provide the same amount of BR1M to families with RM800 income per month and to those with RM3000 per month?
7. Is it true that there is a Myanmar village set up near Pekan Nanasi, Pekan, Pahang where Myanmar nationals were given MyKad, houses to stay, a motorcycle per family and job at the pineapple estate?
8. As a Muslim, do you support hudud? If yes, why are your wife and daughter not in their hijab?
9. Do you regard Malaysia as an Islamic country? If yes, how do you justify Malaysia as an Islamic country when your party members do not adhere to the Islamic law and Muslim VIPs are selected as directors in corporations involved in non-halal product trading?
10. How do you define racism? Why did you choose to keep silent over racist remarks uttered by Perkasa, Isma, Ridhuan Tee and some of your ministers?
11. Do you think it is wise to have 126,000 Police personnel watching over social media while our country combats crime on the street?
12. What is the core purpose of the Sedition Act? Don’t you think the Sedition Act has been used more widely against ordinary Malaysians frustrated with the administration of the country, compared to any actually spreading hatred among the nation?
13. Why do you think Malaysia is importing more foreign workers? Are we facing shortage of labour? Have you considered fixing a minimum wage system and absorbing our very own Malaysians into the labour market?
14. If you were the Education Minister, what would you do to improve the quality of our education system?
15. Do you think it justifiable for MPs to receive increased salaries and allowances? Why do you choose to consider increments for MPs while ignoring calls to raise our stagnant salaries in accordance with the rising living costs?
16. Why is Malaysia still a non-signatory to the 1951 UN Refugee Convention or its 1967 Protocol? We have more than 100,000 refugees above the age of 18 in our country, yet they are not allowed to work legally. Don’t you think using them as a labour force would be more beneficial to our nation compared to continuously importing more foreign workers?
17. What do you think of the video evidence by Global Witness which revealed how (then Sarawak Chief Minister) Abdul Taib Mahmud’s family members and business associates abuse logging licences to enrich themselves? Why have you not taken any actions based on the undeniable evidence?
18. Why are forest reserves being leased to foreign companies, namely China? Whatever happened to the Aboriginal People’s Act 1954 which gives the Orang Asli legal rights to the land occupied by their ancestors?
19. Is BN being transparent in managing the country? If yes, why are the public the last to find out about the government multimillion projects, and only after implementation?
20. What actions have been taken based on the annual reports by the Auditor-General regarding mishandling of government funds? Perhaps you may begin with National Feedlot Corporation (NFC).
I thank you for taking your time to read my questions, Yang Berhormat. I urge the people of Malaysia to submit their questions as well, since you have given us your word that your loyalty and priority is us. I shall wait patiently for your reply.
“Kalau kerbau dipegang pada talinya, manusia dipegang pada katanya.”
Thank you.
Fa Abdul.

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