
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hero or Zero?

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak being carried on the shoulders of Umno Youth members after the meeting where the party wing showed their support for the embattled leader. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Kamal Ariffin, April 13, 2015.Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak being carried on the shoulders of Umno Youth members after the meeting where the party wing showed their support for the embattled leader. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Kamal Ariffin, April 13, 2015.

The scene at the PWTC was chaotic. After explaining to the not so clever horde of UMNO youths, the adrenalin-charged youths, trapeze-tossed Najib in triumph. Najib was red-faced fearing that if these dangdut in mind later youths were to spread out, he will fall on the concrete parqueted floor.

Najib has scored an earth shattering victory over Dr Mahathir it seems. The UMNO women ululate, the UMNO Puteri will put on their finest skin-tight kebayas, the old UMNO men would have counted the money given, the UMNO young men trapeze-toss Najib.

Najib is 63 years old with thousands of supporters battling out a 90 year old lion. Najib will win hands down- sure lah. No need to say lah.

But the 90-year old is Dr Mahathir- and I am surprised at myself for writing this today, is the man who can do impossible feats such as walking on political waters. With Mahathir, we must expect the unexpected.

Never for one minute must we think, that the 90 year old Mahathir entered this battle without being unprepared. He has hidden arsenals which when trained at Najib, the ketum-driven UMNO youths and the decadence-induced ketua bahagians, then released, will cause them to abandon Najib just as they now fete Najib as if he were a hero.

The fact is, Dr Mahathir has shown to everyone, Najib is a Zero. In a society where we hold the old in reverence, Najib has only shown himself to be as a person with poor upbringing.

Because what Dr Mahathir asked and will say in the coming days, resonate well with the people. The UMNO people are 3 million strong while outside- there are 23 million who believe Mahathir and will vote Najib and UMNO out.

The crux of the mater Mr PM- is believability. The people believe Mahathir more than they believe you. Just as the people find it hollow when you spoke of wasatiyyah andMaqasid shariyah. What can you- a person deficient in religious training until perhaps recently- do, when the Islamic studies trained author of Islam Hadhari fizzled? 
It’s a question of believability my friend.

All this while, Najib is just a pure mechanic- doing what is expected of any average minister, the job he is given. He had the personnel, the resources, the machinery, the structure already set to do a job.

Back in Pekan- as I said a long time ago, if you place the village idiot Mat Tompel in the posts Najib has been placed in- Mat Tompel could and would have delivered the same performance as Najib did. Only Pekanites know who Mat Tompel is.

What has Najib done since 2009- the cut-off year he took over from the not so clean Mr Clean?  We will write about that some other time, if the situation requires.

Since 2009, he has coined the empty slogan of 1Malaysia. He wants a 1Malaysia but hasn’t got the structure to achieve that. 1Malaysia presupposes a 1Malaysia government- which is translated in practice, so that it can be understood by the UMNO loyalists- as being a unity government.

Najib forms a government with losers- MCA with a pathetic team of 7 MPs and 11 state assemblymen earning it the moniker the 7-eleven party, MIC which has less number of elected MPs than the Malaysian Indians in DAP. losers all, they can do nothing but carry the UMNO flags. 
UMNO owes its political life to the life-supporting machine of the East Malaysians- the fluid Sabah MPs and the increasingly assertive Sarawakians.

So what Najib does at the end of the tiresome sloganeering of 1 Malaysia- is just singing along while cupping his groin, with the singers at the various songs written in strained-conviction. Even the singers knew it was also a make believe environment.  They along with Najib got to show the 1 finger salute. Up yours too.

Since 2009, Najib has unleashed the economic destruction of Malaysia. Not the economic transformation. When he came in as PM- he declared to the MOF people – he wants to sell off government assets. Read that- as ripping off the nation.

He has caused to be created- a string of special business entities, designed to suck money out. He has also caused the financial scandals he inherited to be written off, simply because, as it now turns out, so that he can justify the present economic mess and plunder.

The RM12 billion scandal ridden PKFZ is replaced with the RM49 billion liability in the form of the infamous 1MDB. buy shelf-life ending IPPs for billions, Pay jho Low RM700 million, paid the Arabs here and there RM20 million, and placed the billions in God knows where.and Najib cant expalin the simplest of questions as to why, government money cannot be deposited in local banks. unless someone else has got a lien on the money or its laundered money. the Chinese ahlongs can no better financial management la.

Then we have FGV which has only left the 112, 635 felda settlers gawking in disbelief; we have the pembinaan BLTwhich was supposed to build Police quarters and stations, we have pembinaan PFI, we have SRC and we have so many others.

These my dear readers are the blood sucking instruments the great transformer has created. And he is trapeze-tossed for that.

Now, let us wait, for the calculated response of the 90 year old. 
We caya lu lah Doc. 

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