
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, April 2, 2015

IF NEED BE, BOYCOTT NAJIB: Don’t let the bast**ds grind you down

IF NEED BE, BOYCOTT NAJIB: Don’t let the bast**ds grind you down
‘The press is the last bastion of democracy and the voice of the people.’
Kim Quek: The mass arrest of The Malaysian Insider’s (TMI) top editors signifies that the current crackdown has now extended to the media
Thus, the incumbent power has taken on a higher risk, in the hope, of course, that its subjugation of its opponents can succeed faster and more complete.
However, if Umno is hoping that it can make a repeat of Operasi Lalang and succeed, as Dr Mahathir Mohamad had succeeded (to some extent), then it is mistaken. For the IT age and the current political consciousness of the masses have presented completely different challenges to the rulers. We only need to look to the Arab Spring to realise that.
There is no way out for a corrupt autocracy - like Malaysia - other than to win the hearts and mind of the people through genuine reforms.
As for the current onslaught on the media, all Malaysians across all sectors must resolutely express their opposition to such invasion of the little democratic space left to us - as so eloquently pleaded by Malaysiakini.
David Dass: The web gave Malaysians the opportunity to express their views, to discuss issues and the emergence of online papers such as Malaysiakini and TMI pushed freedom of expression to a different level.
Is it good for the country? Of course it is. Does the country become unstable? Of course not. Issues are subject to intense debate and scrutiny. All sides can express their point of view.
This move against the editors of TMI is not good. It threatens freedom of expression. Yes, this freedom must come with responsibility.
I do not know all the facts. It appeared that TMI published a story the facts of which came from some sources. Now the allegation is that the story is false.
But the real issue is whether it is necessary to detain the editors of TMI in order to conduct this investigation. I think the investigation should be a relatively simple one. And it should not require the editors to be subject to remand.
Ferdtan: It is rightly so that Malaysiakini strongly condemned the arrest of editors and the publisher of TMI over a purportedly erroneous news report as the independence of the Fourth Estate is in jeopardy.
The government-controlled mainstream media had lost its media freedom a long while ago; being unofficially the mouthpieces of the BN government by reporting/churning favourable news and opinions to unashamedly prod up the regime.
Indeed the last bastion of free press which only can be found in the Internet through such alternative news media like Malaysiakini and TMI is now under threat.
We shall support them all the way. Otherwise the check and balance of the excesses, the blatant corruption of the BN government, will go unchecked.
Legit: This government is determined to use their purposefully created laws to silence, intimidate, threaten and instill fear among those who speak, write and act against their wrongdoings.
They do not care about public or international opinion. They only care about their continued survival.
People of Malaysia should not fool themselves that they can change things through GE14, GE15, GE16 or whatever. It is not going to happen. There have to be other means to bring change.
Atilla: Why wasn't the delegate from Kedah who falsely reported about the burning of the Quran arrested and remanded? Isn't this a much more serious offence as this can lead to religious strife among Malaysians compared to what the TMI reporters have done?
Why the double standard? Is the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) a subsidiary of Umno such that it only protects those connected with Umno but not others?
Umno and their cronies can threaten and swear at others without any problem but when they are at the receiving end, PDRM will resolve the problem for them.
Unless the Malaysian rakyat wake up from their deep slumber before it is too late, all else is lost. Just don't cry for Malaysia later.
SteveOh: Newspapers everywhere, including the most popular, do sometimes make mistakes in reporting certain things but it is only in Malaysia that journalists and a publisher are charged for the ill-conceived idea of sedition.
These people are innocent of the charge and nothing good will come out of their persecution. It is a brazen abuse of power.
Anonymous_1421406986: The lesson to learn is, don't trust every news that comes your way. You just cannot know the motive of the deliverer of the news. As a responsible news portal, the first rule is to exercise patience and check the authenticity of the information.
In this case, TMI was too much in a hurry to report the news.
Odin: It is beyond any reasonable doubt that the harassment of the quintet has to do with the exposés published by The Edge and TMI on the dubious dealings that are connected, directly or indirectly, to Jho Low and PM Najib Razak. Any reasonable person would condemn the act.
Apa Ini?: The pen is mightier than the sword - that much these bullies know. More, they are afraid of the truth. But the truth will out, no matter how many you arrest, Najib.
Headhunter: The press is the last bastion of democracy and the voice of the people. If it becomes submissive or intimidated, the fight to defend democracy will be severely curtailed. You must not surrender.
Not Convinced: There is Latin saying, "Illegitimi non carborundum". It means "Don't let the bast**ds grind you down". Need I say more?
Anticonmen: Yes, just keep on exposing the scandals. The mighty, racist and arrogant will eventually always fall. Always. The fall will come in a strange unexpected way. - M'kini

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