
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Malay massacre at Maybank (Part 4 but not the last)

This is Part 4 for this series but it will not be the last posting on Maybank IT.

Information having been pouring in. Industry people, vendors, ex-Maybankers and various sources got in touch and some are still trying to get in touch. It will be the last for the series but it will continue to be pursued till Maybank response.

No threat of lawsuit will scare us because we don't care. It only makes us more aggressive.

Heard the Public Relation (PR) people have been asking around. If only now they are doing so, it shows Maybank PR have been typically dulu, kini dan selamanya sombong, stiff lip and frigid.

The Gestapo gang (read in part 3) should go after them. Chain up thesesotong and beat them up till they resign. They have not been doing their job, not been putting their ears on the ground, insensitive to the public and it's workforce, and had a brown nose attitude with media.

Never bother to engage the alternative media and now doing so for fear this issue will go viral. Rest assured it will ...

They think that bribing the media with buka puasa and crystal present can win them votes like BR1M had been accused off by Tun Dr Mahathir. Maybank prefers the media to give coverage to their sponsored tigers at the National Zoo.


New CEO Dato Farid Alias promised to meet but hardly answer SMS. Maybe it was blocked by  the layer between Farid and exco members, Chief Strategist cum defacto "Group Deputy President" cum "toll operator (?)", Michael Foong? 

Was Farid merely a token Malay but the real person running the Bank is Micheal Foong? Before he left, did Dato Abdul Wahid Omar insist his successor got a Chinese to hand hold the ex-Aseambanker Farid?

Maybank's and any corporate's PR and communication practise is to tell the least information possible about happenings, plans and problems inside the company. As per 1MDB official public statement, it typically comes in corporate prose but tells you nothing. 

Betcha .. they will eventually answer when Jans Lim pester Dato Megat Zahararuddin.

She had been so good to him that she could become Head of Compliance after was only his PA. Maybank got fined by Bank Negara after she was head for three months.

The IR and Gestapo Gang should go after her staff and make sure to get the Malay ones. Megat is more upset to see Chinese victimised but OK for Malays.

Megat and Farid must be hypnotised by advisers and PA from functioning accordingly.  

Sabotaged by Consultants

The point this blog is releasing the names of all these people is to explain that it is not as claimed by a commentator as for the lack of "capability or qualification" that is getting them "by-passed or ignored or denied".

It is a real sinister and even partisan political manovering to discriminate and do ethnic cleansing on Malays in the Bumiputera institution-owned Maybank.

If they had read the earlier Parts, they would not have described the original permanent staff in which the majority are Malays as "deadwoods and non-performers or passengers who do not contribute to the Bank's performance".

Must be comments from Gestapo Gang cytro or supporters for ethnic cleansing. It was not genuine business decision but real dirty play with no intention of making the IT development a success but was meant to fail and blame. 

In part 2 [read here], it was described that the ethnic cleansing by Geoff Stecyk and the Gestapo Gang was done by the way it was done on the Poles in World War 2.

Geoff Stecyk is not someone with IT background but only with a business/consultant background. He had no background in IT development and the talk of the market was he know nuts. Somehow the orang putih manage to bullshit the Malaysians with his blonde hair, skin color and accent.

Most of the people he had brought in to be his people are not those with deep and substantial practicle experience in system development but are mostly con-sultants from Accenture. From the start they had no idea of the requirement and practical problems that can arise in IT development.

Geoff had taken them in at top ringgit with double and triple their salary as compared to the original time scale permanent staff. When LEAP30 and ITTP program failed, they were stuck with huge number of people so they carnivorise on the original staff.

Since most of the original staff and management in MSS are Malays, so naturally the Malays become a victim. So it will not seemed Malay discrimination to the public. But the bulk of new intakes taken were mostly Chinese and non Malays.

No Malays or Kadazan or Iban or Bidayuh or Kenyah or Bajau.

When the development was going on, the Accenture people were so  typical of other Consultants in Pemandu, Khazanah elsewhere. They were merely theoretical and template thinking people with no hand on experience.

The original staff raised problems that will be encountered by their plans but it was snubbed aside and ignored. The young punk with no experience Accenture consultants were arrogant and refused to heed their warning.

Soon they realised that their work will fail, what they did was to keep doing reorganisation exercise to position their people up on the hierarchy and the original Maybank staff are placed under to be victimised and suppressed later.

Come the time, they then point the fingers on the original staff. Like a communist, they turn around to say the staff were irresponsible for not highlighting the problems when all along any of their views are suppressed.

Geoff's cover-up!

Shouldn't KPI be from top to bottom?

Since LEP30 and ITTP failed, Geoff should get the chop first and followed by his kuncu-kuncu but not the lower end staff. They were given responsible to nothing and all decisions were made by Geoff and the gang.

They should have been Gestapoed! 

One of the main weakness with the new team brought in by Geoff was their inexperience.

IT development planning cannot be done conceptually and piecemeal basis. It must be thoroughly figured it out to the very detail before one takes the next step of designing the architecture, applicaton, data warehousing, and etc.

The front end that is the web that one sees in front of the computer has a back end that is complicated and humongously large amount effort to make it easy and user friendly. The management team were only thinking more of the front end rather than the whole works involved. 

Management will always be right so they abuse their power and gang-up to blame on the original staff of Maybank. The Gestapo Gang comes in to force them to sign up the Early Retirement Scheme (ERS).

If they refuse, they will be shamed by disciplinary actions and false charges made against them. It goes to the point police report are made to justify suspension although police have found no wrong doing in most of the cases. One case of wrongdoing was used as an excuse to presume all are guilty despite no proofs. 

Here comes the partisan part. Having most of the new intakes as Chinese does not necessarily mean they were racist. And having most of the Malays to be fired does not mean it was ethnic cleansing.

There was one Manager under Geoff that controls the budget. Her name was Sherene Teo and is a strong DAP supporter. She was close to Geoff's wife and that trust was developed to enable her to bring family members into Geoff's team. And she was instrumental in ensuring that 95% of the staff are Chinese.

Her contribution include manipulating and hiding the true financial status of the overspending of the ITTP. She coordinates the operations for ethnic cleansing, system sabotage, mole operation for other financial institution, and the oppression, manipulation, and threat on Malay staff.

She had been able to make them so vindictive against the former staff that they ensure that the sacked staff will not a job anywhere else. They will give bad reference of them. It reminded me of what Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim did to a friend.

For that the Malay top management promoted her to EVP.

Under radar 

There is more juicy story to come but this is the point. Today these people can oppress and discard capable staff that had won awards for their effort. Eventually the expectations of the time will catch up on them.

Malaysia's IT industry will eventually be swarmed or replaced by more effective and efficient IT workers from other centres like Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. Fees and payment are based on work completion.

System's problems are solved within 3 days and not 3 weeks as happening in Malaysia. They will not be able to meet up the expectation of the time.

By such unethical and discriminatory practices, Maybank will be denied true talents and experience in IT.

It is an industry about knowledge and experience. The application or software can be different or change BUT the knowledge portion will be lost when good CIO and experienced IT staff are sacked by fabricated charges.

Malaysia loses with such inhumane practices. Knowledge is not able to be preserved in the orgainsation and skills are not developed. They will be not be able to keep up with the time and eventualy get sacked too. In the end Maybank and Malaysia loses much needed talents.  

Already the plan is to sack another 50 more before the end of the this month. The criteria to do so is o much based on their IT capability but by short listing the 50 year olds, or anyone that had worked and dubbed as Mohd Ibrahim Senin's people or ethnic background.

Just cause most of the staff then are Malays so they brush off all Malays have to be exterminated from Maybank.

It is a bit early to say they will sabotage Maybank from inside to get a DAP corporate people buy out Maybank for cheap. The start will be when Maybank subsidiarise the MSS or IT Department.

Off course they will place their people and they will control the budget, the running and charges to Maybank. A matter of time, they will manouvre to buy over the subsidiary and by then Maybank will be at their mercy.

Still under radar.   

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

-Another Brick in the Wall

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